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Re: Appointment of ‘Mai Tangle’ (Paramount Chief of Tangale) in Tangale Chiefdom, Billiri LGA of Gombe State and Related Issues

Mai Tangle's Palace in Billiri, Gombe State of Nigeria

Editor’s Note: Over 100 people signed this press release, as shown in the three sheets added at the bottom of the text. 

Written by Tangale Community Development Association (TCDA)


1.1 We the undersigned are elders of Tangale people as well as of Tangale Community Development Association (TCDA) in and outside Tangale land. That is why we are conversant with issues and development in Tangale land. We have the mandate of the majority of our people to speak on their behalf on recent happenings as they affect Tangale people, especially those before, during and after the controversial appointment, and approval of the same appointment of Mallam Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba as Mai Tangle (Chief of Tangale), by His Excellency, Alhaji Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, the Executive Governor of Gombe State.

1.2 And this is to enable us state the real facts and explain the true issues currently going on in Tangale land, which are badly affecting Tangale people (and other non-Tangale people in Tangale Chiefdom), either religiously, politically, socially or economically.

1.3 Christians are about 90% in the majority, followed by Muslims and African Traditional Religion (ATRB) Believers or Tangale Traditional Worshipers (TTW) usually and wrongly referred to as “Pagans” in the whole of Tangale land, Billiri LGA, Gombe State. Tangale people have had two (2) Muslim Mais, one (1) Christian Mai and twelve (12) Mais, who were African Traditional Religion (ATR) Believers or Tangale Traditional Worshipers (TTW)

1.4 And with all these religious differences, the Tangale people are some of the most religiously tolerant in North-Eastern region of Nigeria. They accommodate people of different religions. In a family, among the Tangale people, one is to find Christians, Muslims and African Traditional Religious Believers (ATRB) or Tangale Traditional Worshipers (TTW). They accommodate and tolerate each other and those outside their families. Religion is not a barrier or determinant for one to become a Mai Tangle. It is never a factor!

1.5 Tangale Nation and/or Chiefdom is made up of Seven (7) federated autonomous villages, namely: Tangalton (now having Bare, Biliri and Ladongor Districts); Kalmai (having Kalmai District); Banganje (having Banganje District); Tanglang (having Tanglang and Tudu Kwaya Districts); Tal (having Tal District); Todi (having Todi District) and Nathe without a District.


2.1 The entire Tangale people and other humane and sympathetic Nigerians are grieved following the mysterious death of the highly revered Mai Tangle late (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru II, the immediate past Paramount Chief of Tangale people and Chairman, Northern Christians Traditional Rulers Forum.

2.2 It is now generally believed by most Tangale people that late (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru II died under suspicious circumstances to pave way for the ascension of government favored candidate (Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba) based on the following reasons:

i) On the 6th May, 2020, Gombe State Task Force on COVID-19 during its daily press briefing on Covid-19 cases in Gombe State informed the public that Mai Tangle, (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru II (deceased) had tested positive to Corona virus infection.

ii) All tests carried by the Nigerian Center for Disease Control (NCDC) turned out to be negative and all members of the household of Mai Tangle, (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru II (deceased), including his service staff and those that visited his palace within the specified period were all medically examined and all the results showed negative. This increased the suspicion, doubts and the mistrust among the Tangale people and other concerned citizens in Tangale land.

iii) Many Tangale people believed that Gombe State Task Force on COVID-19 was not sincere and transparent in handling the health issue of Mai Tangle, (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru II (deceased) and on the issue that he tested positive to Corona virus infection. The Tangale people were not convinced even after the Chairman of Gombe State Task Force on COVID-19, Professor Idris Mohammed refuted the criticisms that there was nothing fishy and that-

“We have never told you anything that is not true or transparent. We just protected the personal information of the subject according to medical ethics and his fundamental rights”

iv)  The Tangale people remained skeptical even when on 18th May, 2020, during another daily press briefing, the Chairman of Gombe State Task Force on COVID-19, Professor Idris Mohammed disclosed that-

“It is a fact that Mai Tangle had Covid-19 infection and he was admitted and mercifully, he has fully recovered and had been discharged.”

v) At the time Tangale people were skeptical and yet to recover from fishy and suspicious circumstances, Mai Tangle, (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru II (deceased) was taken to the hospital for the second time. They said it was for the treatment of minor ailment. At the time the Mai’s relations nursing him were convinced and happy that he will be discharged at any moment, rumors suddenly started spreading that Mai Tangle will not return alive. That Mallam Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba will be the next Mai Tangle. Thereafter some people posted on social media that Mai Tangle, (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru II has died, even though he was alive and agile.

vi) Surprisingly and unbelievable, the then Mai Tangle, (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru was taken into theater room for undisclosed operation. The usual protocols and consultations that usually follow with relations of patient to be operated upon were not complied with, when he was taken into the theater room. And when they brought him out of the theater room, they pronounce him dead within a short time.

