A Basic Girl’s Guide To Slaying

Who is a Baddie?

Baddie is not a bad person. A Baddie is a girl. According to Urban Dictionary, a Baddie is a girl who is always slaying the game and always on fleek. Basically a girl whose appearance is always put together in a manner that is pleasing to the eyes even on her bad days.

A very high number of girls have watched a video on how to go from this to that. Sometimes, we execute it perfectly and even adopt the whole procedure into our daily routines and it becomes part of us. While some of us are basically tired of even trying – after watching the video, that’s the end. With the ever-evolving fashion trends, some things do not change and that is what we will be getting into in this article.

As a simple Mbeke who is looking into getting a massive glow up in this year 2022, there are just a few of things you will be needing to assume your full-fledged ‘baddie throne’. Some, you will spend on and others, you will just have to bring out from your innermost being.

This is a guide that’ll help you utilize your hidden potential. You won’t be scrolling through your instagram feed wishing you were Dimma Umeh or Diana Eneje (whichever the case may be).

THE FIRST STEP – Declutter

The first thing you must do is declutter your wardrobe. You want to sort through your bags and baggage to select those things that will be useful and those that won’t be useful to you on this journey you are about to embark on.

Those clothes, shoes and roughly other things you have in your possession that do not serve any real purpose to you should be out of your wardrobe and out of your life without any hesitation.


 SECOND STEP – Good Hygiene

The second step is taking care of yourself in terms of skin care and good hygiene.

You want to make sure you develop a routine on maintaining good hygiene and you are taking care of your skin properly. Baddies do not look ashy at any point, they are practically always on fleek.

THIRD STEP – Confidence

Be confident. It is that simple. Adjust your posture and take pride in your appearance.

FOURTH STEP – Get Flattering Outfits

Get clothes that are flattering. Yes it may look good on Priscilla Ojo or Toke Makinwa doesn’t mean it would look marvelous on you. Sometimes, we go shopping having the photo of what an IG model wore on our phones and decide that if it is not that thing they have on, we won’t get any other thing. Go shopping and have fun while getting what fits you best. Do not forget to get out of your comfort zone and buy outfits that you wouldn’t usually gravitate to, after all the major point of embarking on this glow up journey is not to stay the same but to polish yourself.

FIFTH STEP – Make-up

Make-up! Yes, makeup is an important part of every ‘Baddieship’. You wanna apply your make-up in such a way that it doesn’t take away the natural features of your face but enhances the beauty of your lovely face. There are tons of make-up videos on Youtube that give you a visual tutorial on achieving that baddie look you want. Here is a link to a tutorial you might find helpful https://youtu.be/W0Wcaqrt94I

SIXTH STEP – Attention to Details

Pay attention to details like your hair and  nails. Sweety, your nails have to be set as often as possible. If you like your nails short, get them manicured and polished. If you like them as long as Cardi B’s nails, there are so many designs to choose from.


Baddies wear braids and majority of the time, wigs. They wear locs and even go bald. It all depends on the look you are aiming for. You might want to invest in a quality human hair wig if you can afford one or two. If you can’t, getting your hair braided can be your best bet.

You can do this monthly as it serves as a protective hairstyle.

SEVENTH STEP – Know your Angles

While some of us look fantabulous from every angle when taking photos, the rest do not even know what their angles are, all they know is if the photos came out great today, it was their lucky day and if it didn’t, what an unfortunate event! As a baddie on a journey, you have to discover your angles and how to pose. Is it tilting your face to the left or to the right? Ensure you know what angles make you look awesome in your photos so you don’t go feeling yourself in the mirror but when your photos come out, you discard them.

PS: Get a phone with a good camera as well.

These steps are key steps you must take to be a full-blown Baddie.

I hope you found these helpful and do not forget to share this article with the people that need it the most, basically everyone.

Curled from NewsBreak


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