Southern Kaduna Crises: Let’s All Subscribe To Peaceful Coexistence – Muslim Youth 


A faith based youth wing of Southern Kaduna Muslim Ummah Development Association, Muslim Youth Foundation has enjoined all Muslim youth in the area to subscribe to Peaceful coexistence.
 Similarly, various people in the area should also appreciate their differences, respect each other by avoiding inflammatory speeches or actions that often trigger conflicts.
The youth Foundation in a Communique at the end of its meeting in Kaduna also  suggests surveillance activities by Stakeholders in every community to nib in the bud any attempt to breakdown of law and order .
It wants the government to Implement the recommendations of inquiries of all Crisis since the 80s  to date.
All those indicted, it says, should be prosecuted regardless of their status.
Here under, the full text of the Communique –
 Our Resolutions :-
Arising from all as observed above, the stakeholders in the meeting resolved as follows:
A. That all Muslim Groups and Associations in Southern Kaduna should intensify efforts at ensuring mutual understanding and cooperation among the peoples of southern Kaduna particularly, calling on all and sundry to subscribe to peaceful co-existence.
B. That one of the serious problems confronting our communities is youth indulgence in drug and substance abuse. It is in the light of this, coupled with the centrality of youth to all aspects of development that MYFOSKA resolved to organize sensitization campaigns against this menace with the intention to devising means of rehabilitating and integrating the drug addicts into normal life.
C. It was also resolved that all the relevant youth organizations across all the divide in the area identified and invited to collaborate and work together in the peace building.
The meeting unanimously agreed that to ensure the return of lasting peace and peaceful co-existence among all tribal communities in the area, the following recommendations were proffered.
I. The various people of southern Kaduna should appreciate their differences and respect each other by avoiding inflammatory speeches or actions that often trigger conflicts.
II. Surveillance activities should be taken seriously by stakeholders in every community in order to nib in the bud any attempt of breakdown of law and order, no matter how minimal.
III. In the event of any dispute or security threat, the people concerned should not take the law into their hands, but report any breach of peace to relevant security agencies.
IV. The provisions of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) especially chapter IV, section 33.43 on the Fundamental Rights of all citizens must be adhered to and respected by all.
V. Government should implement the re commendations of all Commissions of Inquiries for all crises since the 1980s to Date and all indicted persons should be prosecuted regardless of thrir status.
VI. Government should ensure justice to all especially by ensuring that all Muslims who were displaced and rendered homeless out of their places of birth and abode such as in Matsirga, Gidan-Maga, Tsakiya, Zonkwa, and Unguwan-Rimi Bajju among others are adequately compensated and returned to their homes. And farmland since their displacements taken away by their traducers are returned to them as means of survival.
VII. All local and international cattle routes that have been encroached should be reclaimed and strong legislation on intruders be put in place with adequate surveillance by the relevant authorities.
VIII. Government should device effective mechanisms to arresting the proliferation of dangerous arms and light weapons among people and control banditry and other forms of criminal tendencies tgat triggers insecurity on the land.
IX. Government should ban the mounting of any illegal roadblocks by civilians across communities in southern Kaduna. Such road blocks were often used as trap to infringe on the rights of innocent citizens to free movement.
X. Media Houses, including NGOs should always verify their facts from all contending side to a conflict among the communities and ensure balanced reportage on sensitive issues to avoiding the usual one-sided & skewed narrative capable of worsening the volatile situation.
XI. Peace clubs should be introduced and encouraged to emerge to serve as effective fora in which youths from different background should participate to gain life skills, confidence and self-awareness for successful life and peaceful coexistence. The clubs could be established in both primary and secondary schools and for out-of-school youths to foster harmonious interaction among youths.
XII. And in places where dire economic needs drive or exacerbates conflict, community leaders and organizations should work with businesses and entrepreneurs to strengthen economic opportunities, creating jobs, and developing alternative sources of income. If people are able to meet their basic needs and their families, conflicts and violence might be less attractive generating criminal behavior to access economic resources.
At the end of the expanded meeting with stakeholders, MYFOSKA has resolved to remain resolute and determined to brokering peace in the troubled Southern Kaduna. We also assured the governments and all citizens of our commitments to achieving that. We thanked all those who have participated in the meeting, and we hereby expressed our deepest appreciation over their contributions that made a resounding success. We pray that God in His infinite mercy will grant all journey mercies back to their Homes. Our heart also goes to all in making peace work in the region.
Thank you and God Bless.
Kabiru Muhammed
National Chairman

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