vii) Tangale community was later informed that government was arranging a befitting burial for late Mai Tangle, (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru II. Tangale community then met and agreed to give the late Mai Tangle a befitting burial in Billiri township stadium. But Abubakar Bappah Musa, Commissioner for works, Gombe State, who is the chief architect and campaigner for Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba as well as the chief spokesman for the Gombe State Burial Committee, disagreed and that the burial ceremony shall not be held in the stadium because late Mai Tangle, (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru II had contracted corona virus. He said that if the late Mai Tangle was to be alive, he would not allow people to contract Corona virus. He further said that the corpse will be buried at 5:00am, on 16th January, 2021.

viii) One therefore wonders why Abubakar Bappah Musa took over the duties, responsibilities and functions of Commissioner for Health and/or Commissioner for Special Duties, Barr. Mela A. Nunghe (SAN), who is a Tangale indigene that is very conversant with the tradition, culture and custom of Tangale people as to the burial rites of Tangale traditional ruler. This analogy makes stronger the suspicion of over 90% of Tangale people who still feel that Government of Gombe State has a lot to explain regarding the demise of Mai Tangle, (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru II.

ix) On Saturday, 16th January, 2021, fixed for burial of the late Mai Tangle, all streets and roads leading to the Mai Tangle’s palace were barricaded and blocked by heavily armed security men that prevented people from attending the burial ceremony. They even denied the wife of late Mai Tangle from seeing the corpse of her late husband. Youths became angry and chased away those that wore anti-corona uniform and forced opened the casket which enabled the wife and children of late Mai Tangle see and touch the corpse. The ECWA president as well as other important personalities, traditional rulers and dignitaries were disappointed with the arrangements.

x) It is about six (6) months now that the wife and the children of late Mai Tangle, Dr. Abdu Buba Maisheru II, who touched his corpse and none of them, has shown sign of corona virus up till now. This further enhances the suspicion and skepticism on the fact that late Mai Tangle did not die of Corona virus infection.

2.3 Government of Gombe State later established the fact that late Mai Tangle, Dr. Abdu Buba Maisheru II died in Federal Teaching Hospital (FTH) Gombe, when it announced his death through its Secretary, Professor Ibrahim Abubakar Njodi, that-

“Gombe State Government regrets to announce the death of Mai Tangle, Dr. Abdu Buba Maisheru II, who died on Sunday, 10th January, 2021 after a brief illness at the age of 72 years at Federal Teaching Hospital (FTH) Gombe’

2.4 This confirms the fact that late Mai Tangle, Dr. Abdu Buba Maisheru II did not die of Corona virus as he did not contract Corona virus.

2.5 Assuming that he had contracted Corona virus, then, what was a supposed Corona virus patient doing in a theater room of Federal Teaching Hospital (FTH) Gombe, instead of Gombe Disease Control isolation center?

Note that, late Mai Tangle did not die in Covid-19 isolation center but in the theater room of the Federal Teaching Hospital (FTH), Gombe. We therefore find it difficult to understand the authority’s insistence that he died of Covid-19.


3.1 During the Governor’s condolence visit following the demise of His Royal Highest (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru II, the Governor of Gombe State, assured Tangale people that “whoever Tangale people voted as Mai Tangle, he would respect their choice and install him as Mai Tangle.” Tangale people believed him.


4.1 In Tangale Chiefdom, whenever there is a vacancy in the stool of Mai Tangle, the processes of nomination, selection, election and appointment of a new Mai Tangle is exclusive preserve of the Tangale Traditional Kingmakers conducted in accordance with the tradition, culture and custom of the Tangale people.

4.2 The election of a new Mai Tangle is usually done in open places. That of late (Dr) Abdu Buba Maisheru II was conducted in Billiri Township Stadium. The winner was immediately declared and appointed new Mai Tangle in the stadium. He was recommended to the then Governor of Gombe State for approval and he was so approved as Mai Tangle. Previous Governors of Gombe State, the predecessors of Alhaji Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, did not appoint any Mai Tangle; they only approved the appointment of Mai Tangles by Tangale Traditional Kingmakers during their tenure. It is still so provided in the new Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020, signed into law on the 24th January, 2021.

4.3 Section 9 of Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020 provides for the FUNCTIONS of the Council of Traditional Kingmakers which include screening and deciding on persons suitably qualified to be appointed as Emir or Chief in accordance with the custom and tradition of the Emirate or Chiefdom, as stipulated under Section 9 (a). It is also to recommend to Governor of Gombe State, the names of three suitably qualified persons for appointment as the Emir or Chief as stipulated under Section 9 (b) of Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020.

