Netanyahu, Purim and the enemies

Rev. Gabriel Agbo

By Gabriel Agbo

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu in his recent Purimmessage responded to the continued threats of annihilation of Israel by the enemies of the Jewish state by reminding them of the biblical story of Haman.

Haman obtained an irreversible decree to kill all the Jews in Persian and confiscate their properties. But before the date of execution, God intervened and Haman, his sons and the enemies of the Jews were killed instead.

You know the story very well. We will come back to it later. Yes, I so much admire the dedication, love and courage of Bibi (as he is fondly called) to the cause of Israel. He is always ready to do everything necessary to protect and advance the interests of the Jewish state, especially the policy of never to allow the people go through the threats and victimization of the past.

I see Benjamin Netanyahu in the mould of Moses, Joshua, Gideon and Samson. And thanks to his family that gave Israel three indefatigable brothers – Yonatan, Benjamin and Iddo that served in the elite IDF Special Forces, sacrificing their comfort and life.

They left the comfort as the children of an American professor and training in Ivy colleges, migrated and joined the Israeli forces in the 60s and have played exceptional roles in defending the Jewish nation and its people.

  Though this piece is not about the Netanyahus, but we will forever remember the sacrifice of the indomitable Yonatan ‘Yoni’ Netanyahu; that young Israeli Special Forces commander that successfully led the rescue of about hundred Jewish hostages in from Entebe Airport, Uganda in 1976.

That operation remains a reference in the study of rescue missions and special operations. Just go back and read the accounts again and watch the films. And you will be amazed by the professionalism, patriotism and courage exhibited by the planners and executors of that mission and what those guys could do as far back as the 70s.

Ironically, only Yoni lost his life in that most-daring operation, but that was after terminating the terrorists, rescuing the hostages, sending them home. He and his men were retreating to board the plane and leave the place when he was cowardly shot by a Ugandan soldier hiding on the airport towers.

The Jewish commandoes went back and cleared the place immediately and also inflicted an irreparable damage to the Ugandan Air force by blowing up most of the fighter jets and equipment on ground. Because of my love for the boldness and sacrifice of Yonatan. I dedicated my book / audiobook Power of Sacrifice to him.

And it is now in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Finish, Swedish, French, Dutch, Chinese, Italian, German, Afrikaans, Indonesian, etc. Yes, there is no better time to remind the enemies of the Jews of God’s covenant of protection with his people than theFestival of Purim.

  As you already know the Festival of Purim is an annual event to commemorate that spectacular, miraculous deliverance of the Jews from annihilation during the reign of King Ahasuerus of the Persian Empire in 5 BC.

Haman; a Jew-hater was appointed a prime minister of the empire. And when Mordecai, a Jew refused to bow to him, the proud Haman got the king to sign an irrevocable decree to kill all the Jews- young and old, infants and women and confiscate their properties in a day.

But God miraculously intervened when Esther and Mordecai mobilized all the Jews throughout the empire to fast and seek divine intervention. Their enemy Haman was hanged, Mordecai (a Jew was appointed in his place), and another decree was promulgated that countered the first, empowering the Jews to defend and kill their enemies.

God delivered his people from certain destruction. Since then the Jews have been celebrating this dramatic deliverance and display of divine power till date.

Yes, Bibi was right to remind the enemies of Israel that the God of Purim is still alive to protect his people. And also that there is still today unwavering, commitment, determined, patriotic and fearless Jews like Esther and Mordecai to sacrifice everything, including their lives to see that nobody, no nation, no interest or gang up will  ever be given that chance to humiliate or threaten the existence of Israel again.

This has always been sufficiently demonstrated since the establishment of the modern Jewish State. And that policy remains unchanged. Touch Israel and you burn your fingers.

  But Haman is not the only example to be given to the enemies of Israel. Pharaoh messed with Israel and he, his commanders and horsemen perished in the Red Sea after the angels of destruction and death devastated his land. At that night of Passover, men and beast mourned and wept throughout Egypt.Sennacherib boasted and tried it. He even queried the ability of the God of Israel to deliver; comparing him with the gods of other nations that he had destroyed.

I love the way God responded to this, “Who is it you have insulted and blasphemed? Against whom have you raised your voice and lifted your eyes in pride? Against the Holy One of Israel… Because you rage against me and your insolence has reached my ears, I will put my hook in your nose and my bit in your mouth, and I will make you return by the way you came.” You already know how he ended.

Then, three nations came against Jehoshaphat and Judah. God took over the battle and that enemies in confusion slaughtered themselves. Not one person survived. What of the mighty and proud Goliath? After boasting, harassing and humiliating the Israelites for days, his head was cut off and his people defeated.

And can go on and on. Now, every enemy harassing you or the people of God will be displaced and cut off today in the mighty name Jesus! Chag Purim Sameach!

  Rev Gabriel Agbo is the author of the books / audiobooks: Power of Midnight Prayer, Receive Your Healing, Breaking Generational Curses: Claiming Your Freedom, Never Again!, I Shall Not Die, Move Forward, Power of Sacrifice and many others. Tel: +2348037113283 E-mail: gabrielagbo@yahoo.comWebsite Twitter: pastorgabagbo


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