Tue. Sep 24th, 2024

Covid-19: NGO Takes Sensitisation Campaign To Kaduna Community

Corona Virus Image (photo: WHO)

An NGO, Centre for Media Advocacy for Mother and Child, (CAMAC), on Wednesday carried out sensitization campaign on Covid-19 pandemic to Sabon Tasha community, in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna state.

CAMAC Programme Officer, Ms Christie Alex, said the exercise became necessary to armed people on the streets with information as most of them believed the virus is still far away, and as well correct the myths and misinformation flying on the social media.

Ms Alex who represented CAMAC’s Executive Director, Alex Uangbaoje, at the exercise explained that though there were information on the deadly virus on the media, CAMAC deemed it fit to interact one-on-one with people on the street.

“Women and children tend to be easily exposed to this virus because as mothers go about sourcing for food for their family, they tend to come in contact with a carrier and thereby transmitting in to their children.

“It is therefore pertinent that they are aware of precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

“The sensitization exercise was a success as people have been made aware of how serious, deadly, and close Coronavirus is. So many people were eager to collect the fliers and interact; asking questions, sharing their views and opinions on the virus,” she added.

A resident of Sabo Tasha, Mrs Grace Michael, urged Nigerians to adopt a lifestyle of survival and also be resolute in prayers.

According to her, as Nigerians we must fight this warfare positively hoping that as Ebola was chased away so shall Corona the Chinese virus will also die a natural death and will remain in the archive of history.

Another resident, Mr Jude Duniya, a ticketing officer with National Union of Road Transport Worker, (NURTW) at KASUPDA in Sabon Tasha, querried the origin of Covid-19, wanted to know what palliative measures government has put in place to keep citizens at home.

Duniya said, “Government should role out palliative measures to cushion the effects of the sit-at-home imposed on citizens as its being done in developed countries where this pandemic us worst hit,” he admonished.

Contrary to others opinion, Mr Gabriel Danjuma, said though he’s aware of the Covid-19 pandemic, he does not believe in its existence.

Danjuma explained his disbelief thus; “I don’t believe especially when people say even a handshake with an infected person will contract the virus.”

When asked whether he believed in Ebola virus, Danjuma quickly interject the Reporter saying, “All those so-called viruses are all rumours.”

When the Reporter prodded further if he’s aware of the sudden dead of the former Managing Director of PPMC, Suleiman Achimugu, as a result of coronavirus, Danjuma has this to say; “Those that are claimed to have ,die of this virus is because they wanted to die.”

He also went spiritual; “If God wants me to die today, there’s nobody that can stop it. So God is the owner of my life,” he quipped

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