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Nigeria: NLC Threatens Nationwide Strike If Abducted President Not Released Immediately

The Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC has threatened to call out Nigerian workers if the President, Comrade Joe Ajaero allegedly abducted by security operatives in Owerri, the Imo State capital, Wednesday morning is not released immediately.

A joint statement by Comrades Emmanuel Ugboaja Esq, and Nuhu Toro
General Secretary of NLC and Secretary General (TUC) respectively, accused the State Commissioner of Police and the Governor of masterminding the entire episode which resulted in manhandling, injuring and abducting the NLC President to an unknown destination.

The Statement Reads-:

The Government of Imo state has continued to use the instrument of violence
and intimidation against trade unions and their leadership in the state.

Just as Nigerian workers gathered earlier this morning led by the leadership of the two labour centres to demonstrate our outrage over the serial and habitual abuse
and violation of the rights of workers in the state; the Government unleashed
blood cuddling mayhem on the workers.

Earlier in the morning, Police men had tried to disperse workers who were
gathering at the state NLC secretariat without success. This was followed in the
usual manner by thugs who were stationed very close to the Secretariat in several
Hilux and Toyota trucks.

These thugs were later to unleash mayhem on the few workers who had already
gathered smashing car windscreens, delivering matchet cuts on some, stabbing
many, and inflicting all manners of injuries on the workers. GSM handsets were
snatched, Laptops taken away and Monies were forcefully taken away by the

As if that damage was not enough, the President of the NLC; comrade Joe Ajaero
arrived the venue accompanied by few individual workers to inspect the carnage
and to provide the necessary leadership for the trade union action to continue
only to be met by Police men of the Imo state Police Command who came in their
numbers and in several trucks.

The Police in the usual manner accompanied by thugs led by the Special
Assistant to the Governor of Imo state on Special Duties: Mr. Chinasa Nwaneri
leading others like Tapey and Madoka descended on the President of the
Congress after overpowering the few workers who were left after the initial
battering, inflicted heavy injuries and big blows to his head and body and kicking
him in the process while dragging him on the ground while the Police supervised
the mayhem.

They eventually bundled the President into their waiting van and whisked him
away to unknown destinationwhere he is still being held incommunicado as we
write. This latest action of the State Government and the Police further
demonstrates our earlier cries to Nigerians on the level of violence and impunity
going on in Imo State.

If the President of the Congress can be abducted in broad day light and taken to unknown destination by the Police and the State Governor, imagine, what they have been doing to workers and trade union leaders in the state!

This is mind boggling and unacceptable in sane societies. The use of violence
against innocent citizens especially against trade union leaders by the State has
unfortunately become the norm. It is a new normal that may cause our nation
dearly if people are allowed to get away with such violence and bloodletting.

All we have been asking the Governor is to honour agreements signed between
us and to respect the rights of workers in the state. Workers deserve their wage
and if you are in the habit of owing workers, you make their lives unstable and
strip them of their humanity. These are some of the things we have asked Hope
to do but to which he has refused to heed instead,he believes in the use of
intimidation and violence against the workers and the people.

We call on Nigerian workers, wherever they may be; in the respective industrial
Unions; the state Councils and the Branches to be on alert for an immediate
nationwide action if by the end of today, the President of the Congress is not

We cannot be at work while our President is in the gulag and we cannot
be at peace when the Government of Imo state continues to disrespect workers
and treat them with utter disdain.

With this statement, we want to put the Nigerian Government on notice that we
want the President of Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) immediately released.

The injuries meted to him must be treated forthwith and his freedom to lead Nigerian
workers in apeaceful protest guaranteed.

This is what we demand as we proceed
to the meetings of the various Organs to take decisions on further steps that will
be taken.If this is not heeded now, anything that happens in the Country, the
Governor of Imo State and the Police Commissioner must be held responsible.
Nigeria is a Country of Laws and we especially the leaders must learn to work
within its ambits.

The IGP who is in the State must call his operatives to order to avoid loss of lives, properties and further injuries on innocentworkers in Imo

State. Workers in Imo State must be free and we must all join hands to ensure
that this happens.

Hope Uzodimma must be called to order by the President and Commander in chief of the Armed forces to avert what he has chosen to turn the state into a den of thugs and blood suckers. We will press on with our engagement as trade unions until the Government listens to the demands of the workers.

The Governor should not be deluded into thinking that today’s violence will stopour
resolve and determination to save the workers of Imo state. It has rather
encouraged us to organize more so that we will engage him more creatively and

Once again, we call on the Police to immediately release the President of Congress
without further delay.
Comrade Emmanuel Ugboaja Esq. mni Comrade Nuhu Toro
General Secretary (NLC) Secretary General (TUC)


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