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Press Freedom Day: AMDF Remains Resolute Supporting Media Safety, Development


As the World marks Press Freedom Day, Africa Media Development Foundation, AMDF, has said that it remains resolute to support media safety and development, and shall not relent in speaking out against any act that violates Press Freedom in Africa.

The AMDF’s stance is contained in a statement issued by the organization’s Senior Programme Officer, Miss Joy Gadani to mark the Day.

The AMDF noted with concern the poor remuneration, interference and oppression as well as the global trend which reveals that journalists are the most targeted profession by repressive Government.

The statement observes with grave concern, 87 reported cases of Press Freedom violation in Africa with Nigeria having the highest incidences this year.
These trends, it emphasized, have continued to limit professionalism and practice of journalism, hence the need for government to ensure that media safety occupies the front burner of governance.

It also calls on Philanthropists, corporate organizations and media enthusiasts, to join hands in supporting media development at all levels in advancing quality journalism.
” Political office holders, security agencies should embrace the media as a partner in development, and ensure that no individual and/or agency of government abuse their power by violating the rights of journalists within its region”.

The statement advised citizens to desist from every form of misinformation, disinformation and fake news, but practice responsible citizen journalism that promotes peace and development of the the nation.

While paying special tribute to all journalists who have lost their lives in the discharge of their duties, and to journalists who are currently facing jail terms, detention, or some forms of incarceration, AMDF said that justice will find its way to them.
For every journalist and media supporter, AMDF is of the hope that the struggle for a free press will not remain evasive, but become a reality soon.


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