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Kenya: American Group Partners Local Firm To Boost Water Supply In Kiharu

A United States based charity organization, Can-Do-Kids, led by Kenyan patron Karanja Wamatangi, has partnered a local firm, Murang’a Water and Sanitation Company (Muwasco) to boost household water connections in Kiharu constituency.

The organization is currently constructing four mega tanks which will enable the water firm to store and distribute water to local residents.

Over 40, 000 households are expected to benefit from the project once completed.

“For a period of 10 years, the Can-Do-Kids organization has been constructing water tanks to local schools. Currently more than 50 tanks have been built in schools and we are targeting to construct 200 tanks. Now we have ventured in providing the community with water and that’s why we partnered with Muwasco to ensure the project is successful,” Wamatangi said.

Already one of the tanks with a capacity to hold 300, 000 litres of water located at Kariciugu area is complete and Muwasco is working to lay pipes and connect households with clean water for domestic use.

Three other tanks will also be constructed at Kabuta, Muchungucha and Gikuo areas in Murang’a east sub county.

The project entails building an international laboratory for the water treatment plant.

“After completion of the laboratory, our clients will enjoy water of high quality that meets international standards. The laboratory will also offer better opportunities to train our staff and those from other water firms across the country,” says Muwasco Managing Director, Daniel Ng’ang’a when he led from Can-Do-Kids organization to the water treatment plant.

According to him, the facility will also offer employment to young people who are studying courses related to water.

“We also acknowledge the National government for its effort of ensuring Murang’a residents get clean water. There are many boreholes which have been sunk by the government to increase availability of water,” he added.



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