4.4 Recommendation of names of three suitably qualified persons is alien to Tangale Native Law and Custom and does not apply. Where the tradition and custom of the people in an Emirate or Chiefdom does not allow names of three suitably qualified persons to be sent to the Governor of Gombe State, Section 9 (b) of Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020 becomes inoperative and inapplicable. That is why Section 21(2) of Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020, provides that-

“The Governor may dispense with the need of recommending three persons if the custom and tradition of a particular area dictate otherwise.”

4.5 This is further supported by the fact that Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020, insist that any appointment of a new Mai Tangle, must be in accordance with the tradition, culture and custom of Tangale people. The Governor of Gombe State is not a Tangale man and even if he is a Tangale man, he is not a member of Tangale Traditional Kingmakers to participate in performing the functions of Tangale Traditional Kingmakers as spelt out under Section 9 of Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020, which includes nomination, selection, election and appointment of a new Mai Tangle in accordance with the tradition, culture and custom of Tangale people as insisted by Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020.

4.6 The Governor of Gombe State is not empowered to APPOINT Mai Tangle (Chief of Tangale) by virtue of Tangale Native Law and Custom and Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020. The law only permits the Governor to APPROVE the appointment of new Mai Tangle made by the Tangale Traditional Kingmakers. This is the requirement of the mandatory or compulsory provision of Section 19 (1) of Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020, which stipulates that-

“Upon the death, resignation, removal or deposition of an Emir or a Chief, the Governor shall approve the appointment of an Emir or a Chief on the RECOMMENDATION of the Council of Traditional Kingmakers of the Emirate or Chiefdom”

4.7 This mandatory provision of Section 19 (1) of Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020 is restrictive and it is the only provision of the law that defines the onEROUS duty and/or responsibility to be performed by the Governor of Gombe State in the emergence of new Mai Tangle. And it does not include the appointment.

4.8 The insistence by the Governor of Gombe State that he has the power to select one of the three candidates recommended to him by Tangale Traditional Kingmakers and appoint him as Mai Tangle is not informed by any law as it is baseless and substantially misleading. The Governor of Gombe State is only empowered to “APPROVE” the appointment of a Mai Tangle made by the Tangale Traditional Kingmakers by virtue of the compulsory and compelling provision of Section 19 (1) of Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020, Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020.

4.9 It is also baseless and substantially misleading, the persuasive efforts of His Excellency, Alhaji Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, the Executive Governor of Gombe State, to add, alter, contradict and/or amend the provisions of Sections 9 and 19 (1) of Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020, when on 21st February,2021 he stressed that-

“Let it be clear that it is within my powers as governor to appoint any of the three recommended candidates to become the new Mai Tangle. Let it also be clear that no official pronouncement was made about any candidate before, during and after the eruption of the violence in Billiri Local Government Area.”

4.10 The above efforts violates Section 128 of the Evidence Act, 2011,which forbids oral addition, alteration, contradiction and/or amendment of contents of  document or law; violates Section 5(2) (b) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999(as amended), which stipulates that the Governor should maintain all laws made the Gombe State House of Assembly, Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020 inclusive and grossly violates Section 21(a) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999(as amended), which insist that the Governor and Government of Gombe State should protect, preserve and promote the Tangale tradition and culture in gross violation of.

4.11  Aware of the above stark facts, the Executive Governor of Gombe State, His Excellency, Alhaji Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, emphasized that-

“As a Governor, I approach the Mai Tangle succession process with high sense of responsibility because as part of Gombe State’s cultural tradition, any decision I take will have far reaching implication on not only the Tangale Chiefdom but the entire Gombe State”

4.12  But this is rhetorical because in the recent election of new Mai Tangle, the Governor did not follow the notoriously established and cherished Tangale tradition and custom of appointing a new Mai Tangle with high sense of responsibility neither did he abide by the newly enacted Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020, which was signed into law on 24th January, 2021.

4.13  The Government of Gombe State fixed 15th February, 2021 for the conduct of the election of new Mai Tangle but changed the venue from the agreed and usual Billiri Township Stadium, which has enough space for transparent election to Billiri Government Lodge, which has no enough space purposely to achieve the arrangement and because of that many Tangale Traditional Title Holders and prominent sons of Tangale such as Victor Mela Danzria, Member, House of Representatives, Rambi Ayala, Member, Gombe State House of Assembly, Gen. S. A. Audu (rte), His Excellency, Charles Iliya, immediate past Deputy Governor of Gombe State, Ambassador Salisu Ahmed, Gen. Nuhu Adeh (rted), Dr. Daniel G. Maddo and many others were denied access entry into the venue to observe the election . But the following the high powered election team sent by His Excellency, the Governor of Gombe State were allowed entry. They were-

i) His Excellency, the Deputy Governor of Gombe State, as leader of the team.

ii) The Commissioner of Police, Gombe State Police Command.

iii) Director, Department of State Services (DSS), Gombe State.

iv) The State Commandant, Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps,(NSCDC) Gombe State Command.

v) The State Controller, Nigerian Correctional Services, Gombe State.

vi) Honorable Commissioner, Ministry for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Gombe State.

vii) Honorable Commissioner, Ministry for Works and Transport.

viii) Permanent Secretary, Special Services and Political Affairs, Gombe State.

ix) Chairperson, Billiri Local Government Area.

x) Chief Imam, Billiri Billiri Local Government Area.

xi) Chairman, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Billiri LGA

4.14 It is noted that this is the first time in the history of Nigeria that such a HIGH-POWERED committee of government functionaries has ever been constituted by any Northern Government since the amalgamation of 1914, just to observe and/or conduct election of Mai Tangle. It sparks substantial interference and generated suspicions, doubts, worries and fears among the Tangale people.

