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ALL OF US MUST DIE, ONE DAY!!, By Malate Peter



No matter how careful, reckless, sinful, holy, prepared or unprepared you are; YOU MUST DIE, one day. And the world will never stop, your loved ones will move on likewise.

Oh! That moment when your soul will pull out of your mortal body, what next? where will you appear? what will you be left with?. God, your soul and your deeds.

Your adorned and smooth body will be left for worms to feed on.

That moment when money loses its value, property wear down, strenght wanes and beauty fades.

Oh! Vanity upon vanity!
Mortals? NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF GRAIN! Hey folks, stay humble??

What legacy will you leave behind?
Would your purpose be accomplished by then?
Would you go with your messages unraveled, unshared and untapped?
Would they follow you to the grave unused?
Would your ghost look at your talents and be proud or sad that they were not used?

What if Dr. Myles Munroe, John Wimber, Neyi Zimu etc held bound their messages to themselves alone?
Look at the impact those souls made and they left.

Death is not a respecter of anyone neither is it of power, fame or wealth.

Who ‘re you, what are you living for?
Oh God help us; we are weak and a mere mortal fill with imperfections, HELP!

Do you love someone, show them now. Because you may not get the opportunity tomorrow.

Life is one, no duplicate. No coming back, you die on earth….forever gone on earth.


Is short! But what are you using the short time to do. What are you living for?
Are you dwelling on the cuss it throws at you periodically? Wake up! Enjoy every bit to the fullest with abundance of love.

At the end, when all is said and done, all that matters is; how many people you were able to influence positively, impact and touch….. And what remains, is the relationship and memories we built.

Dear reader, you are different, I am different. We are created unique and endowed with so many talents and potentials.

It doesn’t matter how poor, ignored and valueless people look at you. You have something to give to others in this race.

Love is the greatest, is simple, is divine, is excellent and beautiful. Every human being you see, needs it. Give it.

Give your whole and go to sleep empty and peaceful in the grave.

Happy New Month.

©️ Malate Peter
July, 2022


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