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Life And Times Of HRH. Abdu Buba Maisheru II: A Story Of Perseverance And How Destiny Can Be Delayed But Never Denied, By Titus Usman Banganje

Speech By Author Of “Life And Times Of (DR.) Abdu Buba Maisheru II, The 15th Mai Tangle: The Glorious Scepter Of A Monarch,” Mr. Titus Usman Banganje At The Launch Of The Book On 4th Of November, 2023 In Abuja


It is with utmost sense of gratitude to God that I address this distinguished audience whose unique presence has made today’s historic event not only colourful but also profoundly rich and memorable in every special sense.

It was one of the greatest evangelists, Billy Graham that once said, “the greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.”

The diversity in this magnificent hall is reminiscent of how our late patriarch, His Majesty Abdu Buba Maisheru 15th, brought us all together and tended us like the masterful shepherd that he was – his heart was large and his shoulders were broad enough to carry his people with grace and vigour.

The birthing of the idea to pen this beautiful masterpiece on the life and times of our late patriarch His Majesty Abdu Buba Maisheru was a personal vow I took to make it part of his 20th  Anniversary which should have been in 2021 but thankfully I am super excited to get it done two years later.

The literary genius, William Shakespeare once said, “no legacy is so rich as honesty” – this quote, although scripted hundreds of years ago in a distant country, sounds like a vivid description of His Majesty Abdu Buba Maisheru 15th.

The truth that His Majesty Abdu Buba Maisheru was the 15th Mai Tangle will forever remain etched in the annals of history despite desperate attempts from certain unscrupulous elements to distort, burry or deny his shining legacies.

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished personalities, may I at this moment inform you that this is the first book on any monarch from Tangale land and a veritable material for the renaissance of the Tangale nation.

The Glorious Scepter of A Monarch is not a work of fiction – neither is it a communist brain washing manual, nor a document riddled with political propaganda to paint a bogus picture of the late monarch.  The book is not a hurriedly scribbled work of some Machiavellian spin doctor hired to execute damage control or “political miracle” on some shattered, dubious personality but the book, “The Glorious Scepter of A Monarch”, truthfully tells the story of a monarch who lived an exemplary life (a tiny fraction of which is contained in this book) – a monarch who left more than just mere indelible marks in the footpath of history.

The journey that mid-wifed the birth of this book was both a learning curve for me as it was refreshing because the late monarch and patriarch of the Tangale nation was my very own second father in whose debt I will perpetually remain on account of the numerous helps he had extended to me and to countless other people.

The adventure sharpened my focus and encouraged my heart towards selfless service to the Tangale nation and to humanity as a whole. I sincerely believe that this book will be a compass out of the dark, dead alley we have found ourselves in – it will rekindle our dying hopes and revive our shaky beliefs that as a selfless and determined nation, Tangale has a beam of light at the end of this tunnel of despair.

May the enemies of Tangale nation be put to shame!

The book outlines the beautiful, rollercoaster trajectory of the late patriarch’s storied life and what makes his name tick even in death.

It tells how destiny can be delayed but never denied.

The lessons to be gleaned from the life and times of such an extraordinary personality could be likened to the leavings of 12 baskets that were gathered after Jesus Christ had fed 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fishes – able to feed generations yet unborn.

Maisheru was a man of faith but most importantly, he lived the full tenets of his faith which included – good neighborliness, forthrightness and humanity.

I can go on and on but these words will never be mere platitudes.

We intend to continue to immortalize our late patriarch by organizing special moments such as this every year.

In concert with the family, we are also holding talks and exploring the most fashionable manner to bring up stream, the Maisheru Foundation in order to perpetuate our late monarch’s legacies.

I am highly indebted to every human being that has contributed to the realization of this lofty project.

Special mention goes to my family members, Elder Rear Admiral Filafa who is our distinguished father of the day. Mummy Tibangs, the tireless chairman of the planning and organizing committee, Mr. UD Kerengs and his team members, Mr Manson Rubainu, a mentor par excellence who has indicated keen interest in what I do.

I wish I could mention each of you by name but due to time and space I can only say I am deeply appreciative of your kind support and hand of friendship in undertaking this project of a lifetime that I am privileged to author.

To as many as love His Majesty Abdu Buba Maisheru 15th and what he stood for, I would love to encourage our hearts to keep faith in the legacy project(s) lined up to immortalize the late monarch.

To this end, I would love to declare that a reasonable chunk of the proceeds we shall receive from the sales of these books today will go in as seed for the birth of Maisheru Foundation by God’s special grace.

I invite you all, distinguished personalities, ladies and gentlemen, to immerse yourself in both the letter and spirit of the book by using the lessons contained in it to make the Tangale nation, Gombe State, Nigeria and our entire world, a place for all.

Thank you so much and God bless you.

Titus Usman Banganje is the author of the book ‘The Glorious Scepter of A Monarch.’


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