A Letter To Nigerian Youths, By Andele Y. Tadi


Beloved Nigerian youths, we should be proud of ourselves! The truth of the matter is that over 62% of Nigerians did NOT vote for Asiwaju. Which means that the majority of Nigerians do NOT want the octogenarian INEC/APC is imposing on us. But we should not forget that this presidential election was choreographed and pre-rigged. Everything that happened was from a written APC script. INEC was just playing by the script – securing 25-40% for Asiwaju in most of the states. That is the structure they have been boasting about. Structure of criminality, thuggery, stealing, intimidation, and illegal election process by INEC. But “God pass them!” (Nigerian English).

I am personally reconsidering my support and empathy for university lecturers who often turn to us to support them whenever they go on strike. They brought Buhari in 2015, 2019, and now they brought Bola in 2023. I expected those professors to stand up for truth and justice. What do they have to lose? Didn’t Professor Yakubu see Jega’s regret about his actions just 4 years after ushering in Buhari through a rigged election? The professors could have saved the day and would have written their names in gold in the sands of time. Alas!

To our African brothers and sisters from all over the world. Thank you for your solidarity and support. Many of you were holding your breath hoping that the Giant of Africa would get it right this time around, because you know the strategic place that Nigeria occupies on the African continent. We see the frustrations and the disappointments in your posts and comments. Truly, we did our best but the old corrupt politicians do not want to let go of power, and they are already in control of all the instruments of power in the nation. Asiwaju bullied his way with the help of his allies. Not even Buhari was able to stop him. You know that this is typical of African leaders. But we appreciate your love and support all over the African continent.

To all our teaming Nigerian youths. Thank you for all that you did. In reality, we won! Yes, social media won! Twitter won! Facebook won! WhatsApp won! If you add all the about half a million votes they stole away from us in Lagos, another close to half a million in Rivers and in many other places, and if you minus all the fictional numbers they added to Asiwaju all across the country to give him at least 25-40%; then you know that we won! But the whole election thing was a sham. Please let’s not give up. Let’s keep fighting peacefully with determination and love for our dear nation, Nigeria.

Now, what should we expect from an Asiwaju government? Well, ask Cameroonians about their experience with the nonagenarian, Paul Biya, who recently at the UN meeting was asked to give a speech but didn’t even know where he was and was asking, “Where are we? Who are these people?” Friends, this is where we are headed to as a nation. I wish I could give you a message of hope, but my own kind of religion is not “the opium of the masses.” I work with reality. So, brace yourself for whatever might come, including unprecedented international embarrassments. They shielded him from media scrutiny and debates; are they going to shield him from answering questions from CNN, BBC, and Aljazeera? He distributed Chatham House’s questions to his boys; would he bring those his boys to the UN and AU meetings to speak on his behalf? Do you now see the sand being thrown into our eyes? (Nigerian proverb).

My advice to you, just take good care of yourself and your family. Love and care for the people around you. Do not spend money anyhow. Do not depend on politicians for your daily needs. Guys, get your psychological and financial independence, and trust me, no one will take you for granted! Above all, Pray and trust God to see you through in the next four years. It’s not going to be easy but the Lord our God is with us. The God of Jacob is our Refuge! He says in Isaiah 43:2:

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”

Those of us in diaspora are praying for you. And we shall not be silent. Nigeria is our country.

For Zion’s sake, we will not keep quiet!

May God bless you and keep you safe.

Your brother, A.Y. Tadi Truth4Love


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