4.15 The Government of Gombe did not interfere and the Governor of Gombe State did not constitute such a high-powered election committee during the election of Emir of Funakaye installed on the 2nd June, 2021.

4.16 The election was successfully done by Tangale Traditional Kingmakers and the result was there and then announced by the leader of the government team, His Excellency, Dr. Manasseh Daniel Jatau, the deputy Governor of Gombe State where Dr. Musa Idris Maiyamba scored five (5) votes out of the nine (9) votes cast more than the two (2) scored by Alhaji Ahmed Gimba Magaji, Commissioner of Police (rted) and the two (2) scored by Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba.

4.17 With these results and by virtue of the tradition, culture and custom of Tangale people, the current democratic dispensation in Nigeria and with regards to global democratic best principles, Dr. Musa Idris Maiyamba, who scored the highest votes of five (5) automatically emerged the winner of the election and the MOST SUITABLY QUALIFIED CANDIDATE, AMONG THE EIGHTEEN (18) CANDIDATES  FOR APPOINTMENT AND SO APPOINTED AS THE 16th MAI TANGLE (CHIEF OF TANGALE) BY TANGALE PEOPLE THROUGH THE TANGALE TRADITIONAL KINGMAKERS, who recommended him to the Governor of Gombe State for approval as 16th Mai Tangle as required by Section 19 (1) of Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020, Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020.

4.18 There was delay in the approval of Dr. Musa Idris Maiyamba as the winner of the election by the Government of Gombe State. The delay was seen as deliberate and mischievous, especially when it was alleged by many Tangale people that one of the candidates who scored only two (2) votes will be imposed on Tangale people by the Governor of Gombe State. And this did not go well with the indigenes of Tangale, especially in face of the refusal of the Governor of Gombe State neglecting, failing and/or refusing to send the name of Justice Beatrice Iliya, who is a Tangale and the most Senior High Court Judge to be appointed the Chief Judge of Gombe State, basically on gender, tribal, religious and other sentimental primordial interests contrary to Oath of office of the Governor.

4.19 All the nine (9) Tangale Traditional Kingmakers have deposed on Oath before the Commission of Inquiry Into The Violent Protest At Billiri that the DELay in announcing the winner of the election and new Mai Tangle by the Government of Gombe State was the major cause of the peaceful protest by women in Billiri between 17th to 19th February, 2021.

4.20 Also, the news in circulation at the time that Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya has planned to appoint Malam Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba and to approve the said appointment instead of Dr. Musa Idris Maiyamba, the winner of the election and the choice of the people, further provoked the Billiri Women peaceful protest to press on the Government not to manipulate the result and subvert the popular will of the Tangale people.

4.21 The Tangale people increasingly become more aggrieved as they recalled that the former Governors Abubakar Habu Hashidu (deceased), Senator Muhammadu Danjuma Goje, Sarkin Yakin Gombe and Alhaji Hassan Dankwambo, Talban Gombe, all predecessors of Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, had simply APPROVED the appointment of new Mai Tangle chosen by Tangale People in accordance with Tangale Native Law and Custom.

4.22 It was the protest was going on that the Government made attempt to smuggle Malam Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba into Billiri to the Mai’s Palace at secretly install him as the new Mai Tangle, but protesters were at all entries into Billiri. The Government officials had to return to Gombe.

4.23 The peaceful protest started on the 17th February, 2021 and continued up to the afternoon time after Friday Juma’at prayers on 19th February, 2021. And contrary to the requirement of good governance, the Gombe State Government neglected, failed and/or refused to attend to the protesters.

4.24 At the time of the peaceful protest some Government officials attempted to smuggle Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba to the Mai’s Palace at Billiri and secretly install him as new Mai Tangle but protesters were found at all entries into Billiri. The Government officials had to return Mallam Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba to Gombe. It was at this stage that hoodlums highjacked the peaceful protest and turn it into violent one.


5.1 The Governor of Gombe State visited Billiri during the violent protest with illegal political thugs popular known as “YAN KALARE” in his entourage. The “Yan Kalare” attacked women during their women fellowship at ECWA Church Lasale, one kilometer into Billiri town. They vandalized the Church and destroyed the seats, music instruments and those properties on the pulpit. Thereafter the “Yan Kalare” chased the women out of the church where they snatched the handsets of some of the women, chased them into their houses and beat some them.

