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Dr. Jamila Dahiru: The Woman Behind The Modern Day Bauchi State Ministry Of Education, By Jacob Temitope

It is unarguably established and generally accepted that the provision of a conducive working environment for every workforce in any organization is the key to assessing and reaching quality productivity and the availability of all that is needed to ensure rich outputs from the workforce becomes something that can’t be tagged “Unnecessary”.

In bringing out the required outputs from workforces in any organization, a competent, reliable, dependable, employees’ friendly manager is needed to bring out these results. To this effect, in the Bauchi State Ministry of Education, it is not a misplacement to say that the incumbent Commissioner in charge of this Ministry, Dr. Jamila Dahiru has fulfilled all criteria to be regarded as the ‘best thing’ to ever happen to the ministry as she has justified her appointment by being a reliable, competent, diligent and always ready to work head of the ministry.

This is not the usual Political brouhaha that emanates from political bragging women aimed at enjoying cheap political recognition. This to a large extent, is far from it as it contains an exposition of facts around the recorded achievements of the Commissioner for Education, Bauchi State, which is glaring to even the blind yet audible enough for the deaf to hear.

Before now, the Bauchi State Ministry of Education has although hungered for developmental strides, especially digital advancements.

The former Commissioner of Education Dr. Aliyu Tilde set the road map for digitalizing the exams Directorate of the Bauchi State Ministry of Education. However, a lot of challenges caused it to stagnate after he left. But, upon the arrival of Dr Jamila, a lot of positive changes have taken place.

Some of these changes include and are not limited to; Ensuring that there is an introduction and perfect execution of the Biometric Data Capturing of all employees under the ministry; the Digitalized Norminal Role(TMIS)/details for every employee and the sustainability of the fingerprint terminal which was introduced by Tilde’s administration.

This creates room for perfect balancing between employees and the employer (the government); an avenue where no party feels cheated since the clock-in, clock-out attendance cannot be manipulated, neither can it sign-in proxy for any employee. This therefore means that as an employee, you must be present at the workplace in order to be qualified for monthly salary. Workers get paid according to their faithfulness and commitment to their service delivery.

Still hitting hard without mercy on the digitalized biometric attendance scheme sustained in the ministry by Dr. Jamila’s led Administration, we have clearly seen how employees have shown unquestionable commitments to the delivery of their various services to the ministry which implies a service delivered to the State in general adding up as a kudos to His Excellency Bala Muhammed’s led Bauchi State Government Administration.

Additionally, under Dr. Jamila’s leadership, during the period of registration for the Senior Secondary Schools Examination, which for this Purpose, The National Examination Council (NECO) enrollment is basically taken care of by the  State government, she ensured that all students who passed their Mock Examinations and have index number were registered for NECO LAST YEAR in the state without any exclusive rights reserved for any supposed special personnel in the State; all were considered equal for registration by the government. This is obviously worthy of commendation by anyone who understands what was obtainable before now in the state.

Children of the poor have enjoyed what is called a government for all and sundries by this administration. What more can the downtrodden ask for if not to be educated by their own government; this has been made available through the Ministry of Education under the amiable leadership of Dr. Jamila Dahiru.

Anyone who is filled with the societal growth and development spirit will agree more with the opinion that no sane society can survive its existence of now should it fail to give priority to education; educating the younger and older generations regardless of social, economic political, and religious classes. Educational acquisition opportunities should be for all. This can be said to be attained in the present dispensation of Dr. Jamila’s leadership in the Bauchi State Ministry of Education.

The Exams Directorate in the ministry has been doing a great job in the state. They have successfully given admission to both the Boarding and Day Schools in the state. School dropouts who have all the necessary requirements have been Re-admitted in all public schools across the state.

As a result of the above, School enrolment has drastically increased.

Employees in the ministry are continually undergoing computerized knowledge acquisitions to enable them to meet up with the fast-rising digital educational society across the globe.

In no doubt, we can convincingly say that this current leadership in the Educational Ministry is doing well without preferential treatment to any selected individuals or groups but for the entire members of the state.

Without much ado, I am convinced to say that Dr. Jamila Dahiru is fit and competent enough for this ministry and more. More of her is needed across the board in the state.

She should also try to motivate Administrators/Staff who are putting in their best to this success as motivation is one of the driving forces that lead to the success of any organization.

Ma, Teachers in the state will appreciate you the more if you plead with the Government to increase their monthly take home, as well as implement all their outstanding promotions and Allowances…As the Economic hardship is mostly affecting Teachers in the state…

His Excellency Bala Muhammed’s administration in Bauchi State is recording laudable achievements in the Educational Ministry because the right woman is fixed to manage same. Begging for more of her both in achievements and accessibility will only be doing the governor and his administration more good in the leagues of successful States in the country.

This revelation is only meant to encourage the commissioner and others to keep doing more for the people in the areas that will keep elevating the State in the leagues of successful States in the country. Ma, you are appreciated.

Temitope can be reached via email: jacobtemitope27@gmail.com


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