Opinion : Odumeje And The Native Dooctor (2)  By Gabriel Agbo:  

Even those fighting for God must also be very careful and fully prepared. They must make sure that they are going for the interest of the kingdom and that the LORD is leading them. Yes, you must make sure that you are not out to boost your ego, interest or market your ministry. And if your interest is for the gospel, please don’t be afraid for we are serving a mighty man of war. Jehovah is his name. He will be you. He will defend you for his name’s sake. He is the God over all. And he clearly said that he has given us authority over all the powers in the air, on the land and in the waters. These, sure, include all these rampaging witchdoctors and all the demons they serve and even over Satan himself. They all bow and fidget at the mention of Jesus’ name. I see this happening always. And it will continue to be so because Jesus is LORD and God over all. No marine spirit, nomummy water, no demon, no occult, no satanic power, etc, can withstand the name of Jesus. Even the bible made that abundantly clear that at the mention of the name of Jesus every knee shall bow of things in heaven,  things on earth and things under the earth (water). And by no means shall these satanic powers hurt us.

My believe in this promise does not only stem from the bible but from my experiences. I have seen God constantly defending his own and his word. I remember a very dangerous Ogboni man who tried to destroy me some years ago. I took him as a friend and a brother not knowing that he was   actually doing everything he could to kill me. And how did I know? Interestingly and very unusual, God hid that from me. It was his wife that first confided in me secretly and also I heard the same from officials of a campus fellowship where I went to minister. They told me that one of their members, who happened to be the Ogboni man’s cousin, had told them about her uncle confessing to her that he had done everything to destroy Pastor Gabriel, but all failed. So, the officials were so excited to see me that evening. My dear, we are serving a living God – the LORD of lords and the God of gods. Even without letting me know Jesus kept his promise of keeping me safe. This is just one out of numerous testimonies.

No power can challenge the name of Jesus Christ. The bible said that his name has been raised above every name in heaven, on earth and under the earth. No native doctor can successfully stop the gospel. No witch doctor can harm a person that is called of God. These my brothers who are proud to be serving mummy water, Agwu and other dirty demonic spirits should think again. How can you serve what is suppose to serve you? How can you worship what should to be afraid of you? Tell me. It is themummy water, the queen of heavenand those hosts of demons that should serve us. And they always obey when we command them. God from creation made us above all these demonic creatures. He made us to dominate, rule and control them. It is ignorance or lust that makes man to come so low. But I know you can still abandon those foul water spirits, deities and demons to serve the living God. Others have done it and you can also do same today. We will continue next week.

   Rev Gabriel Agbo is the author of the book Power of Midnight Prayer. Tel: 08037113283 Email:gabrielagbo@yahoo.com Website:www.authorsden.com/pastorgabrielnagbo



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