Ethics & Principles

Key Principles Guiding Africa Prime News Publication

  1. The mission of Africa Prime News is to publish the truth professionally as nearly as it can be ascertained, or we learn it.
  2. Africa Prime News shall do its best to be fair and free on all issues and not be an ally of any special interest.
  3. Africa Prime News duty is to its teaming readers and to the public at large, and not to the private interests of its owners.
  4. As a professional news outlet, Africa Prime News shall do its best to remain ethical and maintain professional standards in its news gathering process and news dissemination/presentation.


Ethical News Standards

Objectivity: Africa Prime News aims to help its readers make up their mind about each story, by providing facts alone and then letting the readers interpret those facts on their own. Our Editors and Reporters present facts in stories, whether or not they like or agree with those facts. 

Fairness: Editors and Reporters of Africa Prime News have committed to fairness. They reflect facts of major importance in all stories. Fairness also includes completeness of each story. 

Conflict of Interest: Africa Prime News works hard, and has taken measures to avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflict of interest wherever and whenever possible.

Taste: Africa Prime News respects the African culture and way of doing things, not forgetting that society’s concepts of taste and decency are constantly evolving.

Opinion: Africa Prime News has created and separated opinions and columns from editorials and news. The separation is to help the reader differentiate views of contributors from editorial content.


Policy on sources

Africa Prime News strives to treat its sources fairly. We do this through quoted statements and summarising what they say in ways that are fair and accurate. 

Named Sources: Africa Prime News will disclose the sources of information in its stories to the maximum possible extent. This is because we want our reporting to be honest and transparent to the readers as possible.

Confidential Sources: We seldom agree to use sources who often insist that we agree not to name them before they agree to talk with us. However, in exceptional cases we oblige to their request when the information is valuable. We call on our readers to trust the credibility of such stories.