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Dissecting Dividends of Democracy in Yobe

By Abba Dukawa

Within two years of his second term in office in Yobe state, His Excellency, the Executive Governor, Mai Mala Buni has demonstrated his commitment to the prevailing interest of the masses which should not be sacrificed either on the altar of political expediency or in pursuit of a narrow selfish agenda of those with discerned minds.

Buni Administration’s monumental achievements ring loud and clear each passing day since it came to power in 2015. The administration has demonstrated its true passion for issues concerning  peoples and state as a whole; he worked passionately to address matters of great concern to the Yobeans and quickly earned a reputation as a true people’s governor coupled with hard work.
The Administration has  greatly performed in the  area of infrastructural development, health care, education , roads, agriculture,
women/youth empowerment as well as  the  provision of local and foreign scholarships, and most importantly, building the confidence of the citizenry in the state.

Even though the  state  had its own bitter taste of the Boko Haram insurgency and other related security breaches,  the Administration has left no stone unturned in its concerted efforts to tackle the challenges.

It would be recalled that Yobe state Governor, Mai Mala Buni visited all the Service Chiefs and other Heads Of Security Agencies toward finding lasting solutions in ensuring peace and security across the state .
To this end, the Yobe state government provided  over 400 vehicles as logistics support to the Nigerian Army, Nigerian  Air force, Nigerian police, and other security agencies.

To fast track his Administration’s goal in the development of education sector,  considering Yobe State as a home to about a third of Nigeria’s 13.2 million out-of-school children, Governor Mai Mala Buni convened the State’s first education summit.

The summit was aimed at proffering solutions  in which  Governor Mala Buni’s has made a significant landmark in revolutionising the sector in the state.

The Administration established  two model primary schools and two model junior secondary schools in each of the state three senatorial districts to expand access to education by the school age children.
This would be further extended to cover each of the 17 local government areas.

Under this, the Administration has  increased  school enrolment, in the  state  and  also renovated structures destroyed by the Boko Haram insurgents.  Construction of new ones in the local government councils affected by the insurgency and other local government areas of the state had also been carried out in line with State of Emergency declared by the Administration on education.

In spite of the  financial challenge like other States of the Federation, Yobe State has been able to execute  developmental projects which have direct impact on the human capital development indices.

The Administration also sponsored hundreds of best students of both boys and girls to study in Petro-Engineering, operation theatre, renal dialysis, medicine, anesthesia, cardiac technology & pharmacy in Indian,  and others to  Al Azhar University, Cairo to study Qur’an and Arabic Language.

Toward achieving the Socioeconomic Blueprints of his Administration in  the state, His Excellency, Buni continues to woo local and international investors toward investing in state that is blessed with natural mineral deposits for which he met with Qatari investors from the office of Sheikh Saoud Bin Nasser Bin Khalid al-Thani  .

This is aimed at exploring and establishing  cement industry and meat processing factory in Yobe State.

The Administration resuscitated and upgraded equipment in various government owned companies like Gujba Fertiliser Blending Plant, Polythene, Woven Sacks Factory, and the Yobe Flour and Feed Mills as well as the Sahel Aluminium Companies to production line.

To cut the story short, the  Administration intensified efforts to revive these companies to boost internal revenue and create  employment opportunities .

Yobe State has witnessed what can be described as unprecedented infrastructural development, since the Adminstration came to power in 2015.

It constructed new township roads, housing units, modern markets in major towns and provided befitting Trailer Park in Potiskum . It also completed projects inherited from the previous Administration.

Within the years under review, HMB’s Administration has enhanced healthcare delivery to the people of the state by providing state-of-the-art medical facilities and equipment to provide the best services to the people.

To cap it all, it made sure that each of the 178 political wards in the state was provided with a health care centre.

Governor Mai Mala Buni proved to be   a personification of humanity, a selfless leader and an uncommon Governor, who thinks more about  his people than self.

It is worthy to note that Buni’s Administration pursues every opportunity with high sense of responsibility in ensuring that the electorate’s lives are improved
From the foregoing, the Buni Administration can stand tall among comity of States which have recorded  monumental achievements through far-reaching policies and programmes .

It now behoves on the  electorate to continue to support and cooperate with the Administration in making the State realises its full potentials to greatness through the good policy and consolidation of achievements recorded within the six year years in power.

Dukawa writes in from Kano and can be reached at abbahydukawa@gmail.com


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