5.2 Immediately after the Governor of Gombe State visited Billiri, he repeatedly went on mentioning the issue of “selection of three names of candidates and he has the power to appoint any one of them.” Examples of such statements includes that quoted under paragraph 4.9 above and those below, all made on 21st February, 2021, thus-

i) “In line with established law and traditions, his administration has set in motion the process for the selection of a new Mai. The process was transparent and devoid of any interference, leading to the forwarding of three (3) recommended candidates by the Tangale Traditional Council from among whom his administration will select the one to fill the vacant stool of Mai Tangle as the law provides.”

ii) “The succession battles is Tangle cum Gombe State affair and all the three recommended candidates are eminently qualified Tangale Princes by virtue of their royal ancestry to the Mai Tangle Stool”

5.3 The question that comes to mind and baffles one is: Which law gives to the Governor of Gombe State the power to select Mai Tangle for the Tangale people? There is no provision of Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020 that provides for selection of one of the candidates. The law only empowers the Governor of Gombe State to APPROVE the candidate (NOT CANDIDATES) recommended by the Tangale Traditional Kingmakers. Is it not paradoxical that the Governor appoints and approves his appointment based on the recommendation of Tangale Traditional Kingmakers? Is it not gross violation of Section 19(1) of Gombe State Chieftaincy Law, 2020?

5.4 In addition to the above statements, the Governor of Gombe State, His Excellency Muhammad Inuwa Yahaya while addressing people at a public function in Gombe, and in direct disregards to his Oath of office and status, incited the public against Tangale people, tantamount to breach of the peace, when he stated immediately after the violent Billiri protest in Hausa language that-

“Idan mutum ko daga Yalmatu Deba, Funa Kaye, Nafada, Dukku ko Gombe yace zai tare Batangale ya kashe saboda kawai an kashe masa wani, ko an kona masa dukiyan dan’uwansa, Tunfure kawai in mun tare, nawa za mu kasha? Tunfure kawai! Sun manta sarkin yawa ya fi sarkin karfi?”

Literally translated into English means-

“If a person from Yalmatu Deba (LGA), Funakaye (LGA), Nafada(LGA), Dukku (LGA) or Gombe (LGA) say he is going to block Tunfure area alone (an area predominantly occupied by Tangale and other Christians minorities in Gombe town), how many Tangale people will he kill, just because his relation was killed or because the wealth of his relation was burned, if we block Tunfure only, how many shall we kill? Just Tunfure! Have they (Tangale people) forgotten that the king of many is stronger than the king of strength?”

5.5 This clearly shows the level of hatred the Governor and Government of Gombe State have against Tangale people in particular and Billiri Local Government in general. It goes down to the issue of good governance and bad governance, unity and disunity, hatred and love, discrimination and equality, as well as the issue of divide and rule Tangale people.

5.6 From the above quoted speeches of the Gombe State Governor, one can infer that he incites and sets Tangale people against themselves and against non-Tangale along religious and ethnic lines in Gombe State and outside it. This has manifested in many instances as during a meeting between International Peace Advocacy Conflict Resolution (IPACR), where some Tangale people that participated in the meeting were sharply divided along religious lines as some Tangale Muslim, especially from Bare District, who included people like Alhaji Shuaibu Garba, Alhaji Yakubu Garba, Mallam Garba Abubakar, Barr. A.A. Galadima, Alhaji Audu Dabua, supported the candidature of Mallam Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba against the likes of his Excellency, Mr. Charles Iliya, title holder of Danruwatun Tangale, flight Capt. Dauda Mijinyawa, Engr. Istifanus Amlai, Mr. Jibril D. Buttack, the Title holder of Dan Malikin Tangale, Mr. Kestner A. Telle, the title holder of Mai Koron Tangale. The division created along religious lines by the speech of the Governor of Gombe State led to the plan to attack Tangale Christians by outsiders with collaboration of insiders in Tangale land. This fact was not denied by the Muslim clerics when one Mr. Dedan Kamasco confronted them with it.

5.7 Justification of the above fact was the statement made by Sheik Aminu Ibrahim Daurawa during the recently concluded Tafsir held at Bello Doma Juma’at mosque Jekadafari, Gombe and when His Excellency, the Governor of Gombe State, Alhaji Muhammad Inuwa Yahaya was in attendance, on 7th May, 2021, where he said-

“Naji abun da ya faru a Billiri na kiraka Gobna, nace maka no going back. Sarauta an Riga an yishi a Billiri”

Literal Meaning-

“I heard what happened in Billiri, I called you governor and I said no going back, that the chieftaincy appointment is done in Billiri.


