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Tangle Chieftaincy Tussle: No Amount Of Inducement, Arrest, Harassment Can Change Our Stance – Community Tells Gombe Gov.

Alhaji Inuwa Yahaya

The Tangale Community Development Association (TCDA) says nothing will make them to surrender their sovereignty to the whims and will of the State.

A statement signed by General Secretary of its branch Overseas, Lamela Lakorok, made available to newsmen, said the community was aware that the random arrests of their youths in Billiri and Kaltungo was meant to instil fear in their people.

“The Mai Todi was also arrested and taken to Abuja because he dared stand against the dictator and neo-colonizer of Tangale land.

According to the statement, the puppet in the palace has started offering money to groups trying to buy their favour which should be rejected, adding that accepting such would amount to selling their birth rights.

The governor, the statement said, is an enemy of Tangale and should never be welcomed in any religious and tribal gathering in Tangale land.

“He has nothing but contempt for us and our way of life. Beware of the strategy of the enemy seeking to destroy Tangale land”, the statement said.

The statement therefore enjoined the people to stand firm in honour of their customs, culture, and traditions.

Here under is the full Press Statement:-

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press, we hereby make a statement to the public regarding the ongoing crisis in Tangale land. For the past two weeks since the election of Dr. Musa I. Mai Yamba as the Mai Tangle, the
Gombe state government has made concerted efforts to intimidate our youths and women by indiscriminate arrests of young men and women, including one of our traditional kingmakers.

The wanton disregard for the rule of law and heavy-handed use of law enforcement by the state government is a clear evidence of complete disregard of human rights. Why is Tangale land still under curfew? Because the governor hates Tangale people and has made his evil intent public on several occasions.

We want to make clear to the Governor of Gombe state and his puppet in the palace of Mai Tangle, that the
Tangale people are not willing to surrender their sovereignty to the whims and will of the state.

We are aware that the random arrests of our youths in Billiri and Kaltungo is meant to instil fear in our people. The Mai Todi was also arrested and taken to Abuja because he dared stand against the dictator and neo-colonizer of
Tangale land.

The puppet in the palace has started offering money to groups trying to buy their favor. He is now trying to woo churches into welcoming him. He is a wolf in sheep clothing. We had warned in our previous press release, that the man is not interested in the Tangale people or their welfare. The fact that he is trying to buy acceptance with money tells it all. However, those who sell their birthright in Tangale land will end up weeping like the biblical Esau.

Therefore, let it be known to the world that Tangale people will not sell their birthright to any foreigner (s).
To the people of Tangle, we encourage you to stand firm in honor of your customs, culture, and traditions.

We have reached a point in our history where we either stand to defend our traditional institutions or
surrender them to the descendants of the Dan Fodio caliphate who have made their goals very clear.

Remember that the man from Mallam Inna is not known in Tangale land. He lived his life at the palace of the
Emir of Gombe.

He has never associated himself with the Tangale people. He is a puppet of the emirate system who believe they can conquer the Tangale tribe with the stroke of a pen. If you have any doubts about this, look at his newly designed regalia online. None of our past Muslim Mais made their royal garments a symbol of religious conquest. This man is an impostor! Consider the consequences of giving up your cultural values. If the state can place a puppet on the throne of Tangale by force, it can easily do the same in your clans.

Soon, we will have more strangers sitting on all the clan thrones. Then Tangale will be no more. We encourage every Tangale person to resist the temptation to give up the fight. We are headed to court to seek redress and we will never surrender. For the sake of our posterity, we will never surrender!

For the sake of our heroes, we will never surrender!

Finally, in view of the impending court case (s) on this matter, we implore every Tangale citizen to shun
anyone who seeks to court them or their organization in the name of the Mai Tangle palace. No impostor
should receive the honors due HRH Dr. Musa I. Mai Yamba.

The governor is an enemy of Tangale and should never be welcomed in any religious and tribal gathering in Tangale land. He has nothing but contempt for us and our way of life. Beware of the strategy of the enemy seeking to destroy Tangale land. I’m sure A word to the wise is enough.

Long Live Dr. Musa Idris Mai Yamba, Long Live Tangale Land, Long Live Gombe State, Long Live Nigeria

General Secretary, TCO
For Tangale Community Overseas (USA, Canada, the UK, Germany, and Australia)
For Tangale Community Development Association
Lamela Umaru


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