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Evolve Diplomacy To Resolve Nigerien Conflict, Not War – Ulama Council Advises FG

By Mohammed Suleiman, Dutse

Nigeria and ECOWAS have been advised to evolve diplomacy  in assisting Niger Republic to restore democracy.

Ulama Forum In Nigeria, a body of Islamic Clerics which gave the advice after its emergency meeting in Dutse, the Jigawa state capital, strongly spoke against going to war

A Communique issued and signed by both the Convener, Malam Aminu Inua Muhammad and the National Secretary, Engineer Bashir Adamu Aliyu observed that once the region is destabilized and divided, the healing process will take a long time and fraught with vulnerabilities.

The Forum welcomed the latest diplomatic initiative of sending envoys by ECOWAS to engage the military leaders of Niger in a robust and constructive dialogue. This is indeed, the right way to go and it should be explored to the maximum .

“It is certain that the vast majority of people in Nigeria are not, and will not be, in support of war with an erstwhile good neighbour which always looks towards Nigeria as a senior partner. A war between both countries will harm friendship, cause economic hardship, worsen humanitarian crisis, and leave hard-to-heal wounds on each party”

“Worse of all, the putative war will render the region a theatre of war vulnerable to the exploitation of foreign interests. No, we cannot afford.To fight a proxy war on behalf of resources-hungry world powers whose interests lie in our continuous subjugation”

The Forum advised the country’s Federal law makers to as a matter of urgency, wake up to their constitutional responsibility of critically looking into this issue and exercising the necessary check on the Executive and prevent Nigeria from going into needless war.

It also called on all Faith based organizations in the country, to without further delay, embark on preaching for peace in the region and maintaining the good neigbourliness that has long existed between Nigeria and Niger.

Furthermore, the Forum calls on
the Muslim Ummah to embark on earnest prayers for Allah’s mercy in touching the hearts of leaders to listen to the voice of reason and not to succumb to the influence of subterranean hands.

“It is virtually important for the Nigerian government to consider its current formative stage and the security threats that are spread all over the nation which are stretching its resources and capabilities than to rush into an avoidable conflict with a neighbour at the behest of global politicking”


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