Women Empowerment: Liberia Signs US$44-million Financing Agreement With World Bank

By Raine Tarka Golegio. Monrovia

Liberian Government and World Bank have signed a US$44-million financing agreement geared towards enhancing women’s empowerment and improving access to livelihoods

The Liberian government through the Ministry of Gender is expected to implement the Empowerment project, with technical support from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Education.

Speaking at the signing ceremony Monday in Monrovia, World Bank Country Manager to Liberia, Dr. Khwina Nthara said the project would support positive changes in social norms, behaviour and attitude that create a conducive and social environment for women and girls in Liberia.

Also in a remark, Finance Minister, Samuel Tweh noted that capacity building for women is the best way of sustaining their livelihoods.

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