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Why Education Reform Inevitable In Liberia: An Open Letter To President Weah


Mr. President,

It’s obvious that traveling outside of one’s country to seek formal education in another man’s land with high education rink is embedded with unique experiences. As such, many people have a great desire of leaving their countries in order to gain education from diverse perspectives.

But with the case of Liberia is at a very worst level where citizens are willingly giving themselves to fake traveling opportunities in the name of “scholarship” that have dubbed and marginalized many of our young brothers and sisters in the process.

This therefore stresses need for your led administration to draft and implement policies that will create an enabling environment for learning so as to resolve the prevailing circumstances faced by Liberian students seeking education on foreign soil.

Even though the prevailing circumstances wasn’t created by your administration, but an age – long problem that many past regimes had failed to solve.

However, with the mantra of a vibrant leadership to “Change for Hope” of Liberians by the CDC party, there is a need for redress.

President George M. Weah, a successful son of a slum community and visionary Liberian, it’s an open appeal to you on behalf of the struggling, scared, illiterate, muted, financially impotent Liberians and even the eloquent ones for a massive reform within the education sector of the country in order to reduce the huge number of cases where Liberian students have been reportedly dubbed and marginalized outside of their homeland.

It is about time to restore the lost glory by upgrading the education sector of the country in order to compete with its counterparts.

It is a common knowledge that not many Liberians will build interest in obtaining formal education on a foreign soil, as Liberia was a learning centre in some years ago.

Though prior to your ascendancy to the body politics of Liberia, there was a widespread criticism about your level of education which poised you to obtain foreign degrees, which was a positive step taken by you as an individual, and created a gab that your opponents predicted zero progress into your leadership ability.

We further embrace your efforts to afford a tuition free opportunity to all public universities and institutions of higher learning across the country which demonstrated your value for education even though there are some challenges faced by those institutions with maintenance amongst others that have caused some go-slow actions taken by staffers.

Mr. President, there are lot more of questions that need to be answered within the education sector that, why many young Liberians are traveling nowadays to foreign countries to seek what they termed as quality education?. Is it because they want to gain outside experiences or there are issues confronting them? If so, have you realised it?

Professors, lecturers and teachers at public institutions of higher learning complained of low salaries and even not being paid which contributes to massive corruption within the education sector, that students aren’t acquiring the right lessons resulting in poor performance in public examinations and performance on professional jobs.

At the same time, some public schools facilities aren’t conducive exposing students to bad sanitation and uncomfortable environment for learning.

Mr. President, honestly this portrays logically that there is a need for total improvement in the education sector of the country, and not about only providing the opportunities, but facilities in order to create an enabling environment for learning.

This is seriously lacking and that’s the reason why many young Liberians are traveling to countries like; Cyprus, China, Oman amongst others to seek education not in comparison with the one back home.

There is the need to fix the system in Liberia in order to resolve these nightmares. A stitch in time saves Nine, Your Excellency .

Raine Tarka Golegio, Advocate and Continental Secretary, Africa Youth Leadership Program and Correspondent of AFRICA PRIME NEWS


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