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“Military Intervention In Niger Unpopular” – Catholic Bishops Insist, By Abba Isaac Umaru & Justine John Dyikuk

Bishops of Ibadan Ecclesiastical Province, Photo Credit, Aciafrica

Religious leaders in Africa have cautioned governments in the continent against using military option in the face of the current coup d’etat in Niger Republic while drawing attention to the interest of the masses. 

Bishops of the 5 dioceses of Ilorin, Ondo, Oyo, Eketi and Osogbo, suffragans of the Ibadan Archdiocese, which make up Ibadan province gave this warning in a communique issued at the end of their meeting which held at Edo Ekiti from the 16 to 17 Aug.

The statement which was signed by Archbishop Gabriel Abegunrin the President and Bishop John Oyejola, Secretary observed that Nigerians are facing challenging times noting that government has failed the people. 

Dwindling Economic Conditions

The Bishops who lamented about the dwindling living conditions in the country evident by failure in every sector of the economy stated that: “Governments that fail to represent the interest of their people in democracy, compromise their legitimacy. If the public reaction to Nigeria’s involvement in restoring democracy in Niger is anything to go by, one can say that military intervention in Niger being proposed by the leaders of the Economic Community of West Africa ECOWAS is very unpopular.” 

Urging for dialogue as the best option, they noted that, “Nigerians favour negotiation and other non-military means and President Bola Ahmed Tinubu who is president first and foremost of Nigeria needs to listen to Nigerians before anyone else.”

The bishops called on President Bola Tinubu and the National assembly to avoid anything that will cause mayhem in the country as it has enough challenges to contend it. 

The clerics insisted that Nigeria should avoid armed conflict with Niger stressing that, “No Nigerian life should be sacrificed for the crisis in Niger or anywhere else, because war of any kind is a failure of humanity.”

 The communique raised concerns about the current security situation in the country which has become an open secret.

Citing concrete examples, the Church Fathers stated that: “All over the country insecurity remains an emergency of serious concern. Whether in the form of kidnapping, banditry, insurgency or ritual killing, Nigerians feel increasingly hemmed in, in their own country. Regular news of brutality and killing from the security agencies who should protect the people only intensifies the siege context in which daily life continues. Government must show greater seriousness in tackling these challenges head on. 

“Recent news of the ambush and killing of 21 Nigerian soldiers by suspected bandits in Kundu, Wushishi local government of Niger State does not inspire confidence that the security agencies are able to confront the prevailing situation. The tragic death of Dr. Vwaere Diaso in an elevator crash at General Hospital, Odan, Lagos, a mere two weeks before completing her program is a metaphor for the needless loss of lives occurring often in Nigeria and the lethargy with which such tragedies are treated.”

The Bishops blamed the mass exodus of the youths on the government for not proving opportunities for the young, leaving hopes dashed 

“The bleak atmosphere of hope for a better life in Nigeria is partially responsible for the mass migration of Nigerian Professionals, workers and youths who continue to seek greener pastures in other lands” they noted. 

The statement provided possible reasons such “the economic situation in the country, dwindling opportunities, and the disdain with which Nigerian governments at all levels treat the legitimate demands of workers for improved working conditions. Migration is a natural human phenomenon and moving from place to place is a human right. 

It reminded government of its responsibility to the citizenry namely that it must ensure that “no one is forced to leave his fatherland due to such push-factors, as bad governance, insecurity, bad economy, unaffordable and unstable education system, and lack of job opportunities.” 

The communique drew the attention of the world to risks such as food shortages urging for political will to deal with such issues.

They maintained that “food security is a major concern. Any country unable to feed its citizens, will be a perpetual victim of manipulation and does not deserve its sovereignty. 

“Current threats of scarcity of food and unaffordable cost of living in the country require not only release of resources from the national reserves but an aggressive agricultural campaign aimed at returning Nigerians to the land. Government must have sustainable programmes for food production, preservation and processing and provide facilities for Nigerians to engage in it. This commitment over some years will unlock the potential capacity of the country to feed its citizens and other countries as well.”

They lamented how politicians fill the airwaves with false campaign promises to find their way into public office just to forget them once installed stressing that such an attitude “kills the dreams and paralyses the initiatives for development in generations of people. It generates desperation, delinquency, banditry, and other forms of criminality.” 

As the moral voice of the society, they raised alarm on “the weight of reversing the free fall of morality in Nigeria” which is affecting “All sectors, government and private, families, institutions and individuals.” 

Tribute to fellow Nigerians for their resilience 

Speaking on the resilience of Nigerians, the bishops lauded the citizens for their strength despite the imposed hardship and poor living conditions factored by many events.

“We pay tribute to fellow Nigerians for merely staying alive in these intriguing and debilitating times. Between the shock of contestable elections, fuel subsidy removal and escalating cost of essential goods and services, the average Nigerian is shell -shocked and driven almost to desperation” they said.

According to them, “As citizens of one of the wealthiest nations on the planet and yet unable to live descent lives, Nigerians are still desperate for better times which seem now more and more like a mirage. What many Nigerians go through on a daily basis is almost unspeakable.”

The religious leaders regrated that “It is distressing that Nigerian leaders, past and present, continue to exact more sacrifice from ordinary Nigerians while increasing their own scandalous remunerations and comfort.  What is more, most of our current leaders seem to lead the country without any compass, hardly knowing what to do about anything.” 

They listed the demands of Nigerians to include “purposeful leadership and good governance, verifiable in security of life and property, decent infrastructure and social amenities, the enforcement of the rule of law and a conducive atmosphere for development. These are not unthinkable demands to make. All Nigerian leaders stand indicted unless they make a change, shun prebendalism and serve the aspirations of their people.”   

Education, formation of the young, political will as panacea

As panacea, the Bishops advised government to give attention education and formation programmes in public institutions stating that, “We commit ourselves to this because posterity will not be kind to us if we do not show our people the way, no matter how impossible this may seem. 

“We must find a way out of this unprecedented darkness in which we find ourselves. We enjoin individuals, families, institutions, and the government at all levels to put integrity and moral rectitude as a priority in their relationships and operations.” 

Going forward, the Church leaders suggested that “The hemorrhage can only be controlled if government responds to its duties of forging a conducive environment for Nigerians to attain their legitimate aspirations in life” insisting that they “align with the Catholic Bishops of Africa urging all who would migrate, to do so legally and with adequate information about the risks and dangers they might face.”

They insisted that “Government at all levels must seriously work to restore the hope of Nigerians through concrete result-oriented policies and programmes” and urged “Nigerians too never to give up hope even in the face of the most daunting challenges, for hope is not a disposable ingredient but a God-given gift for the sustenance of life and humanity.”


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