6.1 The purported appointment of Mai Tangle created tensions among the Tangale people and people in Tangale land. This was mainly due to the rumor that was in circulation before and during the election of Mai Tangle that the Governor of Gombe State has a candidate in the person of Mallam Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba. But it later turn out not to be rumor, when the said Mallam Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba was appointed by the Governor of Gombe State as new Mai Tangle and the same appointment was approved by the same Governor of Gombe State. Thus, the historical, traditional and customary functions of Tangale Traditional Kingmakers of appointing a new Mai Tangle and those stipulated under Section 9(a) (b) of Gombe Chieftaincy Law, 2020 were taken over by the Governor of Gombe State and added to his only one duty of APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENT OF MAI TANGLE RECOMMENDED BY THE TANGALE TRADITIONAL KING MAKERS as stipulated under Section 19(1) of Gombe Chieftaincy Law, 2020.  These acts of taking over the historical, traditional and customary ‘Tangleic’ functions of Tangale Traditional Kingmakers by His Excellency, Alhaji Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, the Executive Governor of Gombe State, created serious psychological tensions among the Tangale people


7.1 Contrary to the position of Gombe State Government that only Muslims were affected, Christians, African Traditional Religious Believers (ATRB) and Tangale Traditional Worshipers (TTW) as well as Shomgoms, Igbos, Yorubas, Jukuns, Pero-chonge, Tula, Lunguda and many other people of different ethnic group in Billiri, Billiri L.G.A. were affected. For example, three (3) Christians; namely, Yila Daniel from Billiri Town, Ali James from Kalmai and Monday Moses from Tanglang were also killed during the violent protest. Properties of many Tangale and non-Tangale Christians as well as Tangale and non-Tangale Muslims estimated worth millions of Naira were destroyed during the protest.

7.2 It is alleged that Tangale Christians did not support Alhaji Alhassan Muhammad Fawu to be Governor in Gombe State because he is a Muslim instead, they supported the candidature of Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Gado, a Christian. The truth is that Alhaji Alhassan Muhammad Fawu contested the Governorship seat twice under the umbrella of the PDP but lost the election at the primary level. It was even shocking that his own relation, a ward chairman of PDP, one Yusuf Sansani, did not vote for Alhaji Alhassan Muhammad Fawu. Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Gado won the primary election of Gombe governorship ticket under the umbrella of ABP party. It should be noted that in spite of these facts, it was the APC party that won most of the seats general elections, including the governorship ticket, in Billiri Local Government Area, rendering the claim by members of the Da’antha clan that they are everything in APC, untrue.


8.1 The Billiri peaceful protest by women took place from 17th-19th February, 2021 it was hijacked by hoodlums and it became violent. Over Forty-one (41) people have been arrested so far including the district head of Todi, Mr Obadiah Na’aman Toyyo, and they are all Christians. Fourteen (14) of them were taken to Abuja by police.

8.2 Investigation by security agencies in Abuja did not found them guilty of any offence and as a result they were brought back to Gombe and handed over to Gombe State Police to be released. But they are yet to be released as they are detained in police cell by the Gombe State Police as they continue with more arrest of many Tangale people without any investigation.

8.3 What baffle the Tangale people and other people are the selective and discriminatory arrest as well as maltreatment of those Tangale youths arrested and in detention. This is more worrisome since there is no Muslim arrested even though Tangale Christians have been killed and properties of Christians also destroyed. Does it mean that the Tangale Christians killed their own Tangale Christian youths? Or those that killed the Christian youths during the protest cannot be arrested? We leave this for the general public to judge as to whose fact regarding Billiri protest is the truthful. We, therefore, make bold and invite any person who cares to come to Gombe State Correctional Center and/or police cells in Gombe and cross check the fact that only Christians were arrested and being detained by the Gombe State Police Command.


9.1 Tangale Traditional Kingmakers were invited to receive Gombe State Governor at the Local Government Secretariat which was later changed to Government Lodge Billiri where they waited for a very long time for the Governor. When the purported team from Gombe arrive Billiri, the Governor of Gombe State was not in the team. The team asked the Kingmakers to move to Mai Tangle Palace at Poshiya, where suddenly and surprisingly one of the Kingmakers was informed that the Kingmakers are to witness the appointment and installation of Mallam Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba as the new Mai Tangle.

9.2 Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba was smuggled through Larobit road down to market square to CAN center then to Poshiya at Mai Tangle palace. Not all the Tangale Kingmakers were present and the team insisted that all the District Heads most be present and that of Banganje was apparently absent. They searched for him and brought him to the venue where Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba was appointed and turbanned as Mai Tangle.

9.3 These Tangale Kingmaker observed that they were invited purposely to receive His Excellency, the Governor of Gombe State at Billiri and not to witness the purported appointment and turbanning of Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba as the new Mai Tangle.

9.4       During the said appointment and turbanning the main gate to the Mai Tangle palace was barricaded with heavy vehicles and large number of well-armed police officers and other security personnel. At the time all these were taking place Tangale elders (both Christians and Muslims) were having meeting on the issue of peace building process at the instance of Gombe State Government through Mai Useni Sambo Gwani, Sarkin Dawakin Mai Tuta. It turns out to be part of the total deceit by Gombe State Government.


