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The Assiduousness Of A Miracle Seeker, By Bolutife Oluwadele

Miracle seeking is legitimate!

Come along with me, please.

For some time now, in our climate, we have been inundated with the new philosophy of seeking all manners of shortcuts to overcome poverty, especially generational ones. While this phenomenon may have been traced to the prosperity preachers, the complicity of the laypeople may no longer be ignored.

All sorts of miracles characterised the ministry of Jesus, and that seems to be the bedrock of proselytizing about the legitimacy of miracle seeking. No one who believes the Scripture will deny that He earned the reference as a miracle worker. Scriptures abound to affirm that.

I will deliberately avoid quoting Scripture here. My reason is that you should take that as a personal assignment to disprove what I will say, or better still, to affirm the veracity.

Get your Bible confirmation wherever you read it. Your Bible App, or wherever, but not from your pastors or G.O. this time around

Jesus started with seventy (70), and it fizzled out to twelve (12) as the authentic followers. He even asked the twelve if they would leave as well. They said no. The rest were contented with the miracles they enjoyed while they lasted.

Miracles are often for brief intervention. They are not supposed to be a permanent feature of life and living. For instance, the five thousand fed was an unfavorable condition where the chance of getting supplies for the multitude that trooped after Him was nearly impracticable. Did the 5000 plus people follow afterward? No record of such following.

What about Joseph coming from prison to become a Prime Minister within a few hours? Was that not a miracle?

The answer is both yes and no!

A man’s gift makes way for him. Joseph was reportedly gifted in the interpretation of dreams. He was a dreamer himself, and his dreams landed him in trouble.

Nevertheless, he was also gifted in supervisory acumen. He was in charge of the Potiphar household until he was jailed for overcoming seductive overtures. He was in prison and still exhibited supervisory acumen. His job after interpreting the dream of Pharaoh was made easy by his supervisory skills. A man diligent in his duty will sit with kings.

The blind healed at the temple was asked if he knew that the healer used an evil spirit to heal him. He was less concerned about that. To him, once he was blind and then he could see. End of discussion!

When people are desperate for miracles, they care less about their sources. The main reason, many a miracle seeker is easily deceived.

How does lasting prosperity come into being?

Through work. God does bless the works of our hands.

A miracle can also be like winning the lottery. You do not win if you do not play. However, there has not been any recorded fact that lottery winners became wealthy afterward. Many died in indescribable penury afterward.

Is playing the lottery wrong?

I did not say so. Neither is seeking a miracle wrong. However, miracle seeking should be the purpose of crossing certain hurdles or bridges. It should not be a way of life. Some attend miracle services all over the place.

Nevertheless, miracle seeking is not an easy task either.

Lots of time, energy, and focus are put into it. Fasting, mountain climbing, and all sorts are invested in miracle seeking, including ‘sowing seeds’ for ‘magical’ returns.

How about ritual killings?

It falls within the genre of seeking shortcuts to prosperity. The ‘merchants’ in that trade may probably tell their ‘victims’ that if you do not play, you cannot win.

Investment in business, trade, profession, and passion development is the surest way to prosperity. Where miracles play roles is in ‘accidentally’ connecting anyone decently engaged and diligent with sponsors or buyers of whatever is offered. A miracle is an intervention to lead us to more incredible blessings.

Could praying be considered a profession?

Prayer is an obligation to communicate with the Higher Being for guidance, direction, and similar phenomenon.

Next time put more energy into developing your gift and passion, then the miracle of linking you with the right person or source might happen.

We all need a miracle to cross that bridge, that hurdle, but daily praying for miracles while we idle away may not make it happen.

Manna was provided in the wilderness, but the land was allocated in the promised land for tilling, planting, and harvesting. Now that is how actual sowing occurs.

In the final analysis, get back to work, and your prayer may be answered when your commitment to what you are doing becomes real.

Oluwadele is a chartered accountant, author, and public policy scholar based in Canada. Email: bolutife.oluwadele@gmail.com


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