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‘Nigeria is Sinking:’ Open Letter To President Tinubu

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu of Nigeria

Your excellency sir,

I am very hopeful and confident that this letter will get to your attention.

I am writing you as a citizen and in my capacity as a commoner who used his influence and personality to gainer support for your victory because I believed in your ability, capacity and intelligence to move Nigeria ahead.

I had used my family line, the pulpit, community and the public service to adopt a yes node for the victory of *Renewed Hope 2023*.

It is barely 9 months into your government now, the broom revolution we looked on to appears more clearer now to be a broom jamboree.

Maybe you are distant from the pains we Nigerians are passing through or maybe you assume the pains are mere little, probably, you may be disconnected from the present reality so I took the pain and courage to write you sir.

Some of my friends had warned me that when you finish reading my letter you will send the DSS after me, some said my letter will not get to you and some reminded me that as a commoner, a middle aged poor man from a poor background that, I will be putting my family in problem to write you such a letter when I discussed about the urge in me to get my words across to you sir.
However, I am sure of one thing and that is my letter will get to you, but what am not sure of is, I do not know if you will gun for me but, if after you have read my letter, if it appears gunning for me would be your decision, pls do not hesitate to do so, but kindly leave my family alone.

Let me therefore leave behind an easy track to trace me, or better still, let me be invited, I will honor the invite of the police and then my arrest will be easily executed; this will also spare my family the embarrassment of karky boys and men in mofti with riffles at my door, the fear and shame it may cost them, but for me, I have no regret or apology to make in writing you this letter, for if it eventually determines my life or my death, so be it.

I am Revd ‘Bunmi Thomas a poor public school teacher, a Lay Magistrate and a pastor of one of the weakest and poorest christian denominations, the Cherubim and Seraphim church.
I am a native of Onsa Compound, Apaara quarters in Oyo-East LGA of Oyo State but I live in Paara neighborhood of Airport area in Ibadan.
This brief would make easy the trace for me.

Mr. President, I am pressed as a loyal and responsible citizen to challenge you despite you were my candidate, though I am not an APC party member because the rules of public service forbids me, but I believe in your person and ability to move Nigeria forward taking a flashback to the days of NADECO I was hopeful in your RENEWED HOPE gospel.

Mr President, today is just 9 months into your government it appears Nigerians will all sink and be drown before your tenure ends.

Nigeria has never been so bad like this in my whole 49 years of existence. I am constrained and pained to call your attention to major areas of absolute decline in value and worth from the immediate past government standard.

Mr. President sir, Nigerians are dying, many citizens have voluntarily committed suicides, many businesses have closed down, many homes and family life have been broken, there is a rising tension in the land and it appears your rule is a misrule and your policy appears to be traumatic to us all.
It is dangerous that you continue this way.

In the North, Nigerians are killed daily by terrorist and bandits, in the East Nigerians are kidnapped and marketed for ransom like ram to the slaughter, and in the West the Fulani Herdsmen rape, and terrorize every Hamlet and village and the farmers can no longer go to their farms.
Shall a system like this continue?
Do you derive any joy in our pains?
Have you lost control?
Or what is wrong with your government?

If you care to know further, the resultant effect of these maladies are evident in our national life, social life and family life.

Actually, these traumatizing experience of insecurity and abject poverty has been in place before your ascension to power, that however should not be an excuse because you have emphatically posited that you have the magical way-out and I like a majority did believed you well but, I am perplexed now like all Nigerians to see you doing nothing or to say the less, your silence is very disturbing.

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, I am not an anti-government neither am I an opposition, but at this point of experimental poverty and genocidal economic reform, it is compelling that someone must come out to cry to your ears probably your aids and special advisers might be insincere this far.

Your excellency my dear president, the removal of oil subsidy as a major economic reform tools in your government has devalued the lives of Nigerians and am afraid, you may become a major object of regret to many because many had divinely looked up to you for 9 months past today but are all disappointed only to be living in intense poverty and abject impoverishment today.

In civilized climes, every sensible government has a major blueprint, sourced from their manifestos, and when this is put out into legitimate instrumentation for governance, if it becomes adversely endemic or pandemically genocidal governments is morally bound to re-restrategize and not hold on to such medium as if there couldn’t be any alternative to such policy.

Jagaban, do not forget in a horry you were a major frontliner in the struggles of *JACON, NADECO and the Campaign for Democracy*, all these periods your struggles was to force the military out that however illegal but legitimate military government had a better alternative which was nothing but democracy.
Today the democracy is in your hands, is this what the Gani FAWEHINMI, Beko KUTI, etc all fought for?

I am putting it to you that, you may be honest in your prosecution of *Subsidy removal* but listen clearly to me my President, *the effect of this your policy is murderous and genocidal* or how best would you interpret an honest effort of a leader who claims to save a people but unknowingly he is destroying them?

If you may ask me what then should you do, I will be glad to suggest as follows:

Urgently put in place through the instrument of Executive Order a control scheme on the market prices of foodstuffs.

The immediate borders to regions at economic disadvantage such as South West, the Borders should be open to allow free inflow of foodstuffs like rice, groundnut oil, provisions and flours as this will go a long way to bring down the skyrocketing prices of foodstuffs.

There should be a reasonable reduction in the wages of political office holders to bridge the abnormal gap in the social environment.

No matter how close a corrupt person or highly placed an offender could be, let them face the law.

There should be an urgent execution of LIVING WAGE Regime that will be able to accommodate the economic reality of workers.

Power supply can be diversified by engaging Solar Experts and Thermal experts, so our light or power wouldn’t be from HEP only.

Our security architecture needs reform, such as the adoption of State Police, a good renumeration package and provision of firearms and weapons for their adequate service be provided.

I am very confident, if you would start by declaring a State of Emergency and embark at these urgent steps *you would be doing a great deal of rescue* as we presently all are sinking.

Save Nigerians, President TINUBU.
Save us urgently now, less we all perish as distant witnesses to the death of our tomorrow.

By this piece, I have held up a mirror for your excellency to see Nigeria in it’s critical state, breaking the mirror will not change the image in the mirror, and cutting my hands will even be more redundant.

Do something urgent now, Nigeria is sinking.

Thank you for taking the pain to read my letter, thank you for having a rethink and lastly, I do not and would not make or give any apology for this letter like I said, if it determines my life or death, *SO BE IT*.

Your’s faithfully,
Revd ‘Bunmi Thomas JP
A Citizen of Nigeria


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