Prof Auwal Uba Bags Award For Excellence, As Bauchi State Univ. Emerges Centre of Excellence .


• Over 19000 candidates jostle for admission into BASUG

•Prof Uba emerges as the most active VC in the country -PAS

• BASUG commences Doctor of Pharmacy Program

• Takes delivery of tabulating machine


By Mike Odeh James;

The efforts of Bauchi State Governor, Architect Bala Mohammed in the educational sector in his state is paying off.This can be noted through the actions of Prof Auwal Uba Bauchi State University vice chancellor.

Last week during the matriculation ceremony for incoming students, Prof Auwal Uba the Vice Chancellor of Bauchi State University Gadau, was given a award as the most “active Vice Chancellor” in Nigeria by the Moroco based African Students Parliament.
Mr. Simon Sayor , Speaker African Students Parliament during his citation, commended Prof. Uba for the landmark developments he initiated as the VC Bauchi State University. Sayor said that no VC has developed any higher institution in terms infrastructural facilities and academics as Prof Auwal has done .
Mr.Sayor also commended the students of the institution for responding to their vice chancellor and being as proactive as Uba.

In line with the pursuit of academic excellence, a target set Governor Bala Mohammed,Bauchi State University has become the 7th varsity in Nigeria to run a Doctor of Pharmacy program.

Many Institutions find it difficult to run D.Pharm course due to the high financial, academic cum facilities that the program needed.

Nonetheless, Prof Auwal Uba fulfilled his promise that BASUG would run the program this year.

The Vice Chancellor was at his vintage best when choose the matriculation ceremony to announced that the Doctor of Pharmacy is a reality.

“Last year, we made a promise that we would admit students into the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences for the Doctor of Pharmacy programme.

Prof Uba continued:

“It is gratifying to report that by Allah’s Grace we have admitted 60 students for the programme after successfully passing the resource verification exercises by both the National Universities Commission and the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria.

“We are among the only 7 Universities in Nigeria that offer the Doctor of Pharmacy programme”, Uba added

Still on the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Desert Herald Newspaper saw set of equipments procured by BASUG for the faculty .

Dr.Yahaya Katagum told Desert Herald correspondent that the equipments procured are meant for the manufacturing of drugs such as paracetamol and and other medicines which are tablet forms.

Katagum said,

“We received some heavy machineries which includes the tabulating machines.
The tabulating machine is used to make all sorts of tablets that you know, including paracetamol, Ventolin and many more .

“Secondly, we also have the granulating machine which stir, turn and fumes the powdery substance called the active pharmaceutical ingredients and turned them into granules

“We have received the intergratiing machine,
Mixer machines and many others .

“We also have an impressive and modern laboratory called the formulating lab .All the machines are kept at the formulating lab and from there we churn out many products .


Dr Katagum who is the Dean Pharmaceutical Sciences, further exuded confidence in the ability of the institution to successfully teach students of Doctor of Pharmacy with all the equipments and laboratories that BASU have .

“As you can see, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences have all the facilities, the equipments, the specimen and laboratories to impart know into our students . I can assure you that after rounding up their courses, we would have the best graduating students”.

Further speaking on the D.Pharm degree, Dr.Katagum said reiterated the program is a step ahead a degree in Pharmacy and it is mean to build professionally trained Pharmacists in the country .

Katagum further revealed that apart from BASUG only two higher Institutions in Nigeria and the West African region have been able to get hold of the equipment .


Katagum also praised the efforts of Prof.Auwal Uba whom he said ensured that Pharmaceutical Sciences faculty got all the materials that we asked for .

” I must commend the visionary leadership of Prof Auwal Uba for making sure that we list our master plan, our strategic plan and then Implementing them one after the other .


Due to concerted effort put in by the management and staff of the Institution led by Prof Auwal Uba, Bauchi State University, Gadau has become the hub of prospecting students nationwide and beyond .
During the recently conducted Joint Admissions and Matriculation (JAMB) over 19000 candidates applied to BASUG for admission .
The quantum leap in the number of those seeking for placement in the Institution is due to the academic performances of the students who have been groomed .

Prof Auwal Uba further explains

“Records before us indicate that more than 19,000 applicants choose the University as their First Choice for studies in the 2021/2022 Academic Session. Of these 3, 688 were successful and therefore admitted into the various academic programmes across the 4 campuses of the University at Gadau, Bauchi, Jama’are and Misau.

The Vice Chancellor further explained due to the competitive nature of the selection process only 3688 were admitted into the various faculties

“With this high number of applicants, the pressure on the selection process was high and very tight. The admitted students are distributed as follows:

1.Agriculture -157
2.Arts – 279
3. Basic Medical Sciences -276
4.Education – 724
5.Law- 50
6. Management Sciences – 446
7. Pharmaceutical Sciences – 60
8.Science- 927
9. Social Sciences –

Speaking exclusively to Desert Herald Newspaper, a consultant on educational and political matters based in Abuja, Alhaji Aminu Dogo explained that if you follow the trajectory of Prof, you wi understated that he is a goal getter. Whatever he set out to achieve he will achieve it .
He also praised Governor Bala Mohammed for giving the Vice Chancellor a free hand to implement all the developmental plans he had for the Institution.
He added that “Arch Bala Mohammed is also very visionary and charismatic leader who is keen to develop Bauchi state University, College Education, College Agriculture and other various Institutions in the state”.

