2023 Elections: “We Need Leaders With Fresh Ideas, Integrity, Competence To Redirect Nigeria -Tangale Community Overseas


As Nigerians go to polls on Saturday, members of the Tangale Community Overseas have declared their solidarity with their people at home in Gombe State and all Nigerians in search for quality leaders who are physically, psychologically, spiritually , mentally and emotionally healthy.

In statement entitled “Democracy and the Coming Elections”, the community said they need new leaders with fresh ideas, integrity, competence and courage to redirect the country toward the path of peace, unity and economic prosperity.

The statement which was signed by the General Secretary, Lamela Umaru Lakorok therefore advised Nigerians to avoid religious bigotry, divisive ethnicity, blind party loyalty and personal interest.

Here Under is the full Press Statement;-


Many people have shared their thoughts and appeals to the Nigerian masses regarding the upcoming elections.
We, the Tangale Community Overseas want to stand in solidarity with our people at home and with all Nigerians in our search for quality leaders who are physically, psychologically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally healthy.
Nigeria has spiraled down into a lawless and failed nation in the last seven years. We need leaders with fresh ideas. Leaders who have integrity, competence, courage, and the political will to redirect the country toward the path of peace, unity, and economic prosperity. Therefore, come February 25, your votes are a kind of prayer and an expression of your values as a Nigerian. We encourage you all not to fold your hands and allow others to determine your destiny.

We must all engage fully and make our voices heard. It is one thing to protest injustice in the streets, and it is another thing to change our future with the dot of ink. While we acknowledge that the election process may require some people to stand in line all day, we must agree that it is the best sacrifice one can make for the motherland and posterity.

The office of the president is the most important and powerful office in the country. That office has the power to either build your future or destroy it. We have all seen what the office of the president can do and undo in the last couple of months.

We therefore appeal to the Tangale community and all Nigerians to come out and vote in the Federal elections on Saturday. It is vital that in choosing our leaders we avoid religious bigotry, divisive ethnicity, blind party loyalty, and personal interests.

The interest of the nation should be put above personal, ethnic, party, and religious interests. Let us focus on getting a good leader who can provide safety, peace, prosperity, and opportunities for our youths to thrive and prosper.

Gone are the days when we become enslaved to a political party. We should go for individual candidates not political parties. Whilst we in diaspora cannot determine who to vote for each of you, we have confidence in your ability to choose capacity, aptitude, and servant leadership. Let us focus on how we can influence federal policymakers and the executive. Politicians have come and gone, and so would the ones we are voting for over the weekend. Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” We cannot continue to vote the same kind of people and expect our country to change. The question then is, what kind of leaders are you giving your children? Even national politics is local. What is your interest when you cast your vote? For long, we have allowed the same people to dictate our leadership choices. What have they done for us? As you cast your votes on Saturday, you need to ask the question, “Can the person I am voting for see me where I am and understand the predicament of the Tangale nation?” Four or Eight years from now, can you say you were proud of your vote? Politicians from different parties have hitherto betrayed our people. It is time to think about the individual politicians seeking your vote.

Can this person deliver anything good to society? What is this politician willing to sacrifice to serve the community and the nation? Does this person see this position as an opportunity to fulfill their life ambition or as a privilege to serve our community or the nation? Does this person promote peaceful coexistence and unity across religious and ethnic divides? Does the person you will vote for represent our collective communal or national interests? Or is he/she surrounded by career elite politicians who care less about us?

We all have suffered as a nation; no tribe or religion has been exempted from hardship in Nigeria. This unforced error resulted from cognitive dissonance on the part of our people. We plead with the Tangale nation and with all Nigerians to use common sense, critical thinking, and optimum judgment to choose leaders this weekend.

We also encourage everyone to remain calm and peaceful throughout the elections period. Remember, during elections some politicians move around with thugs, but during inauguration they walk around with their families and friends. Be wise!

We will send another solidarity message at the next phase of the elections. We now declare our solidarity and loyalty to the Tangale nation and encourage all to come out and make Nigeria great.


Long Live the Tangale Nation, Long Live Gombe State, and Long Live Nigeria”.


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