Miss Erudite Nigeria Sets To Equip Over 1000 Pupils With School Materials, By Kabir Adeyemo

Miss Erudite Nigeria 2021, Princess Akabueze

Education breeds confidence, confidence breeds hope, Hope breeds Peace. Beauty Queen, Miss Princess Akabueze is set to equip at least 1000 pupils with school materials which include School bags, exercise books, socks, pencils, biros and others.

Miss Princess Akabueze hails from Imo State and emerged as the Miss Erudite Nigeria 2021 at the Grand Finale of the Pageant show which took place in the city of Ilorin on the 6th of June, 2021.

After some months of her emergence as the winner of the show, Princess is now set to kick off her projects by executing worthy plans in order to instil confidence and hope of survival in the minds of many.

According to the theme of this year’s show ‘Run Your Race’, her projects will be targeted at empowering, encouraging and motivating self-growth in the minds of thousands.

This reason is to make people understand that one has to believe in himself before seeking validation from others.

Miss Erudite Nigeria 2021’s first project is tagged ‘EDUCATE A CHILD’. This project is aimed at fulfilling the desires of primary school children especially Government-owned schools whose parents have resorted to taking them to these schools either by choice or by financial restraint, in which case the latter is the most probable reasons nowadays.

It is sad enough that so many pupils especially in localities still attend to school without adequate school materials. Some pupils still carry their books with polythene bags and resort to stealing from each other due to lack of tools of learning, as ought to be provided for the kid.

This project is aimed at providing for at least 1000 children cut across different schools. The target will be localities because those in the rural areas tend to have many reasons to stay outside the four walls of classrooms.

Most of these kids end up being hoodlums or even resort to early marriages. This doesn’t give them the opportunity to solve any problem in the society rather they manifest chaos.

This project is being sponsored by reputable philanthropists and personalities. Date of distribution of the materials is still in view. We are very much opened to partnerships from persons with common goals in order to effectively accomplish this project.

Mr Adeyemo writes from Ibadan, Nigeria and can be reached via +234 (0) 0903 845 9386


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