Open Message to Mallam Nasiru El-rufa’i

Gov. Nasir El-Rufai

Dear Mallam Nasir El-rufai, with all due respect, your actions and show of force only dig quick graves for your downfall, not making you a champion. The world is watching as you display excess impunity as if you’re a colonial ‘slaves master’, understand that in the next 3 Years; your whole story shall be different.


You are not the lord of the ring in Kaduna; you’re just a Governor who may soon be forgotten like Ramalan Yero or Worst. You kept acting to make headlines thinking you’re hailed by the public or gaining ground in the National space; by the time you expire; even your neighbors and relatives will distance themselves from you.


You used to be a “Hero mentor” to millions of Youth but gradually becoming a “Zero tormentor” in the eyes of everyone. In and out of Kaduna State, you’ve lost the love, respect and cravings, while majority now see you as a “Tyrant Governor” with few years to leave office, waiting for a future where he shall never be trusted or regarded by the people.


To those shallow minds justifying and supporting the actions of Mallam, it is simply because those affected aren’t your fathers, mothers, uncles, aunties and relatives in general. The hypocrisy and illiteracy of many youths is a disease backed by social wickedness and chronic hate among the poor that shall continue to create a hopeless, futureless and crippled society.


If the youth want a better future, then we must openly and fearlessly condemn ‘accidental politicians’ and ‘ruthless public servants’ irrespective of our faiths, states, region or political standings. We must accept that heartlessness, recklessness, mercilessness, shamelessness and acts of senselessness especially by politicians is never about PDP or APC, it is just about the character and orientation of those in power.


Having studied and lived in Kaduna state for many years, I noticed that the youth are afraid to speak the truth against Mallam Nasiru Elrufai, but I will objectively say that I personally perceived you to be an arrogant, sadist, ruthless and a prideful politician. When I was growing up, our norms and values taught us that arrogance destroy human beings as fire destroy cotton. If there’s no death, there’s old age or even expiration of tenure.


It was Islamically stated that “..Do not turn your face away from people in contempt, nor go about in the land exulting overmuch; surely Allah does not love any self-conceited boaster” (Quran 31:18). The Oxford and Cambridge mentality in some of these politicians is never suitable to the Nigerian populace.


How can a state like Kaduna that heavily relied on civil service accommodate a policy of retrenchments of workers. In 2016, you sacked over 13,000 persons you called ghost workers. In 2017, it was 40,000 workers. now in 2021, we’re talking about 17,000 workers all across Kaduna State. Where’s your conscience and reasoning as a human being?. How can these people and their families survive the scorching poverty in Kaduna State?.


The bible says “..I will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their iniquity; I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proud and abase the haughtiness of the ruthless” Isaiah 13:11. Nelson Mandela said “The more informed you are, the less arrogant and aggressive you are”. I therefore, wish to advise Mallam, to thread carefully, for nothing last forever.


This is strictly my opinion, anybody with a contrary view is free to profess his ideas without fear or favor.


Zaid Ayuba Alhaji.


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