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2023: Let’s Go Back To Politics Of Ideology After 40 Years Of Failed Govts- Kaduna PRP Guber. Candidate


To continue from where the Peoples Redemption Party administration stopped about 40 years ago in the governance of Kaduna State, its Gubernatorial candidate for 2023 elections, Hayatudeen Lawal Makarfi has appealed to the electorates to vote for the party to restore social justice and equity.

He wants to run a government that everybody takes ownership, has  sense of belonging and partake in the Project.

The Gubernatorial Hopeful was speaking at a Parley titled “Let’s Talk Nigeria” organised by the Kaduna League of Veteran Journalists at the weekend.

Hayatudeen who said part of his mission if elected, is to unite Kaduna, noted that the State had never more divided like now across religion, ethnic and opportunities.

Hayatudeen said injustices perpetrated over the years would be eliminated to make communities to live together, ensure equity in land use system, guarantee the autonomy of the judiciary, the legislature and local governments.

These decentralized system, he notes, would work for everybody and reduce rural – urban migration.

On economy, the PRP Gubernatorial Candidate said he would make Kaduna an economic hub of West Africa , ICT of Africa and a food basket of the world.

He stated that Kaduna has what it takes, having enumerated the abundant agricultural and natural resources, pointing out that what it lacked over the years, was leadership.

Hayatudeen said he would move the economy of the State from consumption to production by ensuring the emergence of dependence of goods and services made from Kaduna.
This, he explained, will be realized by investing in Small and Medium Enterprises in youth populace and their creativity. Government would also work on the curriculum in schools to make sure that entrepreneurs come out from the institutions of learning.
Informal sector will be captured into the system and empower them to be more efficient in the services they render.

These, he said, are part of what his Administration would do differently to restore the hope of “these young people so that we don’t have a repeat of what happened in Lekki, Lagos.
” We have a population of more than 70% youth population who are angry, disenfranchised, drug addicts, whose future have been mortgaged”.

On why he left out Insecurity and Corruption in his agenda, the Gubernatorial Candidate said the two issues were the fallouts of the failure in governance adding that if there were good governance, Nigeria won’t have been in this menace.


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