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Life and Time of Late HRH (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru II (JP) OON, The 15th Mai Tangle

Late HRH (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru II, the 15th Mai Tangle

By Titus Usman

Most birds, they say flock together, but Eagles unlike others land one after the other. Late HRH Mai Tangle, Dr. Abdu Buba Maisheru II, was one rare personality who can be described as a leader that landed in a class of his own. He was a leader who understood the intricate workings of leadership and had been able to by the special grace of God commit himself to the enormous responsibility that came with it.

Dr. Abdu Buba Maisheru II the 15th Mai Tangle was born at Poshiya quarters (citadel of Tangale’s most revered and esteemed symbol of power, authority and heritage) Billiri, on May 15th 1948. He was a direct descendant of his great grandfather Maisheru I, who was the seventh ruler of Tangale.

He had his elementary education at the Billiri Primary School from 1962 to 1968 where he obtained his first school leaving certificate. His insatiable quest for education led him to success commercial Institute, Ibadan, where he obtained his Typist Grade II certificate from 1970 to 1971. He then proceeded to the prestigious Kaduna Polytechnic in 1974 and graduated in 1975 with a certificate in Catering studies. He returned to the same Kaduna Polytechnic in 1977 and got a Higher Certificate in Catering in 1978.

In addition to his formal educational qualifications acquired, His Royal Highness obtained on the job training/education through sundry courses, seminars and workshops brighten and widen his scope and horizon of knowledge and experience which strengthened and sharpened his posture of prudence, hard work and dedication to service responsibility.

Some of those courses include among others, constructive Union Leadership Skill course organized by DAE Management Consultants in 1990, the Nigerian Labour Laws workshop conducted by WIU consultants in 1991, in plant Basic Supervisory Techniques, workshop organized by Progressive Management Ltd. In 1996, Customers Service Course organized by progressive Management and ECWA Theological Seminary, Billiri in 2001.

As a humble, obedient and articulate Administrator, the late Mai served in various capacities at both public and private sectors. His humble rise to the position of administrative and managerial excellence began when he served as Clerical Assistant with the defunct North-Eastern State Government from 1971 to 1974, catering Assistant in training at Yankari Games Reserve from 1975 to 1976, Acting Hotel Manager Grade II with the wild life and Hotels Board Bauchi State.

He was employed by the Ashaka Cement Company plc in 1979. And he served in various capacities beginning with Estate Supervisor from 1979 to 1982, Dispatch supervisor in 1982, Accountant in the Maiduguri Area Office from 1982 to 1985, Depot Manager in Kaduna, Bauchi, Yola, and Zaria, and was later promoted and moved to the Company’s headquarters at Ashaka from 1993-1994 and finally, Transport Planner at the Ashaka head office from 1994-2001, when he eventually ascended his great grandfathers royal stool as No. I Tangale citizen and as the 15th Mai Tangale, following his victory, over the others who also vied for the much coveted seat through an election held on May 24th 2001 in Billiri.

This shown astute and indefatigable Traditional ruler who due to his royal and spiritual orientation expectedly held the mantle of leadership as a true custodian of his people’s culture, caring father, as well as bridge builder between his people and government, as noticed in his leadership styles.

Little wonder he was uplifted from his predecessor’s Third-Class position and deservingly presented with the Second-Class status and Staff of Office on March 30th 2002, and by this obtained official recognition as the Third Highest ranking Traditional ruler in Gombe State.

The Mai Tangale as an achiever was a recipient of many Certificates of recognition, appreciation and commendation of many NGOs, governmental and corporate bodies. Amongst such are long Service Certificate (from 1995 – 2001) awarded by the Ashaka Cement Company plc, Certificate of Appreciation by the ECWA Ashaka Church, for being an Elder and Adviser, the ECWA Bayara for philanthropic contributions and attending the church Golden Jubilee anniversary in June, 2003.

Others were Commendation Letter by the Billiri LGA for peace and unity maintenance in his domain as well as his positive contribution and posture of Counsellorship. As part of his recognition to the nation’s development the then NAFDAC Director General commended him for his unrelenting campaigns and crusade against consumption of drugs in his domain in 2004, and was recognized with an Award.

Abdu Buba had received commendation by the committee on National Immunization Programme for campaigns against all the deadly diseases that affect children and adults, in 2005.

His reign as the 15th Mai Tangale witnessed unprecedented development going by the various projects executed by government. His pragmatic approach and performance in carrying out goals he sets out to do, soon captured the attention of the watchful eyes of government and non-governmental organizations. Thus, within the short period of his reign, these bodies apart from the recognition, appreciation and commendations had showered on him Special Honours as well.

He obtained Honorary Doctorate Degree in Canonical laws Pan African Christian Theological University Inc. Abuja on May 8, 2003. He was also awarded with the Honorary Doctorate Degree of the Institute of Journalism and management, Enugu in 2004. He was nominated for the 2004 list of contemporary who’s who, by the American Biographical Institute in June 2004.

Also included in the list of honours received was conferment of Membership of the Bible Society of Nigeria in July 2004, nomination for the MAN OF THE YEAR 2005, by the American Biographical Board of International Research, AFRICAN LEADERS OF INTERGRITY MERIT AWARD presentation by JISO communication Ltd, Publisher of Africa International News Magazine in 2005. He was again presented with the AFRICAN BUILDERS MERIT GOLD AWARD (ABMGA), 2005 by the African Gold International Communication, Publishers, of Vision African Magazine.

He was a pioneer Member of the Board of Governors of Gombe State University. He was also presented with the National Honour of Officer of the Order of the Niger, OON, by no other person than the man at the highest echelon of power and Authority of the nation, President and Commander In-Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Chief Aremu Olusegun Obasanjo GCFR, in 2005.

Until his demise he was the Chairman of Northern Christian Traditional rulers of Nigeria, a position he dispensed its leadership with all sense of it and had piloted its affairs meticulously.

As part of his commitment to the welfare of his people the late Mai Tangale had ensured that within his domain all tribes and people despite differences in their creed live in peace and harmony with other people. This was evident in the said atmosphere, where other climes were witnessing ethnic crisis and eruption of blood feud, the Tangale Nation was insulated from such challenges, this was clearly attributed to his leadership style.

As part of uniting the Tangale Nation, he committed himself towards enhancing the Socio-cultural festival that was observed yearly in Tangale Known as “Pissi Tangle” a programme that continued to strengthen the Tangale Nation and brought it to limelight.

The Mai Tangle’s hobbies were Sports, Reading and Listening to news.

His Royal Highness was married to Queen Festa Abdu Buba Maisheru II, nee Yelyel Tiling, and blessed with five sons and one daughter.


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