Liberia: Murder Of Former Chief Justice’s Daughter, Former Rebel Fighter Telleh Denies Involvement


Reports from Monrovia, Liberia says Varlee Telleh, a former rebel fighter who was allegedly hired to kill the daughter of former Chief Justice’s daughter has denied any involvement.

Former Truth and Reconciliation Commission Chairman, Jerome Verdier alleged last week that the Mayor of the Monrovia City Corporation hired Varlee Telleh, to attack the home of former Chief Justice of Liberia, Cllr. Gloria Maya Musu Scott, to kill her daughter.

Varlee Telleh speaking to newsmen Monday February 27, 2023 at the Monrovia City Hall wondered as to why he would be accused by Cllr. Verdier for the murder of Charloe Musu at the home of the former Chief Justice Gloria Musu Scott.

Telleh stated that the accusation was far from the truth as it was crafted due to his former role played in the Liberian civil crisis as a rebel fighter of the defunct ULIMO.

Varlee Telleh denied ever intruding at the home of former Chief Justice Scott, nor murdering her little granddaughter.

Flanked by senior officers of the Monrovia City Police, Varlee Telleh detested the accusation by Cllr. Verdier which he said was a well-crafted plan with the aid of his former rebel colleague Shelik Sackor, to damage his reputation and drag the image of Mayor Jefferson Koijee as the prime target.

Responding to questions on whether he was deputy Director for operations as climes by Cllr. Verdier, MCC police Director, Thomas Garwo, vehemently refuted the claims-‘saying at no time, was Varlee Telleh, has ever appointed to the position of Deputy Police Director, Monrovia City Police.

Director Garwo stated that Varlee Telleh is a ‘Patrolman’, and challenges anyone to prove otherwise.

On why he was carrying a 45 riffle as carried on various social media, Varlee Telleh, stated that the picture flooding social media was taken some 28 years ago when he fought alongside the defunct ULIMO-K.

He alleged that the photo posted on social media was given to Cllr. Jerome Verdier by Sheilk Seckor.

On the issue of why was Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee not owning up to Varlee Telleh following the revelation that he was the major suspect in the murder case involving the granddaughter of Justice Musu Scott, MCC spokesman argued that the question had security implications to which Mayor Koijee could not adequately address in the MCC Police Director Wilson Garwo.

On his whereabouts the night of the incident at Justice Scott’s residence, VarleeTelleh, told Journalists that he was on assignment at the Monrovia City Hall, when he was called by a friend early Thursday morning that his name had been mentioned into an armed robbery incident at the former Chief Justice home.

Verlee Telleh told newsmen that even though they lived in Banjor, Brewerville, he usually leaves early and comes back late due to his assignment and knows nothing about what has occurred at the home of Justice Scott.

On revelation by Cllr. Verdier, that he was taken across the Liberia-Ivory Coast border to invade justice, Varlee Telleh stated at no time did he leave Liberia and that he was surprised by reports that he had escaped the country.

It may be recalled, Cllr. Jerome Verdier alleged that Vardier Telleh, the prime suspect in the murder and butchery at the home of former chief Justice Gloria Scott’s home, escaped Liberia through the Liberian-Ivory border to invade justice.

In less than 24hrs since Cllr. Jerome Verdier, accused Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee, of being the mastermind of the early Thursday, February 23, 2023, attack on the home of former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, Gloria Musu Scott, leaving her granddaughter dead.
Verdier has been providing additional information on the incident with in-depth details into the incident.

Cllr. Verdier told SPOON Online that Monrovia City Mayor Koijee, early Saturday morning escorted Varlee Telleh, across the Liberian-Ivory Coast border, through Nimba County, to escape any potential prosecution amidst mounting calls for an impartial investigation.

The exile legal luminary Verdier, also revealed that the four persons arrested by the Liberia National Police, were not the perpetrators, and the action to arrest the four persons he termed as an innocent person is an equal travesty of justice.



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