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Trip To The First Tangale Church Site: The Mission, The Experience And Its Significance

By Rev Mela Adamu Tal

Events in recent past raised lot of concern for the church in Tangale Nation.

For me, it was more worrisome, because in November 2016, the Lord began to give me signal that the Church in Tangale land is under systemic and spiritual attack.

The Spirit of the Lord said to me, there’s a subtle approach to override the Church in Tangale land. Not, quite long, in the same year, that was confirmed by an incident I am not at liberty to bring to public glare at this time.

But God clearly open my heart to know that the Tangale people were meant to be protected from infiltration by its adversaries. However, the Church had become too cold in advancing the cause for which he spared the Tangale man from the spears of the Jihadists, and left them for himself, a remnant. That, he confirmed with Lamentation 4: 12-13, “The kings of the earth, and all inhabitants of the world would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy could enter the gates of Jerusalem….

Recent event of who becomes the next ‘Mai Tangle’ confirmed how vulnerable the Church in Tangale land has become. Be that as it may, it became a redefining event in history from the foregoing.

The Church in Tangale land has an interesting history. It’s a Church birthed out of intense prayers.

For you to understand this mission to the first Tangale Church and why there. It’s good we go over the brief history of the missionaries and how the Tangale people were reached, with eventual birth if the first Church in Tangale land.


Very Synoptic History of Christian Missionaries into Tangale land.

May,1893 in Canada, Rowland Bingham who originally was from England met with Mrs Gowans who had a serious burden for Africa and was earnestly praying for her son Walter Gowan who had already made up his mind to go to the dark land as a missionary. Their discussion ended up getting Bingham making up his mind to meet Walter in England. On his way back to England Walter in the ship met another young man named Tom Kent who had been a college friend of Walter at Missionary Institute in New York City. Tom equally cued into the call to the Sudan.

Walter, Tom and Bingham left England to Lagos via ship on November 4,1893. By the end of November,1894, Tom and Walter who soared into the hinterland leaving Bingham behind in Lagos died due to mysterious sicknesses.

Bingham went back to Canada after sometime to mobilize more MISSIONARIES. He did not give up. In February,1900 Bingham led another team of missionaries to Africa This 2nd attempt was a virtual failure more than the first one because, Bingham nearly died due to malaria immediately they landed in Lagos. As Bingham was deported back to England, the others became heart-fainted and also left for England.

The breakthrough into TANGALE LAND was made possible in 1915 when Bingham came to Nigeria for the 3rd time. Bingham, Andrew Stirret & Norman Davies were to make it into the TANGALE land but eventually Norman could not make it because he came down with a serious bad case of diarrhoea. Around August,1915, Bingham and Andrew Stirret entered into TANGALE land through Kaltungo peacefully without resistance of any sort.

In 1918, after the first world war, two young bright men, John Hall and Gordon Beacham presented themselves as missionaries into TANGALE land. They left immediately. They first landed in Kaltungo and through Beacham, the first convert “KARGA” who used to look after sheep/goats in the outer village of Kaltungo was realized.

KARGA later became the first indigenous pastor.

Much later, Rev. Harling also a missionary from Canada specifically for the TANGALE from Billiri arrived.

The early believers from Billiri include Rev. Paulo Aliyu, Ne Lamunje, Iliyasu Maiyamba (who later became Mai Tangle), Mal. Manjo from Tal, and host of others.

The first Christian marriage contracted by Rev. Harling (Pobe) was between Paulo Aliyu and Ne Lamunje.”


On that Heel:

  1. We can see the Church came to Tangle through intense heartfelt prayer concerns to reach the dark lands in Africa. Tangale land happen to be a benefactor.
  2. Those missionaries jeopardised their lives. Some lost their lives along the way, to come bring light of the gospel to our people.


THE RECENT MISSION could only be said to be orchestrated by God himself, who first stirred up the heart of Danladi Bako to mobilise all retiree ministers of the gospel to go intercede for ‘Tangale Maidom’ as result of vivid tactical schemes by elements of imperialism, who believe they can use instruments of governance at their disposal to silence the voice of the gospel.

For me, Easter Monday 2021 impresses indelible experience. As we converged with this veterans Pastors and community leaders up the hill, where the first Church began.

This was also at the instance of the retirees, all ministers of the gospel available, regardless of denomination; championed by same Danladi Bako, with maximum support of CAN, Billiri LGA.

The mission was for us to pray for Tangale land. We had three main prayer focus:

  1. Prayer of repentance
  2. Prayer for the ‘Maidom’
  3. Prayers for revival, that the tears, sacrifice and labour of those Missionaries and early converts shall not be in vain.

For me, the greatest spiritual experience was the sense of connection with the Spirit and heart of those missionaries and early Church leaders of Tangale descent.


Baba Rev. Dr Siman Ibrahim gave the exhortation. Charging each and every one to rise from slumber and embrace the ways of truth and spirituality.

At the end, a resolution was affirmed to rebuild the first Church building into a wailing house and wall, where people could go and unburden their hearts before the Lord.

Mrs Lakadyabe also called attention to fact that, we are not fighting in favour of idolatry or the Tangale goddess.

“Our concern is for the sake and name of Jesus Christ,” and urged our people to take a stand with Christ alone, who is able to deliver, revive and restore the dignity, glory and honour of the Tangale nation.

Thereafter, a live transmitted prayer session tagged ” SUNRISE TANGALE ” was convened by Rev Mela Adamu Tal on the 7th of March, 2021. This was followed with the first Night vigil at the instance of Rev. John Tachi, all on the ground of same first Tangale Church building at ‘Kumma Tangle’.

For me, one can boldly say, a reawakening has come upon not only Tangale people, but the entire Gombe south. The injustice only affirmed Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

I am also sure, with the Spiritual awakening in Tangale Nation, whatever other battle and scheming of men to relegate the identity of the Tangale nation, who are predominantly believers in Christ will be taken care of, by Jehovah, who says in II Corinthians 10:3-6 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

Rev. Mela Adamu Tal is a Minister of the Gospel. He writes from Abuja


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