Choose Your Company Wisely, By Abideen Zaynab Dasola

Dear fellow students, truly, I have no money to offer in support of your academic pursuits, but taking this piece from me and heed to it, you will thank God at the end of your various programs and other programs in life.

Wait, dear! Do you know why you are in school? Do you know how many people awaiting you outside? What will they say at the end of your degree program? What will your parents say of you at the end of your programs? Will they call you a loser or a winner? Will they be proud of you and thank God for not wasting money on you? I Know you are also asking yourself right now.

Be informed, a loser is a person who loses; one who fails to strive positively and win. We can also say he is one who fails to make triumph.

It is not necessary for someone to fail a test before being a loser. A loser can even lose before being assessed. That is why an English adage says, “If you fail to prepare, you have prepared to fail”.

Dear friends, look at yourself and people you surround yourself with, ask yourself if you meet up with them; I mean the successful ones and not the ’empty heads’. Make a critical juxtaposition between yourselves and discover your stands among your successful mates.

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Who are you making friends with? What kind of encouragement are you giving yourselves? To which path are you calling yourselves? On what and to what extents do you positively strive?

Are you walking with people who only invite you to where you have life pleasures and enjoy yourselves to the fullest, or night classes and academic activities instead? Believe me, my friend, you have entered a wrong bus, alight quickly before it takes you too far.

That path is not what you are here for and that is not how to achieve the aim of your academic pursuits. If you have all the pleasures and even gain popularity with them all, caring less about your primary assignment, how will you feel at the end of your program when your friends are graduating with encouraging results and you are asked to come back and retake some courses? Wouldn’t it be painful?

Losers are those who have missed their right path, wasting time on irrelevant things. You can be a guide to them rather than joining them on the lost path and all become lost sheep. Talk to them and persuade them to change for better, do not be included in the bad companies.

Are you making friends with people who always disturb you to do your compulsory tasks and always remind you of your primary assignment here? Please, stay with them. They are your brothers! Share and exchange knowledgeable words and good experiences with one another, you will all make it to the successful land at the end.

On a final note, I am not condemning participations in extra curricula activities on campuses. They really help because we need more than the academic certificate after graduation, but I will urge you to join clubs that will positively impact your academic careers. Keep good companies throughout your stays on campus, even after your graduation, and avoid any group that can jeopardize your studentship and your life entirely. Think deeply and choose your company wisely. People who have nothing to lose will help you lose everything you ever worked for.

Abideen Zaynab Dasola is a 200 level student of English Language, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto.


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