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Why Should Traders Jettison Islamic Teachings To Cause Hardship To People At Ramadan?, By Abba Dukawa

Mosque silhouette in night sky with crescent moon and star

A man who lives on income from illicit means and fraudulent practices cannot be morally advanced and spiritually elevated. slam lays the greatest emphasis on Qat Haldl (food earned through lawful means). Kitab al-Buyu’ The Book Of Transactions.

Regrettably the issue of haram was restricted to the consumption of food but cause more hardship to peoples and also not cares when it comes to the ways they are sourcing money. They don’t care even if they money is coming from usury, interest or corruption, they call it blessing.

Like we all know, Islam is most vehement in its condemnation of commercial dishonesty. It denounced, in the strongest possible terms, all sorts of deceitful dealings and illegal profits. It has disallowed all transactions not based upon justice and fair play The Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him), reprimanding the dishonest dealer, said: “Laisa minna man gashshdna” (Whosoever deceives us is not one of us).

Yet in spite of proliferation of mosques everywhere even in the markets places and people hurriedly join prayers in congregations but in our conduct, there is no much displaying of compassion and kindness as Allah stressed. Holy Quran stresses clearly righteousness is not in precise observance of the prayer and other rituals but in acts of compassion and kindness.

There are many verses about Compassion which stresses the importance and kindness among people.
Nowadays, Peoples mindlessly crave materialism by all means at expense of people’s hardship.

Sadly,  People start Ramadan fasting in every hard time which  coincides with  highest  record of inflation in the country, that  has reached an all-time high.  In spite of this hardship the essential commodity traders causing more  intentional hardships to people and this heartless actions have become an annual ritual for them to subject people to undeserved hardship by making millions of households go through hardship as a result of their heartless action of hike in commodity prices.

Yet, traders take advantage of every period at the deterrent of the poor customers who are struggling to survive with untold suffering perpetrated by these selfish  individuals that determine market prices. These exploitations of people  become a tradition for them to use the profits generated to take their families to perform unnecessary lesser Hajj without considering the pains caused to millions of households in abject poverty due to their acts.

If they can curtail their materialistic tendencies and pay attention to the teachings of the Holy Quran, surely, the society and people will certainly become much happier and Allah will bless them and protect their fortunes but greed will not set their eyes-free. Despite hundreds of daily tafsir by Islamic scholars emphasizing the importance of compassion, and kindness among peoples, till now nothing has positively changed from attitude of essential commodity traders.

We should, therefore, as a people, use the fasting period to examine our hearts, take responsibility for our misdeeds, examine our hearts, make amends and also to seek Allah’s forgiveness and refrain from evil vices.   Why  our  commodity sellers who wickedly subject people to unbearable  hardship and to hunger at same time but Restricts  Haram To  Food Not Money Source.

“O Allah, be kind to whoever is kind to my people, and be hard upon whoever is hard upon them” (Silsilatu as-Sahihah). The Prophet’s (SAW) prayer should discomfort any heartless peoples  in Nigeria.  In another version, he said, “O Allah, treat harshly those who rule over my nation with harshness and treat gently those who rule over my nation with gentleness” (Muslim). Stitch in time, they say, saves nine.

Dukawa can be reached via abbahydukawa@gmail.com 


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