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Nigeria: Ramadan Message To My Fellow Zamfarawa — By Sanusi Bala


Assalamu Alaikum,

It is with great joy and enthusiasm, I brought to greetings, and best wishes in this holy month of Ramadan to you.

Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam and a great opportunity for all Muslims to purify their mind, body, heart, and soul by fasting and praying to Almighty Allah.

Ramadan is not only for fasting, but also for all Muslims to dedicate themselves to self-sacrifice, like abstaining from taking drinks or food and physical needs, asking forgiveness for their wrongdoings, and devoting themselves to Allah.

Going by the aforementioned, it is therefore imperative for all and sundry to make excellent use of the Ramadan Period to seek Allah’s intervention in the challenges bedeviling our dear state and the country as a whole.

I wish to enjoy all, more especially, the wealthy individuals, groups, and corporates to consider the plight of Orphans, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), vulnerable, and other needy to alleviate their hardships and to serve as a tool for seeking divine mercy, protection and development of our state in all ramifications.

My dear Zamfarawa, let me emphasize the need to intensify prayers as it remain the only weapon we have to fight our problems and for the restoration of Peace, Security and harmony. We also need to repent and make good use of the lessons we are learning in this prestigious month.

As a patriot, I heartily wish to extend appreciation to our Ulamas, who are heavily committed to educating and enlightening us on the norms and values of Islam as revealed to us through our noble prophet Muhammad S.A.W who we all need to emulate and follow his teachings.

May Allah (SWT) restore lasting peace in our dear State and Nigeria, as a whole. Amin. May He also accept our fasting as an act of ibadat. Amin.

Thank You Most Profusely


Alh. Sanusi Bala
(Sarkin Dawaki Mai-Tuta)
Zamfara State Governorship Aspirant, 2023.


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