Echoes Of June 12, The Civil War And National Recognition Of May 30 Similitude Of June 12, By Richard Odusanya

One major problem with our people in this country is the inability to give up our personal comfort and excesses for the betterment and sustainability of our beloved country, Nigeria. No nation under the sun can tolerate the kind of characters that emerged today as leaders. This is, because, the vast majority of the people are not vibrant and futuristic. And that is part of the reasons why our leaders, “rulers”, could get away with blue murder and many things that you cannot practice elsewhere. Unfortunately, those who shot themselves into power by coup d’etat or compromised electoral process are still calling the shots.

It brings us to the issues of poor leadership as exemplified in the Muhammadu Buhari recent Twitter post that was deleted, which shows his hatred towards people. It gives the notion of a bad idea to be a Nigerian. This is a clear indication that, we haven’t tested Democracy in Nigeria for very long, particularly, in the last six years.

No other Nigerian president has supervised the scale of mindless slaughter of human lives in a non-war period in the history of Nigeria, as witnessed in the recent past years under the watch of the present political gladiators headed by Maj Gen Muhammadu Buhari RTD.

Major General Muhammadu Buhari is very successfully in the following areas: –

– abusing fundamental human rights of citizens.

– legalizing executive and institutional corruption.

– bastardizing the economic situation of this once vibrant nation with clueless and somersaulting economic policies.

– the only government in history that has dragged Nigeria into multiple economic recessions.

– entrenching lies and propaganda as policies of government among many ills of bad governance.

– allowed criminal and atrocious elements to hold this false contraption of a nation to ransome.

– instituting nepotism/ethno-religious supremacist agenda and many more.

Apparently, every fabric of the nation is being destroyed. No area has been spared, from the economy, to the naira, to the unity of Nigeria, to lives and properties. The damage is total and complete.

We can go on and on but here’s the summary, some people even say that “WHAT BUHARI CANNOT DESTROY DOES NOT EXIST.”

It has become imperative that we begin to hold our leaders “rulers” accountable and also the issues ranging from poor leadership, election rigging, kidnapping, banditry and insurgency can be a thing of the past.

Richard Odusanya is a Social Reform Crusader and the convener of AFRICA COVENANT RESCUE INITIATIVE ACRI.


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