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Flirting and Feigning, New Founded Relationship By Guys – Malate Peter


We all are aware that nowadays most guys now don’t come out to declare their interest in a lady officially. They simply go ahead to flirt and feign love to a lady before you know it a romantic relationship boots out. The ladies on the other get comfortable and let loose all they had for the sake of the newly founded relationship. Even though playing in relationship or flirting is not limited to men alone, a good number of women does that but our discussion for today is on the men’s part.

In sharing from the Potter’s Wheel Page, Samaila Markus sees such men as, ‘Canopy Men.’

These type of men as stated above tends to cover the lady from being accessible to other serious-minded men while clipping her to themselves only.

From the research I towed locally here, a lot of single guys are on this table.

What’s Their Modus Operandi?

They operate in different ways and with different styles in different locations. They are in the office, on the street, at worship places and good junk is spread on the social media platform. The world is digital and a global village so they carried out their operations mostly on social media.

For some, in most cases, they slide inbox, ignite sweet conversations and before you know it, a day for a date or visit is fixed. Nevertheless, some wonderful relationships and marriages started this way but it doesn’t change the fact that play guys use the same routes to trick their victims.

Hey sister! How or where a man woos you is not something to pick up, but It has a ton to do with his personality and approach. Watch out!


Myles Munroe of blessed memory said, “Anywhere purpose is not defined, abuse is inevitable”

Dear Ladies as I write now; these types of guys (play guys) are spread all over the face of the earth. They may not look it, but although playing or flirting is not limited to men alone, a good number of women do that but our discussion for today is for the men.
are who they are. Though playing or flirting is not limited to men alone, a good number of women do that but our discussion for today is for the men.

They will get butterflies bubbling in your stomach, and get you pieces like a pack of cards, but most of them are just out for fun. They will get you flapping your fragile heart with love but a fake one. Shine your eyes before you are wounded, though playing or flirting is not limited to men alone, a good number of women do that but our discussion for today is for the men.

One common thing about them is; They have no particular spec or boundaries to the kind of women they prey on just to quench their sexual desires. So understand that is not every man that is calling, chatting, engaging or giving attention meant to have anything serious to do with you after his needs are met. These types of men can sleep with anybody without any reason other than erection.

Next time, when you find yourself loving and building a castle about a man you scarcely know other than having intimacy or simply because he calls you boo or my love reset your brain to the above quote.

You see!!

Most of them avoid asking you out officially because they are not serious, they don’t know what they want. Or simply running away from commitments and responsibilities.

They choose this style to enable them easily disappear and reappear with their lovey-dovey talks, anytime they feel like it. They keep you as spare tyres when the need arises.

Of a truth, I tell you, most of them now don’t even have time for the love and castle you build in your head, their focus is their career, money, success and how to relieve sexual needs. Be careful!

For those of you who think you’re smart or wise enough to change a player. Keep trying, but know this: A man can change only if he wants to. You can not change a man.

So how can you identify such kinds of men?

By their fruits!

[ ] They tell you “I miss you more than I love you” Beware!
[ ] They are smart, mysterious, kitted and coded, They avoid any question of seriousness.
[ ] Dare talk of marriage and the dog.
[ ] They prefer your relationship with them to be hidden. Thus hiding you like cocaine.
[ ] The two of you can be online but he won’t chat with you, no text, and always claiming busy.
[ ] They only chat whenever they are bored or have nothing to do. They don’t sacrifice time to meet.
[ ] They snide inbox to ask for nude pictures always.
[ ] Their conservations are also seasoned with trivialities.
[ ] They don’t motivate or inspire you to do something good for yourself.
[ ] The best motivation they offer is on paediatrics
[ ] They don’t discuss their personal life with you nor care about yours.
[ ] They don’t introduce you to important people in their lives. You only meet, accidentally, some unserious friends of theirs.

Just small from their features lovelies.

How can you flee such kind of men?

As a woman, you will know deep within who loves you genuinely. But, never make hasty conclusions on such matters given the ambiguity of and unpredictability of its wind.


Clip this at the back of your mind.???

Every man that comes your way must not love you or toast you. And you must not marry anyone/anyhow just for the sake of marriage. You can’t marry everybody. At least you know for the bunch of men existing, you’re expected to end with only one or some few as fate may plead.

[ ] Some are in for a flawless friendship that will lead to marriage. Intentional Friends!
[ ] Some guys are there for the sake of being there. No strings attached. Accidental Friends!
[ ] Some want to feel how it is to toss with your head. It gives them joy. Players!
[ ] Some are in for some favours.
[ ] Some are in for sex and fun.
[ ] Some just want to calm their frustrations from life and their relationships. They just need n you; nothing more, nothing less!

Be watchful and stop falling for underserved people.


As a single woman, you’re supposed to do the following when wrapped in an undefined relationship. Especially with play guys.

You must Develop the following to handle such:

[ ] DISCERNMENT: Observe who intrudes on your PERSONAL SPACE and the INTERNAL INTENTS of their EMERGENCE into your LIFE. Be open-minded even as you discern your company. Some might be extremely spiritual without but within are carnal folks and some could just appear irresponsible outward but within are good men. Don’t judge a book from its cover and never select a company on physical submissions.

[ ] DISCIPLINE: Avoid desperation. Get a life. Know your worth and act on it. Be strong to know when to let go. Think and act rationally. Tell yourself the bitter truth, then act on it.

[ ] DEFINITION: Look! This is your life. You have the charge over who comes in and goes out. Always define the relationship before committing yourself. Expect anything from anyone. And feed not your expectations with false anticipation.

WAIT till they TALK. Stop building a castle in your head; some guys just want to be nice and gentlemen, nothing more. So, if he hasn’t PROPOSE, don’t PURPOSE. If he hasn’t TALK don’t WALK. Mind you; you can always drag him if it seems he doesn’t want to speak but waste your time.

[ ] DILIGENCE: Don’t use prayers to replace common sense and right thinking. Be focused and engage in something productive. Give play guys no time to waste. Your heart is not a stadium for accommodating any dick and Harry. So, diligently guard it against ‘shirt crusaders’ aka play gang.

Stop depending on men for relevance, happiness, and well-being. Your sufficiency should come naturally within not from men. Be committed to improving yourself always.

You can’t fix a man, you can’t change him either. Don’t deceive yourself. Don’t stay around playing guys. Pursue your purpose and fulfil your destiny.


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