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Liberia: NEC Seeks US$1.1M to Conduct 3 By-Elections

By Leroy M. Sonpon, III

Finally, the National Elections Commission (NEC) has submitted a total of US$669,173.04 for the two (2) by-elections — US$359,162.27 to be spent in Grand Gedeh County District #1 and US$340, 010. 77 for Bomi County respectively.

In her communication read during Thursday’s session, the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners, Cllr. Davidetta Browne Lansanah, said the NEC received official notifications dated 18 February 2021 and 23 February 2021 from the House of Representatives, informing the Commission of vacancies created by the election of Rep. Zoe Emmanuel Pennue of District #1, Grand Gedeh County, and Rep. Edwin M. Snowe, Jr. of District #1, Bomi County, as Senators in the December 8, 2020 Special Senatorial Elections.

Cllr. Lansanah also said in her communication that the budget for Bong County District #2 by-election was submitted in the amount of US$455,892.12, totaling the three by-elections to US$1,155,065.00.

Previously, according to the NEC’s communication on the budget for the two by-elections in Grand Gedeh and Bomi Counties, respectively, NEC wrote the House of Representatives requesting an audience to provide information, especially the budget for the implementation of three by-elections.

Pundits believe NEC’s Thursday communication to the House of Representatives on disclosing the budget for the two by-elections is owing to the much-publicized secret session between the National Elections Commission (NEC) and the House of Representatives based on a request from the NEC to provide information, especially the budget for the implementation of the three by-elections.

Accordingly, NEC is still expected to appear next week Tuesday, March 9, to provide other relevant information on the official notification of vacancies created by the elections of Rep. Prince K. Moye, Sr. of Bong County District #2, Rep. Edwin M. Snowe, Jr. of Bomi County District #1, and Rep. Zoe E. Pennue of Grand Gedeh County District #1, in compliance with Article 37 of the Constitution.

Article 37 says: “In the event of a vacancy in the Legislature caused by death, resignation, expulsion or otherwise, the presiding officer shall within 30 days notify the Elections Commission thereof. The Elections Commission shall not later than 90 days thereafter cause a by-election to be held; provided that where such vacancy occurs within 90 days prior to the holding of general elections, the filling of the vacancy shall await the holding of such general elections.”

*Liberian Observer


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