Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

AMDF Appoints New Executive Director


The Board of Africa Media Development Foundation (AMDF), a leading media development organization in northern Nigeria, has approved the appointment of Sekyen Dadik as substantive Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer of AMDF.

The appointment which took effect from 1st January 2023 was conveyed in a letter signed by Founder/Chairman of AMDF, Iliya Kure,

Prior to her appointment, Sekyen had been acting in that capacity since June 2022. She was Deputy Executive Director of the organization, a position she held since March 2018. She was also Programmes Coordinator of the Foundation from 2015 to 2018.
Sekyen had worked full time as a journalist in Nigeria before delving into Media Development work.

A statement issued by Senior Programmes Officer of the Foundation, Joy Gadani said the new Executive Director has been involved in the training of journalists in Nigeria on Development Journalism, Investigative Journalism, and Peace Journalism among others.

She has passion for Development and Advocacy journalism, and seeks to engage media to amplify voices of citizens. She values integrity, truth and professionalism.

Sekyen is a Member of the Network of Nigerian Facilitators, United States Institute of Peace (USIP), and had led projects towards rebuilding trust and peaceful coexistence. She is also a member of IWPR’s Africa Resilience Network (ARN) programme on uncovering misinformation on COVID 19 vaccines.

She holds a Master of Science Degree in Conflict Management and Peace Studies, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mass Communication, both from University of Jos, Nigeria.

She is married with children, and loves traveling.


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