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Project: AMDF To Strengthen Capacity of Journalists on Reporting Food Security. 



By Joseph Edegbo :
The Africa Media Development Foundation (AMDF), with support from Omni Agrik Specialties Ltd, is to implement a Project titled “Strengthening Capacity of Journalists in Kaduna on Reporting Food Security”.
In a statement Tuesday, announcing the project, the Executive Director of the Africa Media Development Foundation, Mr. Iliya Kure said the project is aimed at equipping select journalists in Kaduna to understand the concept of Food Security and to explore the linkages between insecurity and food production.
They would also be able to highlight the threats and its impact and demand drastic action by relevant stakeholders, especially the government, which has the responsibility of securing lives and the means of livelihood of its citizens.
According to the Executive Director, recent report by the World Food Programme (WFP) reveals that Nigeria and 22 other countries across the globe would experience acute food insecurity in the last quarter of 2021.
The report, Mr. Kure emphasized,  attributed the imminent acute food insecurity to conflicts, economic repercussions of COVID-19 and climate crises in these countries, which it tagged “hunger hotspots”.
“In Nigeria, farmer-herder attacks have continued to pose a great setback on food production, especially in the middle belt region, coupled with the effects of Boko Haram, banditry and Kidnappings in the North west and North East Regions.
“For fear of being kidnapped, many farmers have deserted their farmlands, while some farmers have had their farm produce destroyed by cattle or harvested by bandits. This has resulted in low agricultural output with a resultant effect on food security. This no doubt comes with a ripple effect of famine and consequently malnutrition amongst children.
“While farmers await interventions from security agencies, government and development partners, it is important that the media plays a role in amplifying these issues and continue to draw attention of relevant stakeholders to the risks faced by large- and small-scale farmers and what it portends for food security and economic growth in the near future.
The Executive Director, explained that during the 6-month implementation period,  the AMDF would engage select Kaduna-based journalists and avail them with useful resources that will lead to increase in awareness amongst policy makers and the general public, on the premise that when people are enlightened on food insecurity and the danger that looms, they would be able to take decisions at their levels and contribute towards managing the situation.


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