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Air Marshal Sadique Baba Abubakar Rtd: The Wrong Candidate For Bauchi State

-By Air Commodore Ali Muhammad Sadique rtd_

May I say that I read through the campaign lines dropped by Mr. Abdulrahman Sade with keen interest because it concerned Bauchi State. It suffices to mention that I am a bonafide indigene of Bauchi State and indeed borne and brought up in Bauchi city on the same Kobi street with your subject here, Air Marshal Baba Sadique Abubakar retired.

I schooled in Kobi primary school and GSS Misau before proceeding to the prestigious Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA). By the special grace of Allah SWT, I became an officer in the Nigerian Air Force and retired on the rank of Air Commodore an equivalent of a Brigadier General in the Nigerian Army.

So, with the above good lay of my background, you can tell that I shared long life with the former Chief of the Air Staff, Air Marshal Baba Abubakar Sadique rtd.

Therefore, I would like to acquaint Mr. Abdulrahman Sade with very little out of the much I knew about Air Marshal Sadique Baba Abubakar because it is my belief that you don’t know him as much as I do. Nevertheless, I supposed Mr Sade should have done some background checks on the personality of his subject from officers and airmen of NAF in particular especially, now that Air Marshal Sadique Baba Abubakar is retired, before proceeding to make such political recommendations on him to the people of Bauchi State.

Well; you are just starting so, let me tell you in brief what I and many of my colleagues in NAF think about Air Marshal Sadique Baba Abubakar rtd. Indeed he is a ‘wolf in sheep’s skin.’ A mean and arrogant personality without regard to other people. The details will come as soon as you continue with this campaign.

Therefore, you may need to reconsider your choice of a governor for Bauchi State, my dear brother. I really love my state too. Therefore, I cannot sit down and fold my arms to watch you or anybody sales Air Marshal Sadique Baba Abubakar rtd as Bauchi State governorship candidate.

It is not because I hate his person but, I definitely hate his mistrust and wickedness. Please you need to consult widely to know who the former Chief of the Air Staff, Abubakar is all about before embarking on almost a failed mission.

Bauchi State had suffered a big deal when it comes to leadership. Take a look at Gombe State borne out of Bauchi State but, far more developed and commercially viable. It is all because people like you kept selling the wrong guys. I recalled the last good governor we had was Tatari Ali of blessed memory. Until now when Gov Bala Kaura came on board and is doing the needful projects throughout the state. I am not a politician but, for the love of Bauchi State, I can’t keep quiet watch this wrong proposal scale through even though, I cannot stop whatever Allah SWT destined for the state.

Notwithstanding, I am ready to tell whoever cares to listen that Air Marshal Sadique Baba Abubakar rtd is a wrong choice for Bauchi State governor because it may lead to more regret than we have in the past.

Bauchi State deserves better and continuity especially now that somebody with the necessary zeal is doing it. We are all stakeholders in the state. I don’t care if anybody is projecting Air Marshal Sadique Baba Abubakar rtd because of monitory or material gains.

He/she doesn’t have to go to the extent of rocking the state boat.
Let Bala Kaura’s boat keep sailing until 2027 when we wish to have someone who will continue with the present good work Kaura is doing.

I am ready to take anybody point by point on each of the points you listed as pluses for Air Marshal Sadique Baba Abubakar rtd.

I remain Air Commodore Ali Muhammad Sadique rtd and can be reached via 0803 928 0346.


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