Zero Discrimination Day: Interfaith Specialist Urges Nations To Shun all Forms of Discriminations∅


As the world marks International -Zero Discrimination Day, An Interfaith Specialist, Ramatu Tijjani has called on  Africans Arabs, and Europeans to shun all forms of differences and discriminations based on physical appearance, invisible disability, race ,name, ethnic, religion , norms and cultural differences in order to move the world ahead.

Zero Discrimination Day is celebrated globally on 1 March every year, to raise awareness on the importance of tolerating each other irrespective of tribe, culture and continent, so that everyone lives life with dignity regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, skin colour, height, weight and regional difference.

Ramatu who is the founder Foundation for the Protection of Women and Children in Nigeria, and spealist on Peace and conflict resolution in Africa,  stressed the importance of uniting the people and promoting the culture of tolerance, peace building and better understanding  among different faith base organisations across the continent.

” We must join hands together with every one without looking at his tribe ,culture and religion ,race and colour to end discrimination world wide in order to make the world a living place for everyone.                                                “Infact Discrimination among human destroy the world,hence the need to shun racism,differences among us.           “We kicked against discriminating persons with disabilities,hiv/aid, corona virus, and other diseases”.                         “We kicked against discrimination based on religion,region,race and ,ethnicity”, she said.

She appealed to Nigerians and all 54 countries of Africa to shun all forms of discrimination in all aspect of lives ,  While calling on all stake holders who include traditional title holders, Religious leaders, interfaith mediation centres, state and federal Governments, non –governmental organisations and civil society organisations that promote peace and unity, to  equally make use of the International  Day through sensitizing the general public on the need to be law abiding citizens and shun all forms of  discrimination in Nigeria,and the entire African nations.

The specialist called on media organisations to creat more programmes which would educate citizens on ways to live with one another irrespective of his religion , tribe and cultural background.         “We are created by one God,and we are both from Adams and Eve, we must stop stigmatising, discriminating and showing difference among human being

Additionally, she called on Human right organisations to take more campaign to schools and tertiary institutions  to sensitise youth’s and children ,so as to educate young ones, the importance of unity, love and forgiveness

“The symbol of Zero Discrimination Day is the butterfly. Firstly, on 1 March, 2014 the UN had celebrated this day.”.            She said, her organization is taking the campaign to places of worship, football view centres.


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