The President of African Students Parliament, Sayor also gave kudos to the state governor for being the architect of educational development of the state .
Sayor said, “ever since Bala Mohammed became the Governor of Bauchi State, education has taken a giant leap forward”

In the words of the VC , “Choosing Bauchi State University as institution of first choice out of the numerous Universities in this country is a clear confirmation of the confidence that you have in us for our high moral standard and academic excellence. I would like, on behalf of all of us at Bauchi State University to assure you in unequivocal terms that we are determined to uphold, protect, and ensure the peaceful stay of all of you in the University. All our stakeholders are fully supportive and cooperative in the strive to achieve that. By the Grace of the Almighty Allah we will not disappoint you.

Last year, we made a promise that we would admit students into the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences for the Doctor of Pharmacy programme.

It is gratifying to report that by Allah’s Grace we have admitted 60 students for the programme after successfully passing the resource verification exercises by both the National Universities Commission and the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria.

We are among the only 7 Universities in Nigeria that offer the Doctor of Pharmacy programme.
My dear students, your presence here is a testimony of your ambition and determination to become somebody important in future, and from this day going, you shall be ambassadors of this University. I hope you will associate your name with confidence with Bauchi State University and say it with pride. We will continue to strive and give you the best.
The significance of matriculation ceremony is indeed important in the life of every tertiary institution. It is a day set aside to consummate the process of admitting students. On this occasion, fresh students are made to take oath of allegiance to constituted authority and to commit themselves to peaceful living and coexistence as members of the University community. In other words, matriculation confers on the participating candidates, full membership of the institution having fulfilled all necessary requirements. Flowing from this, every matriculated student is entitled to all rights and privileges recognised by the University authority which include right to access information in the library and enjoyment of all available teaching and learning facilities in the University.
On the other hand, as full members of the University community, it is part of your obligations to maintain law and order, protect the University’s properties, respect the rights of your fellow students and report any criminal activities to the University authority. In light of the above, it is our hope that you will allow all these obligations guide your conduct throughout your stay in the University. You must be fully committed to your studies and justify your selection out of the thousands who wanted to come and study here.
Your admission into the University is an achievement and therefore you are enjoined to study hard to excel in your academic pursuits. While congratulating you for being found suitable for admission, you should count yourselves among the luckiest who became successful after the process.

The University is a center for learning and character molding for students. The core values also depict the vision of Bauchi State University which is to become a center of excellence in scholarship in as many academic disciplines as may be needed in response to intellectual and other development needs of the people of Bauchi State in particular, and the nation at large.

This University has zero tolerance for anti-social vices. You must therefore shun such by avoiding cultism, sexual misbehaviour, indecent dressing, examination malpractices, thuggery, fraudulent acts and other nefarious activities to avoid being expelled. I assure you that all the campuses of the University are safe to live and are conducive for learning. Do not allow selfish individuals or groups to hijack and use you for their selfish interests.

It is worrisome today that majority of our youths have lost the virtues of hard work, honesty, punctuality, and sense of morality. It is at this juncture that I enjoin you to inculcate the culture of hard work, honesty, always be punctual in your academic activities and strive to be morally upright.
It is important to realize that you are not only here to acquire knowledge, but also to be moulded in character, so that you can become assets to your families, communities, and the country at large.

Therefore, during your stay here, your lecturers and support staff will, through their exemplary life styles and moral preachment, take you through rigorous but rewarding moral and academic training.

I assure you; our doors are open to you at all times. The Student Affairs Division shall be your point of call pertaining your welfare, and your respective Deans and Heads of Departments for academic matters. This University is indeed lucky to have a Student Representative Council (SRC) leadership that is highly responsible, up and doing, and committed to the development of the University. Please cooperate with them as they will guide and assist you so that you can have a smooth sail during your academic and social pursuits.

There is no gainsaying the fact that the use of Social Media is the vogue in our society today. You are advised to use it for only positive things that will add value to your stay in the University. In line with the extant rules of the University, no student is permitted to publish anything concerning the University without the written permission of the Vice Chancellor through the office of the Registrar or Dean of Student Affairs as the case may be. You are therefore advised not to take the laws into your hands. Any violation of this rule will not go unpunished.

There will be an orientation programme designed for your benefit at the level of your faculties and departments. I advise all of you to attend all through as it will help you a lot.
Finally, I wish to re-emphasise the need for you all to take your studies very seriously. I therefore look forward to a successful completion of your different programmes within the record time.
Once again, congratulation to all the students who have just been matriculated and wish you success in the years ahead”, he concludes.


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