Nepotism Shows Its Ugly Face In Weah’s Government: An Early Sign Of Continuing The Practice Of Bad Governance In Liberia

By Moses Uneh Yahmia The vivid practice of favoring relatives or closed family members to key positions of government was pervasive under Madam Ellen Johnson...

Weah Shows America Center Finger—Makes France The New Colonial Master Of Liberia

By Alfred P.B. Kiadii Colonizing Liberia was the objective of President George Weah’s trip to two former French colonies in Senegal and Morocco before he...

The Weah-Led Regime Shows Early Signs Of Clampdown Due To The Lack Of Policy Direction

By Alfred P. B. Kiadii  When political power is given to tabulae rasae and political jesters, the tendency to misuse such power through the selective elimination and arrest of critics of the ruling establishment are hatched in...

Group Marks 2018 World Environmental Education Day In Port Harcourt

- Proffers solution to scary and harmful black soot. - Donates specific plants to combat local environmental threats. By Alli Sheriffdeen Abiola World Environmental Education Day is...

Smoking Gun: WHY Former President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Travelled To Beirut After Her Tenure

By Alfred P. B. Kiadii Political intrigues are not new to Liberian politics; they are as old as the age of this republic. And it...


