President Weah Opens Retreat, Tasks Cabinet To Re-Strategize To Move Liberia Forward


By Raine Tarka Golegio, Monrovia

President George Weah has challenged members of his cabinet to roll their sleeves and put all hands on desk to ensure that they bring Liberia to the promise Land.

Opening a special cabinet retreat in Ganta City Nimba County on Monday July 11, 2022 , the Liberian Leader charged his officials to soberly think on those necessary things that must be done to ensure that the country is a better place when they all met it.

“ I Encourage you people of your active participation in the performance management of your duties and compliance system which requires all Ministries and Agencies of Government and SOEs to develop a comprehensive, critical and analytical reports of policies and programs under your respective supervisions with emphasis on those that have been instituted during the period of our stalwartship“, he told his officials.

The Chief Executive also encouraged his officials to develop a service chatter for their respective institutions to provide clarity to the public about the quality of service they are providing to their people.

“It is also of critical importance that you develop a strategic policy plan that well be alien with the National Development Plan, The Pro Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) he emphasized.

Addressing the theme of the retreat “Pushing For A Better Liberia” , President Weah highlighted key priorities that they intend to focus on over the next few days of their stay in Ganta City Nimba County.

Among others, he named : the performance of the Pro Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) , the outlook of the Nation’s Economy, management and coordination of foreign aids and the revision of the 2022 Legislative agenda.

Others include: increasing accountability and transparency in government, enshrined culture of performance and delivering of results , improving coordination and teamwork in government and A review of the Presidential priority for the next sixteen months.

According to him, his administration has made great strides over the last four years in the implementation of development projects across the Country as such , it was imperative to review the status of those projects to ensure that they are fully alien with the goals and intention to take the Country to its desire destination.

“I include in this retreat , Presidential Development tour so that I can inspect key development projects and initiatives in Nimba County, he added.

President Weah very conscious of the 2023 general elections, urged his officials to take seriously the retreat, discussed and engaged actively because “We are now entering a crucial period of our administration “, he reminded them.

In October of 2022, sixteen months from now , the Liberian people will have their constitutional opportunity to reward us for the results we have achieved , therefore , “let’s us put all hands on desks with a full commitment to ensure that we get a resounding victory”, he noted.

The Ganta 2022 Special cabinet retreat promises to be very Intense and power packed especially with the opening statements from the Liberian leader to his officials to among other things tighten their belts and do much more better in their respective areas of government for the betterment of the society.


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