10.1 The place of financial inducement in the election of Mai Tangle cannot be overemphasized. It obviously took place. For instance, the Government of Gombe State invited some members of Tangale Traditional Council some of whom are ready to testify before court of law that Musa Idris Maiyamba and Alhaji Ahmed Magaji, Commissioner of Police (rted) have been “settled”. The appointment of Christopher Dr. Abdu Buba Maisheru II, as Commissioner for Special Duties during the protest is seen as part of the said settlement.

10.2 The Commissioner of Works, Alhaji Abubakar Bappah Musa, who has been a business partner of the Governor for a very long time, had influenced the election by fielding in his elder brother the Hakimin Tudu-Kwaya, Alhaji Mamuda Bappah, who on several occasions told the Council of Traditional Kingmakers, title holders and other people that Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba is the anointed candidate of Governor of Gombe State.

10.3 Also, the said Alhaji Abubakar Bappah Musa, had on several occasions invited District Heads of Tangale Chiefdom, who are members of the Traditional Kingmakers, to Gombe, where he made several efforts to induce them with money which he started with the offer of #3, 000, 000 .00 (Three Million) to #5, 000, 000 .00 (Five Million) then #10, 000, 000.00 (Ten Million). We thank our District Heads for refusing to collect such amount of tempting money many times more than the thirty shekels (30) collected by JUDAS.

10.4 Majority of the Tangale Traditional Kingmakers voted base on their conscience and the wish of their people. Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba is still trying to use financial inducement, materials things and threats in order to gain acceptability as the new Mai Tangle.


11.1 It is highly believed by many people that the mayhem carried out in Billiri on the fateful day was by people imported from various Local Government Areas within and outside Gombe State. For instance, the Gombe State Government stationed many strange people at strategic locations in Billiri Local Government like Filiya junction off -Yola road, Kashere junction off- Billiri-Filiya road at Kalmai, Baganje junction off -Filiya road at Baganje at Mai Tangle’s palace at Poshiya.

11.2 Some of these strange people were outlawed “Yan Kalare” and vigilante groups are not constitutionally recognized security personnel but they were in possession of guns and other dangerous weapons, which they continuously shoot at night that scared, disturbed and traumatized our people. It was some of them in the entourage of the Governor that attacked women destroyed properties at ECWA Church Lasale, in Ladongor District. This confirms the allegation that some of the destructions of properties in Billiri town were done by the “Yan Kalare” imported into Billiri by the Government of Gombe State that were in the entourage of the Governor of Gombe State. This is true because during the three days peaceful protest by women from 17th -19th February, 2021 there was no destruction of properties whatsoever. Tangale old men and young men were seen urging women to soften their stand.

11.3 One striking thing about the peaceful protest by women is that they only carried leaves and sang songs and people moved freely without hindrance. They also guarded Muslims and ensured that they attended their juma’at prayers as they asked them to pray for them that their chosen candidate Dr. Musa Idris Maiyamba, will be approved as Mai Tangle by the Governor of Gombe State.


12.1 The role of the Governor, Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya in the Tangale Chieftaincy election disregarded the functions and role of Tangale Traditional Kingmakers and eventually led to the appointment of Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba, as the Mai Tangle, who scored only two (2) votes less than the five (5) votes scored by Dr. Musa Idris Maiyamba. Earlier on Hon. Abubakar Bappa Musa has gone round informing some important personalities and other people that they should not waste their time as the Government of Gombe State had planned to appoint Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba. Some of the elders who heard the information dismissed it as a mere rumor and did not take it serious. This action of purported appointed of Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba has confirmed the above allegation to be true.


13.1 Without an iota, religion was introduced into the issue of election of Mai Tangle by the administration of Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya of Gombe State. This is the first time an election committee was set for the election of a new Mai Tangle in the history of Tangale people and Gombe State. For instance, Folo Daliya, Mai Tula, Emirs of Gona, Yamaltu-Deba, Funakaye, Dukku and Nafada were elected without the Government of Gombe setting any election Committee. Then why set one for election of Mai Tangle? if not because of vested interests as spread by Government agents of the likes of Hon. Abubakar Bappa Musa?

13.2 The Government deliberately frustrated and denied some of the Tangale Kingmakers to vote. For example, Sarakin Tangale, who is a Christian and do acts on behalf of Wazirin Tangale was delegated by Wazirin Tangale to vote on his behalf but was denied to vote because of the fear that he will vote a Christian candidate. On the eve of election, the Governor had to hire a plane and send a delegation that went and brought Wazirin Tangale, a Muslim, and voted for a Muslim candidate. This is an open secret and now the alleged appointment of Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba has created serious division along religious lines and hostility between Muslim and Christian community of Tangale chiefdom as well as African Traditional Believers (ATR) or Tangale Traditional Worshippers (TTW) (pagans).

