Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Oil Spillage: 278 Kenyans To Be Compensated

Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) will begin compensating 278 residents of Thange valley in Kibwezi East Constituency of Kenya who were affected by oil spillage two years ago.

KPC has already received claim forms and the verification process is ongoing.

Each of the claimants will receive payment through its insurer, CIC Insurance Company, Standard media reported.

The insurance firm will also engage with Panafcon – the company that carried out the impact assessment study in the area – with the aim of studying the ESEIA report to establish if there are matters that need further clarification.

KPC’s Director, Kemero Maisori, this week met the Makueni Governor, Prof Kivutha Kibwana and the community members to resolve the matter.

He said the company has already spent over Sh22 million in CSR support in terms of clean water, food aid, and bursaries for needy students from Thange area.

According to Maisori, “This CSR support will continue as per needs assessment as we strive to finish up the clean-up and the compensation process. KPC has invested heavily in the people of Thange because we want to transform people’s lives”.

Maisori urged those who haven’t filled the claim forms to fill them as soon as possible so that they are considered in Phase 2 of the compensation process. He said the company is committed to expedite compensation for residents whose lives were affected by the incident.

“The Thange incident has profoundly impacted the lives of many residents. KPC is fully committed to supporting those affected to get back on their feet in the shortest time possible,” he added.

The ageing Nairobi-Mombasa pipeline passes through Thange. The 14-inch Mombasa-Nairobi pipeline was constructed in 1978 and has been in operation for 39 years, way beyond its 25 year useful life. Being the only pipeline that feeds the country and its neighbours, it has to be kept in operating state through constant repairs and inspection. But the 450km Mombasa – Nairobi pipeline is currently being replaced to meet the region’s future petroleum needs.

The new line, a Vision 2030 Sh48 billion project, will include fire-fighting systems in new stations, installing energy efficient equipment and pipeline monitoring technology to ensure easy spotting of damages on the line.

The project is well underway and will be ready for commissioning this year. The new Pipeline will improve the safety, reliability and efficient delivery of product to KPC’s customers and reduce the losses and damages caused by spillage on the current 14” Mombasa -Nairobi pipeline.

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