Nigeria: Muslim, Traditional Leaders Join Worshippers At ECWA Church To Promote Peaceful Coexistence



By Joseph Edegbo

Muslim clerics and a host of other adherents of the Islamic faith and Some Traditional leaders mostly Muslims on Sunday joined their Christain counterparts in Sunday Service at the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) Gospel Church, Lemu road, Kaduna as part of efforts to promote peaceful and religious coexistence.

Their attendance was at the instance of the church in her efforts at strengthening religious harmony and peaceful coexistence among all, regardless of religious differences.

Some of the Muslims who attended the church service were Nigeriens living within and around the community where the church is located.

Among personalities of traditional leaders who attended the Sunday Service were, the District Head of Barnawa Alhaji Kabiru Zubairu, the Wakilin Shehu Borno, HRH Bata Madaki Auta and Sarkin Dutse, Alhaji Shuaibu Balarebe Abdullahi among others.

The Islamic clerics who honoured the invitation and shared their thoughts on peaceful and religious coexitence include, Sheihk Dahiru Abdullahi, Sheihk Dr. Hamisu Ya’u and Sheihk Shehu Ayotola.

All the Islamic clerics who shared their thoughts unanimously agreed that there is no basis whatsoever why Christians and Muslims should fight instead of being each other’s keepers, adding that “you cannot be said to be a good Muslim if you don’t like your Christain neighbours and vice versa”.

They all lamented why peaceful and religious togetherness between Christains and Muslims are no longer there and urged all and sundry to join hands together and bring back the good old days when Christians related with Muslims as brothers and vice versa.

For Sheihk Abdullahi, “Muslims and Christians are twins, Christianity and Islam have not changed but Christians and Muslims have changed and people have succeeded in dividing the two religions for their selfish gains. We must return to olden days when Christains and Muslims saw each other as brothers”.

Also, Sheihk Dr. Ya’u who is the Executive Secretary Sultan Bello Mosque and Chief Imam Sadauna mosque Kawo averred that “the Devil is our common problem and we must all unite to fight the devil. Humanity should be respected above religion and accepting each other the way we are.

” We must love one another and not allow politicians to play with our intelligence because the present political dispensation could cause Nigeria alot of problem, we must not allow politicians to use our heads, We must unite together as one and allow politicians to do their things” he admonished.

Speaking in the same vein, the District Head of Barnawa, Wakilin Shehu Borno and the Sarkin Dutse all commended ECWA for such good initiative and urged other churches and Islamic bodies to toe the same line going forward.

In his Sermon, the Preacher, Mr Zak Bungwon who spoke on the coming of Jesus Christ also posited that the lack of fellowship is the cause of most crisis and called on both Christains and Muslims to focus on what bind them together that what separates.

On the essence of the invitation extended to Muslims to worship with them in a program tagged “Friends of the Church” which holds annually, the Senior Pastor of the Church Rev. Joshua Anyam said, the church is willing more than ever before to relate with their neighbours regardless of their religion to promote peaceful coexistence.

” We do this annually, basically to promote religious and peaceful togetherness among ourselves, and we are thankful that whenever we call they respond in their numbers “.

Also Speaking, the Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) represented by Mr Reuben Buhari emphasised that, It is better we leave together and survive or leave apart and suffer, “We must be United” he stressed.

The Chaiman, Community Relation Committee of the church, Senator Haruna Azee Zego commended the Muslim invitees for honouring their invitation, and further stressed that the invitation extended to Muslims within their host community to worship with them, was borne out of the love to sustain religious coexitence.


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