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Opinion: I Shall Not Die (2)

Gabriel Agbo
Gabriel Agbo


By Gabriel Agbo

   Yes, you are not supposed to die prematurely. That death threat over your life can be averted. True! Nothing has the right to terminate your life just like that. This is the way I spoke to a man who had death sentence passed on him by one of these dreaded secret societies; a cult where they do so many unprintable things, which include using blood to wash their heads. He read one of our articles on this column and quickly contacted us. They had given him the date to die and truly, he was almost gone when we met. Yes, almost dead!

    But after everything, that covenant he made with Satan was broken by Jesus. He is still alive and healthy today. In fact, on the day they gave him, I was physically present in his new home to celebrate his birthday. Our God is the most powerful! But this is not to encourage you to go look for wealth, power, fame, etc, from the devil. You will surely pay if you do. The devil has no free gift. He is wicked. Anybody that associates with him will always end up in pain, sorrow and regrets. True! Please, always wait for God’s timing and blessings; for He’s does not add any sorrow.

Has the enemy in any way passed any death sentence on you? Have they given you a date to die? God can reverse that today. Have they sent evil arrows, spells against you? They shall no more have effect on you and your family in Jesus’ name! All the plans being made against you will SURELY fail in the mighty name of Jesus!

     Look at our LORD Jesus. All the plans made by the enemy to terminate His life never prospered. When He was born, Herod did everything to kill Him but God foiled all his plans and in anger and frustration, he slaughtered thousands of Jewish male babies around Bethlehem. But Jesus escape

When He grew up and started His ministry, the Jews didn’t like His teachings, boldness especially that He is the messiah, the Son of God, etc. So, they made several attempts to kill Him, but He always effectively escaped from them. I hope you understand what we are talking about here. They will raise stones to smash Him to death and suddenly, miraculously, God would remove Him from their midst.You can read my analyses on this particular divine manoeuvring in my book: Power of Midnight Prayer. It is very illuminating! God does exactly the same today.

     Powerful! Every plan, every attempt or process to terminate your life will be miraculously foiled by heaven in the mighty name of Jesus! This is exactly what the Psalmist means when he says that even when our enemies trapped us, rejoicing that our end has come, we mysteriously, miraculously, divinely, surprisingly escaped like a bird would from the trap of a Fowler! Oh My God!

      If they were unable to kill Jesus, their evil plan against you shall also not succeed! Now, Jesus, at the appointed time, willingly, in obedience to His covenant with His father, temporally, and just for three days, submitted His life. Even at the point of His arrest, immediately He identified Himself, all the soldiers fell down. Nobody could touch Him until He willingly submitted Himself. And the bible clearly said that as He is, so we are. From today, nobody, nothing shall be able to destroy you in Jesus’ name! I command that death sentence, that plot, curse over you to turn to a testimony now!

We will continue next week. God bless!

Rev Gabriel Agbo is the author of the book: Power of Midnight Prayer and a minister with the Assemblies of God Nigeria. Website: www.authorsden.com/pastorgabrielnagbo. Tel: 08037113283. E-mail: gabrielagbo@yahoo.com


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