Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

2023 Election, Nigerian Youths and   Transfer of Power: By Abu Mahmud Ahmad    


Nigerian youths deserve transfer of power at all levels of authority, even though transfer of power is not won on social media or by mare dreams but on the political struggle or by demanding for a Not Too Young to Run. So the present generation of Nigerian youths can change decades of long problems considering their exposure and educational attainment as well as their larger percentage of the voting population.
They should not be denied access to elective offices through age restriction.

In spite that youths in Nigeria are not a minority, they represent more than half of the population but still lag behind in decision-making position .

Even though this is an important area of action for every youth irrespective of religious and tribal background, the  Win-Win situation for the youths must be tackled headlong.

The tasks ahead of Nigerian youths are to be proactive toward making themselves more significant in pursuing their common goal by organizing themselves around positive core values, become ideological in the sense of nationalism and patriotism in their quest for a generational shift in the political leadership of the country.

The emergence of youths  in positions of power in Nigeria is not new, as In the yesteryears when the youths took the centre stage in the country’s politics like Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo, Ahmadu Bello and Abubakar Tabawa Belewa who were 40 respectively.

They began active roles as pioneers of Nigeria’s political leaders. Also even military leaders like  Ironsi, Gowon, Murtala, Obasenjo, Buhari and IBB were youths when they took over as military Heads of State.

Therefore, the youths should not be treated as a mere launch pad by older generation leaders as  their interests are not better understood and served by them.  Nigerians youths have witnessed the wave of emerging youths as leaders across countries like France, Ireland, Estonia, Austria and Canada,, Latin America and African continent, where electorates vote youths to change the older generation in governance

Most of these leaders are under the age of 40,   like President of Chile Gabriel Boric  born in 1986 elected in 2022, Assimi Goïta Interim President of Mali (since 2021) 1983, Mahamat Déby Interim President of Chad  1984, Jacinda Ardern Prime Minister of New Zealand  1980, Nayib Bukele President of El Salvador  1981 and Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba Transitional President of Burkina Faso (since 2022)  1981.

In 2023 elections, Nigerian youths not only demand their rights to be recognised; but must be allowed  to take leadership positions as a citizen.

It is disgusted to see that  other generation leaders holding tight the rope  of power.

The current President had once served as Head of State from December 31, 1983, to August 27, 1985  and was democratically elected in 2015 till today.
President Muhammadu Buhari, born in 1942 and by the time he hands over to the next elected President, GMB’s will be  81.

Considering the ratio of voters percentage literally youths are majority that push people of older generation to ascend to power. After all, older generation leaders and co-travellers continue relegating them to mare political thugs.

23 years of democratic rule in Nigeria, the  youths  still facing lack of greater role in decision making affecting the country as a whole in addition to  underrepresentation in polity which  constitutes a serious democratic deficit, and also  undermines the legitimacy of the contemporary democratic ideal.

Among the contemporary youth in the country since Nigeria returned to Democracy that  was able to break the jinx of older people’s monopoly to power in the country is Governor of  Kogi state.
This has been achieved by Yahaya Bello through dodgedness and determinations to assume the mantle of leadership of the state in spite certain interest within and outside who attempted to deny him the chance of governing the state
This was because the state politics had always been going hand in hand with ethnicity where tribal population played greater role on who becomes what.
In addition to his feat to power at the time where the State and nation face serious financial difficulties, his administration remains resolute in Education, Health, Infrastructure and Utilities, Job Creation and Youth Empowerment, Civil Service and Pension Reforms, agriculture, internal Security, Human Capital Development which are worthy of celebrations.

In spite of the financial crisis, his administration has invested heavily in Kogi state internal security and  has demonstrated strong capacity in neutralizing crimes and criminals in his State. Even though, most Nigerians probably do not know this, but Kogi state went from being the state where violent crime was most endemic up to 2015 to become one of the safest states in Nigeria till date.
The State’s  crime rate has been one of the lowest in the country for years where Terrorism, kidnapping and banditry have no safe heaven in the state.
Definitely, If electorates vote him as  the President, he will not tolerate any kind of crime which has caused serious uncertainty to citizens as he believes that crimes are inexcusable to his administration.

Whatever the case, politics is a game of numbers with common efforts by  the youths generational change of leadership is achievable as youths are in the majority.

In view of this, there is no more excuse from the youths that older generation hold on to power and do not ready to step down.
If agitation not matched with action by younger generation they will remain onlookers as youths while fathers and grandfathers will  continue to reinvent and resurface at the seat of power .

This therefore suggest the for Nigerian youths to  make concerted effort to change the narration.

2023 general elections will be like maintaining the change and change the change. For the youths, the coming election is simple.
It is a choice between going forward and backward, between the new ways and old ways,  between a record of visible achievements and beneficial reforms and empty promises.

Since the choice before youths is about new ways and old ways with visible achievements and beneficial reforms and empty promises, a leading youth Presidential aspirant  Governor Yahaya Bello  (GYB) has in-depth inderstanding of the contemporary problems of Nigeria and his  ideas can build solid bridges leading the country into the future with sound economic development.

When GYB declared his intention to run for President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the 2023 General Elections,  he tasks Nigerian youths  to be proactive toward making themselves more significant and  pursuing their common goal by organizi6 themselves around positive core values to become ideological in the sense of nationalism and patriotism in their quest for a generational shift in political leadership of the country.

As expected,  2023 election is likely going to be a bit different from the past elections as the electorates have suffered several disappointments from politicians and are daily weighed down by the burden of insecurity and economic hardship, especially in recent times.

The country’s security apparatus are not on top of the situation because each passing day citizens  are either maimed or killed by armed bandits in manners that could only be described as brazen.

With GYB as President, he will run an Administration to restore hope by providing firm guarantee to Security, Unity and Progress of all Nigerians.

GYB”s foster cooperation and integration among citizens and make sure that progress is made steadily across all sectors and indicators. His quest  to rule the country is not about self esteem ambition or self centred but it is a quest for  a greater Nigeria and to retake it’s rightful position not only in Africa but the world as a whole.

As the country Marches toward 2023 election, there is the feeling that new approaches are needed for today’s problems. More than youth alone, these new crop of leaders offer their respective countries, a renewed sense of vitality and excitement. This country belongs to all of us (youths). 50 per cent of the country’s population are youth, No youth, no nation.

All what the electorate wants, is to have a kind of leader that will bring Hope to our nation and people, while bridging the gaps in our body politics.

This is only possible for the country to have a sense of direction with the support of youths and the Nigerians.
Yahaya Bello’s Presidency will clearly pursue a defined strategy on broadening the footprint of new technology in the Nation Economy with  a vision in economy that is open, inclusive, honesty to foster an economy in which every citizen can maximize their potential as wealth creators and change agents.

He is not  running for President apologetically, but on a solid record of verifiable achievements in his current assignment as Governor of Kogi State with his  proven antecedents in the very areas that Nigerians crave for succour urgently, that is, Security, Unity and Progress.

This therefore stresses the need for the youths in Nigeria to take their population ratio advantage to effect  generational power transfer to themselves considering tha fact that it has became a global trend in many countries. Unlike in Nigeria where older politicians are still very much involved in governing and setting the agenda in Nigeria.

Ahmad  writes in from Dutse  Jigawa State.






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