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Trouble With Anti Corruption Agency in Nigeria

By Abba Dukawa

The corrupt man is everywhere, the man on the street, the man next door, the man in the church or mosque, the man in the market or the departmental store, the policeman on beat patrol and the soldier at the check point (Okadigbo, 1987)

The present administration came to power through change mantra of President  Buhari with his top three cardinal promises  in economic development, fighting insecurity and corruption. Still Nigerians  are deep  languishing in extremely poverty as result of the corruption and   the  fighting   remain a mare political statements so to speak.

With the slow pace of fighting corruption since the administration came to power, Nigerians are alienated, angry and fed up with the way the fighting is being run by the administration, as there is no much to convince the citizens. Regrettably, it is under the watch of  present administration which came to power through change mantra that corruption perception index published by Transparency International shows no improvement at all.

With the current ranking, Nigeria is now the second most corrupt country in West Africa with Guinea-Bissau the only country more corrupt than Nigeria in the sub-region. The country scored 26 out of 100 points, a drop from the 27 points that it maintained in 2017. In the 2018 index, Nigeria rose by four places on the index from 148 to 144 and also the  dropped two places on the 2019, ranked 146 out of the 180 countries.

Since 2015 Transparency International reports indicated the administration led war against corruption seem  not effective in the light of the poor performance of the EFCC in several high-profile corruption cases like defencegate and most publicised  Diezani former petroleum minister.

But the Trouble with anti corruption agency in Nigeria is clearly lack of political will from leaders of the agencies assigned with responsibilities in  fighting corruption in the country as  Corruption cases have been on the increase. Anti corruption agencies  have proven beyond all reasonable doubt that they are not able to translate their anti – corruption “crusade” into action.

Economic and Financial Crimes commission Establishment act (2004) empowered the commission to prevent, investigate, prosecute and penalise economic and financial crimes as well as charged with the responsibility of enforcing the provisions of other laws and regulations relating to economic and financial crimes.

Almost 17 years since the existence of the agency, strangely, all former chairmen of the commission were all alleged to have abused their office with some doses of corrupt practices.

Mostly, the war lost between in the battle for supremacy, between the office of the Attorney-General of the Federation, and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission.

What coincidence both of them had one thing common the controversies trailed either their appointments or performances in office?

The Commission pioneer chairman was alleged to have been involved in abuse of human rights of suspects among other things and was not only removed from office but demoted from the rank of Assistant Inspector General of Police to Commissioner of Police.

Farida Waziri was sacked by President Jonathan claiming that she was removed from office in the national interest.  It was also alleged that she had  compromised the investigation into financial misappropriation against a former Governor of Bayelsa and Edo States

Ibrahim Lamorde replaced Waziri, also  became embroiled in controversy in 2015 after the Nigerian Senate alleged that $5bn had gone missing at the EFCC.

Ibrahim Magu replaced Lamorde Upper Chamber  refused to confirm him twice as Boss  of the agency due to “security reports”.He too, was booted out with  clouded  allegations against him.

Herculean tasks before the new chairman of the commission, which he    knows vividly are that both ex-chairmen of the commission have one thing in common and were disgraced from the office on issue of lack of transparency in discharging the fight against corruption.

Regaining the confidence of Nigerians in turning around the commission to achieve its objective, should therefore, be his top priority .
Nigerians and world over are watching him

Now, definitely Nigerians are expected much from Mr. Bawa to hit the ground running  because corruption cases have been on the increase despite anti – corruption crusades.
There are  allegations that those responsible for eradicating corruption are themselves corrupt.

Mr chairman,  be an agent of change in fighting the common enemy that has frustrated the realisation of country’s economic growth and development despite the enormous natural and human resources in Nigeria.

For you to achieve needed result , you should strengthen collective efforts in   citizens participation towards the fighting corruption. This will  increase the chances of engaging  non-state actors especially the media and civil society organizations, in  providing  information in line with the Freedom of Information Act 2011.

Let the chairman  use  knowledge  to implement reforms and ensure a fair and balanced fight against corruption in Nigeria as an official who passed through the ranks of the commission. Need to ensure  synergy between the EFCC and its sister anti-graft ICPC, CCB, CCT and other  law enforcement agencies this will  increase better results in the fight against corruption.

The slow pace of court cases, and financial settlements made by wealthy individuals and entities outside of the courtroom have also impeded successful prosecutions.

The convictions of two former governors, Jolly Nyame and Joshua Dariye, have failed to convince the public of any improvement.The commission should endeavour to be thorough before court filing and processes.

From the record, it shows  that the new EFCC Boss  has a  passion for the war, so he should ensure to have personnel with similar passion to work with for  positive image for the war. While those that are sheep in the wolf skin within the commission should be sent away.

For  Economic and Financial Crimes Commission to secure convinced  judgment, he should seek National Assembly and the Nation Judiciary toward establishment of special anti-corruption tribunal to facilitate speedy determination of hundreds of corruption cases before the nation’s  normal courts.

Dukawa wrote in from Kano and  can be reached at abbahydukawa@gmail.com


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