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Book Review: The Cost of Silence, By Imabong – Ladipo Sanusi

The Cost of Silence Cover

Silence, they say, is golden. However, it is a grievous sin, even before God, to be silent in the face of any form of Violence Against Children (VAC).

Silence, we must break. This is not limited to voicing out alone. It includes every action that must be taken to prevent and protect survivors.

According to the 2015 VAC findings in Nigeria (UNICEF), one in two children experience physical violence. While six in ten Nigerian children under 18 experience some forms of psychological, emotional or sexual abuse before 18 years.

Bearing in mind that this is a Decade Of Action (DAC), we must act now from our sphere of influence. The cost of silence, we know, limits the capabilities of victims.

Ibukun, the Author, has used her writing and creative skills to pen down an easy-to- read book.

Delivered in few pages and everyday diction, the book is a commendable work of art which takes into cognizance the dying culture of printed material in our today’s society.

With this beautiful piece, the Child Protection Advocate has therefore not normalized but called prospective readers’ attention to the evils of violence.

I bet you will agree with me that understanding the Cost of Silence is of utmost importance to us all now more than ever.

The future of every child is bright. We must not darken it by turning a blind eye. It is quite expensive keeping silent.

Children must be empowered with information and skills through various safeguarding procedures highlighted in this book.

I earnestly recommend this book to all Stakeholders namely; parents, Caregivers, Religious Bodies, State and Non State Actors.

A wholesome individual, we know, is a wholesome future. Act Now. Break the silence. Indeed, the cost of silence is beyond redemption.


Author: Ibukunoluwa Otesile

Publication Date: 2021


Reviewer: Mrs Imabong- Ladipo Sanusi. Executive Director, WOTCLEF. 


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