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Guinea: Opposition Leader Pledges Support  Amidst Condemnations

By Monday Ocheja.
Army officer who tookover power have consolidate power by appointing military officers to the eight regions and and various administrative district.
The political opponent of disposed Guinea president, Mr  Cellou Dalein Diallo has also expressed his support for the military government, and offered to discuss with the new military junta, in the hope that it will lead to “a peaceful democratic transition to civil rule.
Mr Diallo’s opposition coalition ANAD called on the military to establish a ” legitimate institution capable of implementing reform” which will uphold the rule of law, he said.
 This is inspite of the condemnations from   international communities.
African state (ECOWAS) will hold a virtual extraordinary session to discuss the situation in Guinea.
Al-jazeeral Correspondent in Conakry said the military was trying to win the “heart and minds of the people, and from indication things seem to be going their way”
” It seems that there is less division in the military now, and even in opposition stronghold people are warming up to the new military leader” Mr. Ahmed idris added.
The military which claims that the disposed leader didn’t keep to campaign promises , pressed on  justice ministry to release “political detainees”
About 20 political opponents of Mr Conde were free from detention.


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