13.3 Before this event, the Tangale people had twelve Mais who are African Traditional Believers (ATRB) or Tangale Traditional Worshippers (TTW) (pagans), two Muslims, one was initially a Christian and later became a Muslim- Muhammadu Iliyasu Maiyamba, Dr. Audu Buba Maisheru II was the only Christian who became Mai Tangle. All these three, the Muslims, Traditionalist and the Christians were loyal to this Mais of Tangle.

13.4 With this introduction of religious politics by Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, it has now become extremely difficult for people to stay together like in the past as religion is very sensitive issue. In the last Id-el-fitr sallah celebration Muslims were imported to the palace of Mai Tangle from Akko, Kaltungo, Balanga, Dukku and Gombe Local Government Areas to give an impression that Danladi Sanusi Maiyamba is a Muslim for Muslims and is popular among Muslim and to show that he can do without non-Muslims as contain in his Sallah Message. Then one sees the reasons behind arrest of only Christian youths and the dire need to concoct lies in order indict some Tangale elders.


14.1 It is strange that the Government of Gombe State waited for too long before it constituted the Commission of Inquiry. This shows that Government has already taken side against Tangale people especially Tangale Christians. This is evident by the fact that only Christians were arrested, tortured, maltreated and languishing in police detention cells, while some remanded in Correctional Centers in Gombe State.

14.2 This Commission of Inquiry is setup as an afterthought by the government for the purpose of witch-hunting. Ordinarily, the Government should have setup the Commission to investigate the matter before arresting anybody and charging them to the court. Now what happens to those who have been arrested and detained if the Commission of Inquiry or the Courts later found them not guilty of any offence? Will the Government compensate them?

14.3 This is because their fundamental human rights would have been violated by the person who swore to uphold the constitution and protect all citizens and their properties. Again, those arrested suffer double jeopardy as they are been invited by the Commission of Inquiry. And for those charged before various Courts in Gombe, it becomes a case of sub judice.

14.4 We observe that after the arrest of the initial batch of Christian youths there were other indiscriminate arrests at the instance of District Head of Bare, Mallam Yunusa Adamu Mohammed and Hon. Abubakar Bappa Musa, Commissioner for Work, who use their agents as pointers of the people that were arrested by security agents.


15.1 Our Muslim brothers, friends and children have alleged that only Muslim places of worship totaling about 70 Mosques were burnt in Billiri town during the 19th February, 2021 violent protest. Statistical analysis shows that there are 36 Mosques on the whole of Billiri town and of this number five (5), namely; Kofar Galadima Mosque, Ambassador Saidu Mohammed’s Mosque at his old house opposite Federal Government College, Biliri, Tella Angari’s Mosque, Kantoma and that of Alhaji Saleh were burnt, whole two others at Colonel Bamiboye Park (Tike) Galadima street after Chief Magistrate Court had their praying mats burnt.

15.2 On the site of Christian places of worship, two churches at Lasale and Ladongor were vandalized. The allegation by our Muslim brothers, friends and children that they lost five individuals need to be investigated and confirmed by the police and hospital authorities report.

15.3 Even while meeting with International Peace Advocacy and Conflict Resolution (IPACR) at Gombe, Alhaji Alhassan Muhammad Fawu had earlier posted on the social media that over seventy (70) Mosques were burnt his Chief Imam, Alhaji Yakubu Garba reported at the said meeting that only Ten (10) Mosques were burnt and vandalized and not seventy (70). This deliberate posting was done to attract sympathy to Muslims and hatred against Christians, to cause crisis and havoc in Billiri Local Government Area of Gombe state.


16.1 Having bored our minds on the events that took place in Billiri with the Governor of Gombe State as the chief executive while Abubakar Bappa Musa as the errand boy Tangale wish to recommend as follows:

i) Throughout Gombe state kidnapping has been taking place only in Billiri local government, even during the time of the curfew imposed on Billiri local government. We therefore see it as a design to create psychological fear, weaken Tangale economic capacity and reduce its standard of living. Accordingly, we demand for our protection as a constitutional human right matter. This is with a view to restore the confidence of the government in our people.

ii) The Tangale people of Billiri local government are expressing its gratitude to the government of Gombe state that it would NOT extend any project to Billiri local government as asserted by Abubakar Bappa Musa commissioner for works.

iii) The curfew imposed since 19th February, 2021 and not withdrawn has become the longest ever imposed curfew in the history of Nigeria.

iv) We, the Tangale people demand the immediate withdrawal of this longest unnecessary curfew imposed on Tangale people that protects kidnappers and enhance their activities, where we have been spending money to reclaim our love ones that have been kidnapped without government paying attention, addressing people on it, or taking any measures against the kidnappers.

v) That the government should always use legitimate and constitutional security agencies to maintain law and order within our domain and to avoid importing “Yankalare”, hunters and illegal vigilante groups from other local governments.





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