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Dissecting Chief of Naval Staff Agenda for Maritime Security – By Abba Dukawa, Ahmad Danyaro

Change presents humanity with a confounding paradox. Whereas change is constant and inevitable, it forebodes a vague sense of unease. Fear of the unknown taunts the nerves of even the valorous of men. Men of destiny however prepare for change, meeting it at the doorstep with secure pace .The Nigerian Navy gets a breath of fresh air on January 26 2020 with the appointment of Rear Admiral AZ Gambo to succeeed Ibok Ekwe Ibas as the highest ranking Naval officer in Nigeria .The Nigerian Navy is a branch of Nigerian Armed Forces. It is among the largest navies on the African continent ,consisting  of several thousands personnel, including those of the Coast Guard .

One of the challenges before the Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS) is safeguarding Nigeria’s territorial waters.   Gulf of Guinea is another security challenge which has become dangerous and threatens the country utilization of its full economic potentials . This vast maritime space with utmost economic significance to the adjoining countries and  it  a vast area of coastline with 20 sovereign coastal states and islands and a number of landlocked states.

According to a  report by the International Maritime Bureau of the International Chamber of Commerce, a total of 121 acts of maritime piracy were recorded in the Gulf of Guinea, incidents in 2018. In 2019  incidents rose to 195 and last year, Kidnappings  by pirates in the GoG  hit a record in 2020, with well-armed and violent gangs defying Regional Navies.   United Nations reported that Nigeria lost about $2.8 billion to piracy as a result of crude oil and maritime crimes.

This is a worrying trend that can only be resolved through increased information exchange and coordination between vessels, reporting and response agencies in the Gulf of Guinea Region. Latest statistics show that this is one of the problems CNS will ensure to tackle due to the increased capabilities of pirates in the Gulf of Guinea with more and more attacks taking place further from the coast.  This require prompt action with urgent need to address this crime, which continues to have a direct impact on the nation economics, and security of innocent seafarers.

Rear  Admiral Awwal Zubairu Gambo  appointment   came at a period when the country was facing serious security challenges and he has as  expected from Nigerians,  hit the ground running by tackling the worsening insecurity across  Nigeria’s territorial waters which have making life difficult for Nigerians.

Without doubt, he  hit the ground running by  unveiling his vision and mission  envisioned the type of the Navy to head  during his maiden meeting with principal staff officers, flag officers commanding and commanders of autonomous units of the Nigerian Navy  directed all operations commanders to sustain aggressive clearance operations to make suspected militants, pirate camps Non-Conducive for any nefarious activities to thrive and rejected the resurging incidents of piracy and sea robbery within Nigerian waters.

Henceforth his stewardship will also focus on human capacity development through Result-Oriented training for enhanced professionalism and as well as strengthening logistics support and maintenance capabilities to sustain equipment serviceability and platform availability.

CNS intends to actualize his Vision and Mission in  line with Mr President’s mandate within the first 90 days in office. While doing that, the CNS called for complete loyalty from all subordinate commanders and equally promised to take issues of personnel welfare seriously.

While his statements set to guide his stewardship of the Nigerian Navy, Rear Admiral Awwal Zubaru reiterated his readiness to  promote and sustain  Nigerian Navy core values of Integrity, Professionalism and Teamwork as well as ensuring personnel welfare is accorded high priority towards enhanced Patriotism, Integrity, Productivity, Innovation, Commitment And Dedication.

He also pledged  guaranteeing Nigerians, personnel and officers of the Nigerian Navy and even those around riverine and coastal areas, as CNS  will  ensure  nation waters remains safe from all forms of maritime criminalities and has zero-tolerance for indiscipline,  criminal activities and will formulate  policies to sanction identified Nigerian Navy personnel that collude with economic saboteurs and other criminals.

Another important areas the new Naval Chief needs to pay attention is taming corruption and identifying the bad eggs in the naval service. The immediate past Chief of Naval  Staff while handing over lamened that many officers of Nigerian navy still connive with illegal bunkers, sea robbers, oil thieves and other maritime criminals to undermine existence of the country.He said the negligence of the officers at their duty posts  is aggravating challenges in the maritime sector.

The story of the 21st indigenous Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS) and 9th since the return of democracy in the country, Rear  Admiral Awwal Zubairu Gambo is that of Triumph of the human fortune. His life is a proof that with strong will to succeed in life and divine nod to one’s actions, one can turn all obstacles to blessings.  The effort of this gentleman makes him to attain greatness by building fruitful Navy career from the bottom up the top echelon of top the Nigerian Navy.

The new CNS  quick start in office cleaning the Augean stable clearly shows great sense of responsibility, exceptional courage, sincerity of purpose and readiness to take the organization to an unprecedented level. There is no doubt that his legacies shall remain eternal source of inspiration for many generations to come.

Dukawa and Danyaro wrote in from Kano and can be reached on abbahydukawa@gmail.com


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